October 2021 - Version 3.39
  • 13 Jul 2022
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October 2021 - Version 3.39

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Article summary

If you have any questions about the release note, please don't hesitate to reach out to us through our support form.

Breaking Changes

In order to use the Waitlist feature for an event, the Full Name and Email fields on the Attendee Form are now required. If they haven’t been enabled, the following error message will appear, “The waitlist is enabled. Full Name and Email fields have to be marked as required.”

Events Checkout 2.0 is here!

It's finally October and that means the first phase of our exciting new enhancements to the Events checkout process have been delivered. With this month's release you will now be able to take advantage of the following new features:

  • Expanded Session functionality of the Events Wizard in Salesforce extending the ability to easily add free Sessions to individual tickets.
  • A new checkout UI experience allowing Attendees to register for free sessions during Event registration.

A brief demo can be viewed below!

Special Considerations

Below are some known limitations in the October release related to Events Checkout 2.0

  • UI Experiences: Currently only the Tabbed UI supports Events Checkout 2.0, support for the Full Width UI is coming in Phase 2, but is NOT yet supported.
  • Sessions can only be used in Checkout if those Sessions are associated with Event Items.
  • Paid Sessions: Not currently supported, but support will be delivered in an upcoming release.
  • Donations during checkout: Not currently supported, but support will be delivered in an upcoming release.


Front End Enhancements

  • The Enable Captcha field can now be checked in the Event Settings to enable the reCAPTCHA box to appear on the registration checkout page of free Events. Users will not be able to complete the registration process without CAPTCHA verification when this setting is enabled for free events.*

Back End Enhancements

  • Using the Event Wizard to clone Attendees to an event will now only copy over data to the cloned Attendee from the the source Attendee's fields:
    • Registration Status: To Invite
    • Contact and Account or Lead
    • First Name, Last Name, Title, Account Name, Phone, and Email
    • All other fields values will not be copied, as they are not applicable for the cloned Attendee

NOTE: A new AttendeeLink will automatically be generated for each cloned Attendee.

  • The “Event Keywords” related list on Event will display the Keyword and Keyword Category in addition to the “EK-XXXXX” record name.
  • A Website field has been added to the New Sponsor page layout. Clicking the image of the sponsor located on the hosted registration pages will take the user to the URL populated in the Website field in Salesforce.
  • The label of the “Custom Event Tab” object has been changed to “Custom Content.”
  • Community users are now able to use the Blackthorn Events Community Component with the “Build Your Own (LWR)” Community template.
  • Our Blackthorn Donations app and the Events app previously both had objects labeled “Form Submission.” To alleviate confusion, the object label in Donations has been changed to “Blackthorn Donations Form Submission,” and the object label in Events has been changed to “Blackthorn Events Form Submission.” This change is automatically applied to new installations of Events.
  • To clarify the next step in the attendee registration process, the Preview button at the bottom of the “Attendee Additional Details” tab on the Attendee Registration component has been changed to Next.
  • The following changes have been made to the Attendee Registration Component to help prevent duplicate registrations.
    • The text on the Submit button has been changed to Complete Registration.
    • The Complete Registration button will be greyed out after being clicked.
    • The text on the Add New Attendee button has been changed to Add Additional Attendee.
    • Both the Complete Registration and Add Additional Attendee buttons have been moved to the bottom right of the component.

Once the registration is complete, a new dialog box with a View Completed Registration (Sales Document) button, a View New Attendee (Primary Attendee) button, and a Close button will appear. If multiple Attendees are added at the same time, a fourth button, View Attendee Group (All Registrations), will appear.

  • To alleviate any potential processing issues for Event Registration Submission (ERS) records during times of high concurrent registrations, a new ERS processing option has been added to allow ERS record batch processing. This batch processing option can be invoked via the Events (Admin) page. This is particularly beneficial for those who have complex automation build around creating and updating Attendees.
  • The Form Submission Answer related list has been added to the Attendee Page Layout for new Events installs.
  • Customer Community users, Customer Community Plus users, and Partners are now able to access the Event Wizard (BT-Event Stepper) component in the Community.
  • The Attendee Builder component, located under Custom Components, can now be added to Community Pages. NOTE: The Attendee Builder will only be displayed in the community for Customer Community, Customer Community Plus, or Partner Community licensed users.
  • When registering a Contact using the Attendee Registration Component, users can now check 'Sort by Distance' to sort the eligible Events list by venue location relative to the Contact's mailing address. Additional configuration steps can be found here.

