Supported Detection Patterns
  • 13 Jul 2022
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Supported Detection Patterns

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Article summary

Blackthorn Compliance comes with a number of officially supported Detection Patterns. These patterns match with common Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other sensitive data types. Below is a list of all Detection Patterns which comes with a Compliance subscription.

NameDescriptionTypeActive by Default
AMERICANEXPRESSMatching pattern for an American Express credit card.Credit CardOn
CHINAUNIONPAYMatching pattern for a China Union Pay credit card.Credit CardOn
DANKORTMatching pattern for a Dankort credit card.Credit CardOn
DINERSCLUBMatching pattern for a Diner's Club credit card.Credit CardOn
DINERSCLUBBLANCEMatching pattern for a Diner's Club Blanche credit card.Credit CardOn
DISCOVERMatching pattern for a Discover credit card.Credit CardOn
INSTAPAYMENTMatching pattern for an Instapayment credit card.Credit CardOn
INTERPAYMENTMatching pattern for an Interpayment credit card.Credit CardOn
JCBMatching pattern for a Japanese Credit Bureau credit card.Credit CardOn
MAESTROMatching pattern for a Maestro credit card.Credit CardOn
MASTERCARDMatching pattern for a Master Card credit card.Credit CardOn
SOLOMatching pattern for a Solo credit card.Credit CardOn
UATPMatching pattern for a Universal Air Travel Plan credit card.Credit CardOn
VISAMatching pattern for a Visa credit card.Credit CardOn
SSN_USMatching pattern for an American Social Security Number.PIIOff
UPSAnti-pattern to exclude UPS tracking numbers.Negative PatternOff
USPSAnti-pattern to exclude USPS tracking numbers.Negative PatternOff
CREDITCARDCombination pattern of American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. For improved performance, disable the major credit card patterns and enable this pattern. Masking will show "CREDITCARD*"Credit CardOff

Don't see what you need?

If you have other sensitive data you want to mask or remove from your Salesforce, then you will need to create your own Detection Patterns. This is a simple process of adding a new regular expression to Compliance's metadata.