October 2021 - Version 5.34
  • 13 Jul 2022
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October 2021 - Version 5.34

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Payments application.

Salesforce Release Update Known Issue

Enable Secure Static Resources for Lightning Components is a Salesforce Release Update that has been postponed indefinitely. Test Run on this Release Update should remain disabled in order to use our Virtual Terminal components. This is due to a Salesforce Known Issue.

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Review the Bug Fixes.
  2. Install Version 5.41 of Blackthorn Payments here.
  1. Navigate to Blackthorn | Payments Setup Wizard, click the PayLink tab, and install the latest PayLink package.

Bug Fixes

  • The Source field of a refund transaction will now be set on record creation. For example, if the refund Transaction is created from a webhook event, the Source will specify “Webhook.” Or if the refund is processed from Salesforce, the Source field will specify “Salesforce UI.”
  • After changing the Default Source on a Payment Gateway Customer to a different Payment Method, the Default Payment Method checkbox that Payment Method will be checked automatically. All Transactions with Transaction Status = 'Open' related to the Payment Gateway Customer will automatically be updated with the new Payment Method. The remaining payment methods’ Default Payment Method checkbox should be empty.
  • When processing a Transaction using PayLink, a checkbox to accept Terms and Conditions is now available for both ACH and Credit Card Payment Method types.

Stripe Billing

  • When adding a One-Time Price to a Subscription Line on an existing Subscription record, the addition will sync to Stripe as Invoice Items without error and will be Invoiced on the next Subscription generated Invoice.
  • Webhook Events related to Subscription Schedules will now process without throwing a null pointer exception error.
  • For customers using SCA and Payment Intents, Payment Intent records created from Webhook Events will be automatically related to the associated Transactions in Salesforce.
  • When using an ACH Payment Method with DocumentLink on a Stripe account that has had the micro-deposit requirement waived, users will no longer see the notification about micro-deposits.
  • After deleting a Subscription line item that had previously been pushed to Stripe, the line item will now also be deleted in Stripe. Additionally, future webhooks will not re-create the line item in Salesforce.
  • After registering an attendee for an event and completing the checkout process, the attendee will now receive an email/receipt from Stripe if Stripe receipts are enabled. To ensure that this occurs, the Email field must be populated on the Payment Gateway Customer record and associated to the Transaction and Payment Method.
  • The one-time lines on the Subscription invoice in Stripe will now reflect the Quantity that was entered on the Subscription Item in Salesforce. Previously, the quantity was set to 1 in Stripe, regardless of the Quantity set on the Subscription Item in Salesforce.
  • The Subscription lookup field on the Subscription Schedule record will now populate correctly after a subscription schedule in Stripe is created or updated and the webhook is processed.
  • When making a payment with 6+ digits in Euros and a European Stripe account, Stripe Checkout will now process the transaction correctly.


  • Transaction Rollup fields on Parent records will now calculate properly for Transactions processed through Authorize.net with ACH Payment Methods.
  • The intermittent issue causing payments to sometimes process more than once when using the Virtual Terminal with an Authorize.net gateway has been resolved.
  • Updates have been made to the PaymentChargeFlow Component when it used with Authorize.net in the following scenarios.
    • Users will no longer receive a 'Before Insert or Upsert list must not have two identically equal elements' error.
    • When entering the exact Card Holder Name and Email Address of an existing Authorize.net customer, users will no longer receive a Customer Profile duplicate error.
    • When using the exact Payment Method previously entered by a returning customer, users will not longer receive a Payment Profile duplicate error.


  • We're now passing the account type of Checking or Savings to Spreedly when processing Transactions with an ACH Payment Method. The error, “An unexpected error occurred," should no longer occur.



  • The Donations app and the Events app use the object name, “Form Submission.” To alleviate confusion, the object name in Donations has been changed to “Blackthorn Donations Form Submission,” and the object name in Events has been changed to “Blackthorn Events Form Submission.”

Bug Fixes

  • The Form Question page layout has been updated to remove the deprecated 'donation360_Picklist_Values_Longc' field and add the correct 'donation360_Picklist_Valuesc' field.
Donations Package Installation

If you are installing the Donations package for the first time, you will automatically see the field donation360Picklist_Valuesc on the Form Question page layout.

If you have previously installed the Donations package and are upgrading it, you will need to manually update the page layouts to remove donation360Picklist_Values_Longc and add donation360Picklist_Valuesc.

  • Previously, if the Payment Date field on a Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) Payment record was updated, Blackthorn's automation would update the transaction's Processed Date to the wrong date/time. The Processed Date on a Transaction will now be set to the exact date/time of the Payment Date listed on the Payment record.
  • Rather than giving the user an error, clicking on the “Getting Started” link on the Donations Setup Wizard page will now take the user to the Donation Form Setup  webpage.
  • Resolved a Donation Form Submission processing error occurring with Recurring Donations. The following actions will occur:
    • Future Open Transactions will be created.
    • Campaign Members will be added.
    • The Recurring Donation will be created.
    • The Current Transaction will be captured.

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.