Bug Fixes

Front End Bug Fixes

Registration Success Message Not Displaying

The Registration Success Message field’s message, defined on the Event record, is not displaying properly after a user registers for the Event. The generic response “Your Order is Complete” is displayed. We are aware of the issue and are working to resolve the problem.

  • If the optional Cookies feature is enabled, the Cookie Consent Banner that appears after clicking into an Event Page URL will now include Accept and Reject buttons. Tracking will occur only if the user clicks Accept. This change was made to better comply with GDPR compliance requirements.
  • Event Level waitlist capacities will only be shown once waitlisting is active, not before. The number of tickets remaining will only be shown when Waitlist Enabled is selected on the Event Level and the Remaining Waitlist Capacity is 10 or less.
  • Previously clicking the Add to calendar button while viewing a session’s details, saving the session to your calendar, and opening the session from the calendar resulted in an error. Now, after navigating to the calendar and clicking the session link, the event’s session loads correctly. This change applies to the following calendars: Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Office 365 Calendar, Outlook Desktop Calendar, Outlook Online Calendar, and Yahoo Calendar.
  • When an Event cover image meets the recommended dimensions (820px x 410px (ratio 2:1)), the image will display correctly based on the screen width when using the 'Simple' user interface.
  • Event Attendees joining a Zoom meeting will be asked to enter their name and will be admitted to the meeting as a regular Attendee without the same permissions as the host. Previously Attendees were able to join the meeting as a co-host, with the same permissions as the host.
  • When an Event has an Event Item with a future sales start date, the Event Group will show “Starting from [date]” instead of “Sale Ended" for that event.
  • Authenticated Community users are now able to filter all Events by “My Events” from the Community by enabling My Events. The "My Events" filter is also supported on the Aspen and Calendar UIs.
  • During the process of purchasing a ticket type with Minimum Quantity > 1, authenticated Community users will now be required to add themselves PLUS the remaining number of Attendees required to meet the minimum number of tickets for the specific ticket type before proceeding with the registration.
  • On the Event Group listing sorting criteria has been adjusted so the following will occur when using the distance filter: Events will be sorted by closest to furthest, and Events within a Mileage Distance Group will be sorted by newest to oldest.
  • The Add New Attendee button will now be grayed out after the Maximum Quantity has been reached for an Event Item. NOTE: Until the next release, the Add New Attendee button will remain grayed out, even if an Attendee unregisters and and space becomes available. After the next release, the Add New Attendee button will revert to its original color when space becomes available.

