Connect to in Test Mode
  • 06 Oct 2023
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Connect to in Test Mode

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Article summary

  1. Click the App Launcher.AuthNet_PGSetup_AppLauncher
  2. Type “Admin”.AuthNet_PGSetup_Admin
  3. Click "Blackthorn | Payments (Admin)".AuthNet_PGSetup_BTPaymentsAdmin
  4. Click "Blackthorn | Payments Setup Wizard".AuthNet_PGSetup_SetupWizard
  5. Watch the Overview Video then Click "Let's get started".AuthNet_PGSetup_WatchOverview
  6. Set Select Provider to "".AuthNet_PGSetup_Provider
  7. Set Select Your Gateway Mode to "Test". 
  8. Click Connect.
  9. Log in to your test account.
  10. If you plan to use ACH, select “Yes” and click Make Magic Happen. This will deploy the ACH record type for the Payment Method object.AuthNet_PGSetup_MakeMagicHappen
  11. Permission Sets - Select No and click Next. You have already assigned permission sets.AuthNet_PGSetup_PermissionSets
  12. Relationship Settings - MOST IMPORTANT SETTING - When a business charges a customer in Salesforce, there is an object that represents what's being sold, typically Opportunity, Quote, or similar. By default, we associate Opportunities, Contacts, Accounts, and Invoices with Transactions. If you need to associate Transactions to a different object, please select that object from the drop-down.AuthNet_PGSetup_MostImportantSetting
  13. Watch the Virtual TerminalOverview vieo or click ContinueAuthNet_PGSetup_VTVideo
  14. That’s it! Click Show me my first transaction, and you’ve completed the Payment Wizard.AuthNet_PGSetup_Done
