November 2023 - Version 6.6
  • 11 Dec 2023
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November 2023 - Version 6.6

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Payments application.

Salesforce Release Update Known Issue

Enable Secure Static Resources for Lightning Components is a Salesforce Release Update that has been postponed indefinitely. Test Run on this Release Update should remain disabled in order to use our Virtual Terminal components. This is due to a Salesforce Known Issue.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Payments to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

New Feature: Allocations

The Allocation object now supports a Transaction with Transaction Type = “Write Off”.
When an Allocation record is created, it's related to an Invoice, a Line Item, and a Transaction. The Allocation record represents the allocation or a partial amount of the Transaction’s Amount and is related to a particular Line Item on an Invoice.

New Fields

  • Invoice object: Write Off Amount field
    • Field Label: Write Off Amount
    • API Name: bt_stripe__Write_Off_Amount__c
    • Description: If write-off Transactions are related, then this field is automatically populated. If no write-off Transactions are present, then this field will be blank.
  • Line Item object: Amount Written Off field
    • Field Label: Amount Written Off
    • API Name: bt_stripe__Amount_Written_Off__c
    • Description: Auto-populates when a write-off Allocation is related to Line Item.

New Field Updates

When an Allocation record is created, the following updates are made.

  • The related Line Item fields will be updated.
    • Amount Written Off
    • Balance Due = Total - (Balance Paid + Amount Written Off)
  • The related Invoice field will be updated.
    • Allocation Rollup field = Line Item Balance Paid - (Line Item Amount Refunded + Line Item Amount Written Off)
  • The Line item’s Balance Due field updates to reflect changes to Line Item fields, including Unit Price, Quantity, and Write Off Amount.

Updated Rollup Calculations

The following calculations were updated to include write-off amounts and the new fields on the Invoice and Line Item records.

  • Balance Paid: When the Allocation’s Type = "Payment" and the Allocation is associated with a Line Item object, then the Allocation’s Amount is automatically rolled up to the Line Item’s Balance Paid field.
  • Amount Refunded: When Allocation’s Type = "Refund" and the Allocation is associated with a Line Item object, then the Allocation’s Amount is automatically rolled up to the Line Item’s Amount Refunded field.
  • Amount Written Off: When Allocation’s Type = "Write Off" and the Allocation is associated with a Line Item object, then the Allocation’s Amount automatically rolled up to the Line Item’s Amount Written Off field.
  • Balance Due: Line Item Balance Due = Line Item Total - (Line Item Balance Paid + Line Item Amount Written Off)
  • Retained Amount: Line Item Retained Amount = Line Item Balance Paid - (Line Item Amount Refunded)
  • Total: Line Item Total = Line Item Net Amount + Line Item Tax - Line Item Write Off Amount
  • Allocation Rollup: Invoice Allocation Rollup = (the sum of all Allocation Type = “Payment”) – (The sum of all Allocation Type = “Refund” + the sum of all Allocation Type = “Write off”)

Click here for a more detailed explanation of updated Allocations

Bug Fixes

  • If a user edits an Invoice record, the Invoice Fee Amount will now equal the sum of all fee Line Item amounts. (A fee Line Item is a Line Item with Is Payment Processing Fee = “True” (checked).) Previously, changes to the Invoice record caused the Fee Amount to reset to “0”.
  • Using the Virtual Terminal to test an ACH Payment Method when ECheck Type = “PPC” or “CCD” will no longer result in the ECheck Type field changing to “WEB”. (Known Issue: 000002689)
  • Users who have upgraded their org to the Winter ’24 Salesforce release can now create a new Payment Method with the LWC version of the Virtual Terminal when Action = “New Single Charge”. Previously, creating a new Payment Method with Action = “New Single Charge” caused an error.
  • Attendees can successfully complete the checkout process when registering for an Event. Previously, an error related to duplicate logic prevented the Transaction from completing successfully.


Flow Screen Charge Component

Blackthorn Payments users can now translate the labels the user sees (and override the Standard out-of-the-box values) when using the Flow Screen Charge component.

Pre-requisite Step

Before proceeding, you must enable Translations in your Salesforce org. Follow the steps below to configure the Flow Screen Charge component custom labels.

  1. Navigate to Setup.
  2. In the Quick Find box, type "Custom Labels".
  3. Click Custom Labels.
  4. Find the Custom Labels in the "PaymentChargeFlow" category or the ones with "ChargeFlow" as a prefix. (See the chart above.)
  5. Click on the Label you would like to modify.
  6. Click New Local Translations/ Overrides.
  7. Select your Language.
  8. Add the text for the label you would like to see displayed in the Translation Text field.

The language displayed will depend on the Language configured in the User Setting of the Salesforce user.

The custom labels are as follows.

Custom Label NameAPI NameStandard Label (English)
ChargeFlow AccountChargeFlow_AccountAccount
ChargeFlow AmountChargeFlow_AmountAmount
ChargeFlow Card Holder NameChargeFlow_Card_Holder_NameCard Holder Name
ChargeFlow Card NumberChargeFlow_Card_NumberCard Number
ChargeFlow Charge CardChargeFlow_Charge_CardCharge Card
ChargeFlow_Charge DescriptionChargeFlow_Charge_DescriptionCharge Description
ChargeFlow CurrencyChargeFlow_CurrencyCurrency
ChargeFlow CVVChargeFlow_CVVCVV
ChargeFlow EmailChargeFlow_EmailEmail
ChargeFlow Exp MonthChargeFlow_Exp_MonthExp Month
ChargeFlow Exp_YearChargeFlow_Exp_YearExp Year
ChargeFlow Payment DetailsChargeFlow_Payment_DetailsPayment Details
ChargeFlow Payment GatewayChargeFlow_Payment_GatewayPayment Gateway
ChargeFlow_Please_WaitChargeFlow_Please_WaitPlease Wait
ChargeFlow Postal CodeChargeFlow_Postal_CodePostal Code
ChargeFlow Related ToChargeFlow_Related_ToRelated To


  • To improve DocumentLink’s performance and stability, the number of API calls required to validate a user license has been reduced.

Bug Fix

  • When viewing an Invoice with Line Items via DocumentLink, the Line Items will be displayed with the title and body grouped together, and the entire entry on a single page. Previously, Line Items were being split mid-way through a Line Item and placed on two pages. (Known Issue: 000002725)

Bug Fix

  • Customers, who enter American Express card details on a PayLink payment form with a Spreedly gateway, will no longer run into an issue when entering the 4-digit CVC code. Previously, the user was automatically moved to the next field after only entering three of the four Amex CVC digits. (Known Issue: 000002883)

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.