January 2024 - Version 3.43.13
  • 08 Jan 2024
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January 2024 - Version 3.43.13

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Article summary

Bug Fix

Users Blocked and Unable to Send Messages


After upgrading to the November release, internal and community users were blocked and unable to send messages. Users received the following error message: “You do not have permission to read the field Id on Organization.” Both user types were assigned a custom permission set, and the organization had a Site license.


Since the system was designed to show this component only if the user had the correct permission set or was assigned a Messaging license, the following updates were made.

  • The system will determine if the user is a community user. If they are, the system will automatically allow the user to send messages.
  • We recommend that customers assign a Blackthorn Messaging Standard User or Blackthorn Messaging Standard User – Community permission set.