June 2021 - Version 5.24
  • 13 Jul 2022
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June 2021 - Version 5.24

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Article summary

Once the below updates have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your payments application from the AppExchange.

Important upgrade note for all

Starting with this June 2021 release, we will require all customers to be no more than 3 versions behind the latest version. We'll start reaching out to customers this month that are more than 3 versions behind

Salesforce Release Update Known Issue

Enable Secure Static Resources for Lightning Components is a Salesforce Release Update that will be enforced in Winter '22. Test Run on this Release Update should remain disabled in order to use our Virtual Terminal components. This is due to a Salesforce Known Issue.

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Review the Bug Fixes and Enhancements.
  2. Install version 5.24 of Blackthorn Payments here.
  1. Navigate to Blackthorn | Payments Setup Wizard, click the PayLink tab, and install the latest PayLink package.


  • Stripe Checkout for Paylink. Users are now able to configure their orgs to use Stripe Checkout. This is a Stripe-hosted payment page.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved: Users were experiencing errors when attempting to connect their Spreedly Payment Gateway to Paypal. We've updated the Spreedly API request to now set the auth_mode to prevent this error from occurring.
  • Resolved: We noticed that sometimes when using the Sync with Stripe button on a Payment Gateway that Blackthorn Log records were being generated even when records were successfully generated. We've made some updates so users will not see those arbitrary log records.
  • Resolved: When using the Refund button on a Transaction the amount to be refunded was not displaying the proper amount each time. We've made an update to reflect the amount that can be refunded rather than the original Transaction amount.
  • Resolved: Removed unsupported fields from the DocumentLink Template object. This should prevent confusion when users find fields that are not seeming to function as they are labeled.
  • Resolved: When a Connected Account record was updated to subsequently no longer qualify for a "Verified" Verification Status no errors were being presented on the record. We made an update to our webhook logic to look for errors and add them to the Connected Account record.
  • Resolved: Users reported that previously the objects Sales Document and Opportunity were preconfigured as transaction parents during Payments Setup Wizard steps. Since this was no longer happening in the last few packages we added back this configuration.
  • Resolved: When logging in as a Platform License User a Blackthorn Log record was being generated after adding a Line Item to a Sales Document record. Additionally, the rollups to display certain balance fields were not being executed. An additional check to see if the current user has access to the Product and Pricebook objects has been added to prevent this behavior from occurring.


  • Resolved: Google Analytics tracking was not working on certain donation forms. We've added cookieFlags: 'SameSite=None; Secure', when creating Google Analytics trackers to minimize this from occurring.
  • Resolved: When unchecking the checkbox for the Require CVV field on our Donations Form the resulting form still required the user to populate CVV. We've updated our logic so the form will respect this configuration.

NOTE: The CVV update for Donations will go live June 15th

Configuration Check

Double check your Donation Form records to ensure that you have either enabled or disabled the checkbox for Require CVV per your business needs.

Updates to Custom Settings & Fields

  • Removed the following fields from the DocumentLink Template object:
    • Background color
    • Button color
    • Card color theme
    • Logo
    • Due Date label
    • Requested by label
    • Amount due label
    • Documentation