• 13 Jul 2022
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Article summary

This feature allows you to add questions and answers to any Event you have created. A great way to provide information about parking, ID requirements, who to contact, and more!

Event FAQ Visibility

To show the FAQs on the Event, navigate to the Event Setting record and update the FAQ field to "Always".


Create an FAQ

  1. Navigate to your Event's Related List and click New next to Event FAQs.
    FAQS 2

  2. Define the Sort Order, Question, Answer, and Category.
    FAQS 3

Rich Text Now Supported

We now support rich text values on the Question and Answer fields.

  1. Click Save and see your new Event FAQ!
    FAQS 4

NOTE: To add multiple questions to the same category, the Category value needs to be the same for all questions.

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