August 2023 - Version 3.43.1
  • 22 Aug 2023
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August 2023 - Version 3.43.1

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Article summary


Workflow Rule to Flow Migration

  • The Workflow Rules have been converted to Flows to provide the benefits listed below.
  • Better Performance
    • The ability to refine and streamline high-volume automation via features like Run Asynchronously, Fast Field Updates (Before Save), and Entry Conditions.
  • Improved error-handling, troubleshooting, and debugging
    • Click into the flow from an error email and see the path that was run.
    • Try different record-updates straight from the debugger in triggered flows.
    • See how their governor limits will be impacted while debugging.
  • Exceptional extensibility with invocable actions and subflows
    • Users can package pieces of automation, either in Flow or Apex, to create building blocks that empower Admins and standardize common interactions.

Workflow Rule Details

  • Rule Name: Email Owner When SMS Message Received
    • Criteria: (SMS Message: Message NOT EQUAL TO null) AND (SMS Message: Direction EQUALS Incoming)
    • Description: It will send an email to the SMS message's owner when the SMS message is received.
  • Rule Name: Number Status Success/Failure
    • Criteria: Number Lookup Status: Status EQUALS Complete,Error
    • Description: It will send an email to the Number Lookup State's owner when the Status changes to either "Complete" or "Error".
  • Rule Name: Populate From Phone Field
    • Criteria: SMS Message: From NOT EQUAL TO null
    • Description: Updates the SMS Messages From Phone field.
  • Rule Name: Populate To Phone Field
    • Criteria: SMS Message: To NOT EQUAL TO null
    • Description: It will update the SMS Messages To Phone field.
  • Rule Name: Update Template Message Contact
    • Criteria: OR( ISNEW() ,ISCHANGED( simplesms__Auto_Response_Template_Contact__c ) )
    • Description: It will update the SMS Campaign Response Rule's Auto Response Message Contact field.
  • Rule Name: Update Template Message Lead
    • Criteria: OR( ISNEW() ,ISCHANGED( simplesms__Auto_Response_Template_Lead__c ) )
    • Description: It will update the SMS Campaign Response Rule's Auto Response Message Lead field.

Bug Fix


The Error Message field on the SMS Message record does not show errors on undelivered messages, even though the error message can be seen in Twilio.


If a user sends a message to a valid phone number, but the message is not delivered to the recipient, then Twilio’s error message will be shown in the Error Message field on the SMS Message record.