September 2023 - Version 6.3
  • 25 Oct 2023
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September 2023 - Version 6.3

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Payments application.

Salesforce Release Update Known Issue

Enable Secure Static Resources for Lightning Components is a Salesforce Release Update that has been postponed indefinitely. Test Run on this Release Update should remain disabled in order to use our Virtual Terminal components. This is due to a Salesforce Known Issue.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Payments to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

It’s a New App!

Blackthorn Storefront is the lightest weight and easiest app to use to create a store from inside Salesforce. Add products to sell and let your customers add them to a cart and check out.

Storefront allows for the purchase of products including courses and digital items without an associated Attendee record. You can use your org’s existing Products and Price Books as well as integrate custom Forms into your store to ask custom questions and collect answers in Salesforce.

For more information about adding Storefront, please contact your CSM or Account Executive.


  • The following fields were added to the Payment Gateway object.
    • Field Name: TouchNet uPay Site ID
      • API Name: bt_stripe__TouchNet_uPay_Site_ID__c
      • Data Type: Text(15)
    • Field Name: TouchNet uPay Site URL
      • API Name: bt_stripe__TouchNet_uPay_Site_URL__c
      • Text(255)

Virtual Terminal

  • The following picklist values on the Action and Process Type fields on the Virtual Terminal can now be translated using custom labels.
    • Action
      • “New Single Charge”
      • “New Payment Method”
    • Process Type
      • “Capture Now”
      • “Auto-Process”
      • “Authorize Now”

CVC Optional Feature

The following updates can be applied to the LWC and Aura versions at both the global level via the Virtual Terminal custom settings and locally at the LWC component level.

  • Admins can now control whether the ACH payment option (Bank tab) on the Virtual Terminal’s New Payment Method screen is available by using a new custom setting. The new custom setting, Hide Bank Tab, is accessed via the Blackthorn Payments | Virtual Terminal custom settings or the VT LWC Component Settings page.
    • Field Label: Hide Bank Tab
    • Description: If enabled, Bank details will be hidden from the list of available options when creating a payment method via the Virtual Terminal.
    • Functionality
      • If Hide Bank Tab = “True”, then the Bank tab will be hidden, and the user will only see the add card option.
      • If Hide Bank Tab = “False”, then the Bank tab will be visible.
  • A new custom setting called Make CVC Field Optional has been added to the Blackthorn Payments | Virtual Terminal custom settings. This setting allows users to make the CVC field optional when adding a new credit card Payment Method in the Virtual Terminal. The default setting is for the CVC field to be required.
    • Field Label: Make CVC Field Optional
    • Description: If enabled, the CVC field will be optional when adding a payment method via the Virtual Terminal.
    • Functionality
      • If Make CVC Field Optional = “False”, then the CVC field is required.
      • If Make CVC Field Optional = “True”, then the CVC field is optional.

Bug Fixes

  • When the charge.refund.updated webhook runs, the refunded amount will be recorded as a negative amount and correctly reflected on any Invoice totals. (Known Issue: 000002873)
  • After a Transaction is disputed and a refund Transaction is created, the following will occur. (Known Issue: 000002253)
    • If the refund is a partial refund, the Retained Amount = the amount retained after the partial refund.
    • If the refund is a full refund, the Retained Amount = "0".
    • The Retained Net Amount = Retained Amount - Payment Gateway Fee (Dispute Fee).
  • If a Stripe ACH Transaction fails, Stripe will charge a Charge Fee and a Charge Failure Fee. This fix ensures that both fees are recorded in Salesforce. (Known Issue: 000002910)
  • When a Transaction is captured via a Spreedly Payment Gateway, the Non-Gateway Transaction field will no longer be set to "True" (checked), allowing Transactions to be synced with the Payment Gateway. (Known Issue: 000002920)
  • The four instances of “load_dataset” in the Candy Shop’s install path have been changed to “Load Sample Data.”

LWC Virtual Terminal

Known Issue: 000002905

  • The custom metadata mapping feature now works as expected and in the same manner as the original Virtual Terminal. Both versions of the Virtual Terminal now support data mapping in the same way.
  • The new LWC Virtual Terminal will correctly associate a newly generated Transaction with a Contact/Lead/Account when the Virtual Terminal is placed on the Contact, Lead, or Account object.
  • When the Blackthorn Payments | Virtual Terminal custom setting Hide Parent = "True", then the Parent field will not be displayed on the LWC Virtual Terminal.
  • Once a Transaction is successfully processed using the LWC Virtual Terminal, any values entered in the Virtual Terminal will be removed.

Field/Layout Updates

  • The following fields were added to the Payment Gateway object.
    • Field Name: TouchNet uPay Site ID
      • API Name: bt_stripe__TouchNet_uPay_Site_ID__c
      • Data Type: Text(15)
    • Field Name: TouchNet uPay Site URL
      • API Name: bt_stripe__TouchNet_uPay_Site_URL__c
      • Text(255)

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.