February 2024 - Version 1.20
  • 20 Feb 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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February 2024 - Version 1.20

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Storefront application.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Storefront to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Important Update

The Smart Scheduler (Blackthorn Base package) was added to the Blackthorn Candy Shop. Messaging customers can now use Smart Scheduler without downloading the Events or Storefront apps.

BT Salesforce Release

Bug Fixes

  • The Blackthorn | App Admin app authorization message will now include the date the app was authorized and the user who authorized the app. Previously, the user’s name and date of authorization were missing.
  • When a user enters a date to answer a question during checkout, Salesforce will record the date exactly as it was entered. Previously, Salesforce showed a date one day less than the date entered once the Form submission job was finished.
  • The Blackthorn | Form Processing Job5 scheduled job will now run without triggering an error. Previously, users received the following error. “Apex script unhandled exception by user/organization: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Scheduled job 'Blackthorn | Form Processing Job' threw unhandled exception. caused by: System.SerializationException: Tried to assign object of type Map<Schema.SObjectType,String> to field of type Map<Schema.SObjectType,Schema.SObjectField> in class: bt_base.FormSubmissionProcessAnswerBatch, while deserializing External entry point”


  • The Store Builder tab is now the first tab in the Blackthorn | Storefront and Blackthorn | Storefront (Admin) apps.
  • Users no longer need to upload a hero image in the Store Builder to move to the next screen.
  • When using the Store Builder, the hero image’s help text has been updated to “The banner image that is displayed at the top of the Store. The recommended size is 1536x300 pixels with an aspect ratio of 5:1.”
  • When a user clicks the Authorize button, Storefront and BT Checkout will be authenticated in the org.
  • On the BT Form Element object, all fields with “Form” in the Field Label have been updated to “BT Form.”
  • The help text for the following BT Form Element fields has been updated.
    • Form: “The BT Form this BT Form Element is related to.”
    • Question: “The question of this BT Form Element."
    • Hint: “A hint for this question. Will be displayed as placeholder text within the input field on the BT Form."
    • Sort Order: “Set the order for the questions/BT Form Elements."
    • Required: “Select this checkbox if the BT Form Element is required."
    • Form Big List Group: “Select a BT Form Big List Group if you have a picklist or a type ahead custom question that has more than 1,000 possible options.”
    • Picklist Values: “The answer values if the question type is a picklist."
  • The following help text was added to the Component Height and Component Width fields in the Storefront Experience Cloud LWC.
    • Component Height: “Recommended minimum height is 900px.”
    • Component Width: “Recommended minimum width in pixels is 800px.”

Webapp Release

Bug Fixes

  • Minimum padding will be maintained when a Product’s name is lengthy, preventing the price from exceeding the Order Summary boundary. Minimum padding between the total amount due and the Continue To Payment button will be maintained. Previously, lengthy Product names exceeded the summary boundary, and the total amount due and the Continue To Payment button overlapped.
  • The number of Products in the Featured section of a Store will now match the value set in the Max Featured Product field. Previously, all Products were displayed instead of the selected value.
  • When using a desktop, minimum padding will be maintained when a product’s name is long, preventing the price from going beyond the Order Summary section.
  • When using a mobile device, minimum padding will be maintained in the following scenarios.
    • When a product’s name is long, preventing the price from going beyond the Order Summary section.
    • Between the total amount due and the Continue to Payment button.
  • If a Store Product’s Allow Adding Multiple Quantity field is checked and a user completes the BT Form’s questions during checkout, the BT Form Submission record will be created. Previously, the BT Form Submission record wasn’t being created.


  • A Store’s Product page will display “Free” when the Product’s related Price Book includes a Price Book Entry with a Price = “0”.
  • If a cart’s total value is $0, the user can complete the checkout process. The user does not need to enter a payment method but will still see a confirmation screen after completing the process. Form responses, an Invoice, and Invoice Line Items will be created.
  • Users can complete the checkout process when there are free and paid Store Products in the cart. Previously, the checkout process would fail when both free and paid items were in the cart.

Inventory Management

The following updates were made to the inventory management feature.

  • If the Show Quantity Remaining on Store field on the Store Product is checked, the quantity remaining of that item will be displayed on the Store Product detail page.
  • If the Store Product's Available Inventory field is populated, then quantity tracking will occur. The availability of the Store Product will be limited by the value in the field. Otherwise, an unlimited quantity of that item can be purchased.
  • If a Store Product's Available Inventory value is modified, the Store promptly updates the value users see.
  • Customers cannot purchase more than the remaining Available Inventory in a single purchase.
  • If a Store Product's Remaining Inventory is less than or equal to zero, users cannot add Store Products to their cart.
  • Items will only be released from the cart if the Available Inventory field is populated. Otherwise, the items will stay in the cart.
  • Users will see the "Out of Stock" label on a Store Product in their cart if, within 30 minutes, the Remaining Inventory of that Store Product is changed and the number of products in the cart is greater than the Remaining Inventory.
  • Store Products with Show Quantity Remaining on Store checked will only be held in the cart for 30 minutes. After that time, those items will be removed from the cart.
  • If a cart contains a combination of unlimited items and items with tracked quantities, only the quantity-tracked items will be released after a 30-minute interval. The remaining items in the cart will not be released.
  • Once a customer completes checkout, the quantity they purchased is deducted from the Available Inventory.
  • Once the entire quantity of a Store Product has been purchased, the Store Product will display "Sold Out," and no further purchases will be allowed.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.