How to Create Negative Detection Patterns
  • 01 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to Create Negative Detection Patterns

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Article summary

create negative detection patterns

Have you ever experienced a false positive before? Was it a tracking number that resembled a credit card number? With Negative Detection Patterns, you can effectively exclude these numbers from Blackthorn Compliance detection. All you need to do is create your own patterns for international phone numbers, UPS, USPS, Fedex, and other common false positives numbers.


  • Numbers matched with Negative Patterns are not masked nor are logs created. No action is the correct action for Negative Patterns.
  • It is possible for a record to have both valid credit card numbers and false positives.
  • It is also possible for the same number to be both a valid credit card number and a false positive.

Create Negative Detection Patterns

  1. Navigate to Setup > Custom Code > Custom Metadata Types > DetectionPattern > Manage DetectionPattern.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a Label.
    Must be unique - cannot be the same as other pattern names

  4. Enter a DetectionPattern Name.
    Must be unique - cannot be the same as other pattern names

  5. Enter a Pattern.
    This pattern must be a valid Regular Expression. Try a free tool like this to check whether your regex is valid.

  6. Check Negative Pattern.
    This field must be true

  7. Check Partial Match.
    [Optional] skips the entire field if a negative pattern is matched.

  8. Check the box IsActive.

  9. Click Save.