September 2022 - Version 5.71.2
  • 13 Sep 2022
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September 2022 - Version 5.71.2

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Payments application.

Salesforce Release Update Known Issue

Enable Secure Static Resources for Lightning Components is a Salesforce Release Update that has been postponed indefinitely. Test Run on this Release Update should remain disabled in order to use our Virtual Terminal components. This is due to a Salesforce Known Issue.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Payments to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Bug Fixes

  • A validation rule has been added to prevent users from deleting the last Subscription Item on a Subscription, as this action is not supported by Stripe and results in an error.

  • If the Terms and Conditions URL field on the PayLink Configuration is populated, the Terms and Conditions will be visible during the transaction, even if the Acceptance Language field is left blank.

  • To prevent errors from occurring when editing a Payment Method, the Stripe integration will use the postal_code parameter instead of the zip code.

  • An error related to Historical Sync, which would cause the job to loop in response to an error message from Stripe, has been fixed. The synced data will now be displayed correctly.

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.