Back End Bug Fixes

  • When hovering over the Preview Email button at the bottom of the Send Email pop-up window on an Event record, the words “Preview Email” will appear.
  • After clicking the Send Email button in an Attendee record, and hovering over the Preview Email button, the tooltip “Preview Email” will appear.
  • The Speakers tab in the Event Wizard has been updated to display the Search bar after switching back to the Speakers tab from another tab in the wizard.
  • For Recurring Events, to ensure that a new/active event will be added to the series of events after one event has ended and the “Blackthorn | Events Recurring Event Generate” batch job has run during the Recurring Events setup, set the Recurrence Method to "Keep One Open” and the Count to 1 or more.
  • The Cancel, Preview Email, and Send buttons in the Send Email pop-up window will either be visible or accessible via a scroll bar as long as the user's minimum screen resolution is 1024 x 768.
  • When creating a new Form Element on a Form and the Form Element Type selected is “Divider,” the Supplemental Question Information field will now be displayed at the bottom of the Form Element.
  • Users will now be able to select the Custom CSS Url field to the Blackthorn | Events Wizard Event Fields (Managed) field set in order to add field to the Details tab in the Event Wizard.
  • When using the Lightning web component to manually register an attendee, the Dietary Restrictions dropdown will present a complete list of previously determined options with a scroll bar, when needed. The Back and Next buttons will also remain visible on the page.
  • Users will now be able to successfully clone an Event when the Event Start Date is the same as the Event End Date and the Event End Time is after the Event Start Time.
  • The BT Events Listing Component in Salesforce Communities now loads correctly. Users may access the component via the builder or when navigating directly to their community page.
  • When using the Update Picklists button on the Events | Admin page, any new picklist values added to a new version of Events will automatically be added to the managed package fields post upgrade.
  • The logic used to to determine the sequence number for an Attendee Group has been updated so the sequence of the Attendee Group number will now increase incrementally regardless of Registration Status (Registered or Waitlisted).
  • After registering an Attendee for an Event and completing the checkout process, the attendee will now receive an email/receipt from Stripe, if Stripe receipts are enabled. To ensure that this occurs, the Email field will now be populated on the Payment Gateway Customer record.
  • To successfully use the provided script to embed code on a website, the following information has been changed.
    • The conference360_Embed_Event_Detailsc field on the Event Object has been updated to conference360_Key2c.
    • The Embed Event Details formula field has been updated to
    <script src="'&BLANKVALUE($Setup.conference360_Blackthorn_Events_Settings_c.conference360Platform_Domain__c, 'https://events.blackthorn.io') & '/loader' & '" data-path="/'&$Organization.Id & '/e/' & conference360Key2_c &’”>
  • An error will no longer occur when upgrading the Blackthorn | Events App when Shield Encryption is enabled on the Opportunity Name field.
  • When clicking the Add Attendees button on a Campaign, users previously received an error (Unknown property ‘VisualforceArrayList.Name’). Users will no longer receive an error after clicking Add Attendees. The popup dialog box will read, “Success! The Attendee Creation Batch has been started.”
  • To prevent custom recurring events, that are cloned from an event in the Event Wizard, from generating duplicate events, the following fields have been added on the Event Wizard under the Recurring field.
    • First Event Start Date
    • First Event Start Time
    • First Event End Date
    • First Event End Time
  • The null (FALSE) value conditional logic assigned to a Checkbox field on an Event Form has been corrected. The predetermined question will now be accurately shown when a Checkbox field on a Registration Form is left empty and when checking/unchecking the Checkbox field.
  • The Attendee conference360__First_Name__c, conference360__Last_Name__c and conference360__Email__c fields have been changed to conference360First_Name2c, conference360Last_Name2c, and conference360Email2c respectively. This update applies to front-end locations that pull Attendee information from Salesforce, such as the AttendeeLink.
  • All of the fields or questions that are included on the Attendee Form of an Event Item will now also be displayed when registering an Attendee for the waitlist.
  • Previously, when an Attendee’s Registration Status was “To Invite” or “Invited,” and the Attendee registered for an Event without using an AttendeeLink, duplicate Attendees and Campaign Members were created, and the original Attendee was not updated. To prevent this from happening, a new Matching Rule and Duplicate Rule have been created. Now, if there is an existing Campaign Member based on a Contact/Lead, the Attendee will be associated with the previously mentioned Campaign Member. The Registration Status for the Attendee and any accompanying questions will be automatically updated.
  • When logged into the Community as a Community user, Community Users are now able to preview and send emails from an Attendee object after performing the following steps.
    • Add a Sharing Setting to the Attendee object: Set the Default External Access field to “Public Read/Write” (Location: Setup>Settings>Security>Share Settings)
    • Create a CSP Trusted Site: Set the Trusted Site URL field set to “https://*.cloudfront.net" (Location: Setup > Settings > Security > CSP Trusted Sites > New Trusted Site)
  • Cloning an Event with an associated Email Template will now result in an exact duplication of the original Event and associated Email Template.
  • When creating a webinar on an event using a Webinar Account configured with Webex, the webinar will now be created without any errors. Previously a Malformed Syntax error would be displayed.
  • If the User and Company Information records in Salesforce are updated to a date format other than MM/dd/yyyy, the Email Template Preview and the sent email will show the updated date format.
Total Capacity Setting

To prevent Events with multiple event items from incorrectly showing that they are sold out when one event item reaches capacity, but the other event item has unlimited tickets available, one of the following settings must be chosen.

  • The Total Capacity must be set on the Event Level.
  • The Total Capacity must be set on the Event Item Level.

NOTE: The Total Capacity cannot be set on both the Event Item Level and the Event Level.

Blackthorn Events Mobile Check-In

  • The number of Active Event records that the Mobile Check-in App will fetch has been increased from 2000 to 4000. The updates should cause newer events to be fetched before older events.

Admin Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Events to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process.

Since Payments is already installed, the installer will install Base Package and make sure the correct version of Payments is installed before installing Events.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.


For previous releases we’ve offered a testing domain to preview front end changes for a week prior to the front end release. With this release, however, the changes are going live in tandem with our AppExchange Salesforce release since there is a strong dependency between the new version of Events and the front end enhancements and new features.

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.