August 2023 - Version 6.0.1
  • 09 Oct 2023
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August 2023 - Version 6.0.1

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the (upgrade instructions) to upgrade your Payments application.

Salesforce Release Update Known Issue

Enable Secure Static Resources for Lightning Components is a Salesforce Release Update that has been postponed indefinitely. Test Run on this Release Update should remain disabled in order to use our Virtual Terminal components. This is due to a Salesforce Known Issue.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Payments to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.


Tap to Pay

  • Users can now select Accepted Payment Method = “Tap to Pay” on the Payment Gateway, Transaction, and Payment User Override objects.


  • When using PayLink, the Postal code field will be visible once a user selects a country. If the user selects the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, or Switzerland, the Postal code field will be required.

Bug Fixes

  • To give users the ability to decide whether the “Bill To” and “Ship To” values on a DocumentLink should be automatically updated when a change is made to the Account or Contact details on a related Invoice, a new custom setting was created. (Known Issue: 000002824)
    • Name: Retain Invoice text values
    • Location: Blackthorn Pay - Trigger Settings.
    • Functionality
      • If Retain Invoice text values = "False", then the address Information fields will be updated on the Invoice record. This is the default setting.
      • If Retain Invoice text values = "True", then the address Information fields will not be updated on the Invoice record.
  • Changes made to the default Payment Method in Blackthorn Payments will be reflected in Stripe and vice versa. (Known Issues: 000002255 and 000002301)
  • Using Product field values with decimals will now sync to Stripe without causing an error. (Known Issue: 000002857)
  • If the Amount on an authorized Transaction that uses an Payment Gateway is changed to a lesser amount, the Transaction’s Payment Status will be updated to “Partially Captured”. (Known Issue: 000002422)
  • The LWC Virtual Terminal will now run correctly inside the Salesforce Field Service Lightning app.
  • If a user clicks the Add Payment Fields to Page Layouts button on the Blackthorn Payments Admin tab after upgrading the Payments app, the Payment Method object’s ACH (Bank Account) page layout will include the Mandate Data section (and fields). The following fields are in the Mandate Data section.
    • Mandate Accepted At: The date/time that customer accepted mandate for ACH payment methods.
    • IP Address: The IP address from which the mandate was accepted by the customer.
    • Customer Acceptance Type: Indicates whether the mandate acceptance was performed online or offline.
    • User Agent: The user agent of the browser from which the mandate was accepted by the customer.


  • The UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW error that occurred after creating a Subscription in Stripe and modifying the related Invoice with a one-time Line Item has been corrected. (Known Issue: 000002008)
  • To ensure that an Invoice generated from a Subscription has the same Payment Method as the Subscription, a new custom setting was created. (Known Issue: 000002799)
    • Name: Update Invoices with Subscription PM
    • Location: Blackthorn Pay – Trigger Settings
    • Functionality
      • If Update Invoices with Subscription PM = "False", then the default Payment Method is updated on the Invoice when creating the Invoice record from the Subscription record.
      • If Update Invoices with Subscription PM is = "True", then the same (non-default) Payment Method is updated on the Invoice while creating the Invoice record from the Subscription record.
      • NOTE: The first Invoice will always use the Payment Method from the Subscription. All subsequent Invoices will use the Payment Method determined by the Update Invoices with Subscription PM field.

Payment Gateway Customers

  • To prevent duplicate Payment Gateway Customer (PGC) records from being created when using the Mobile Payments app and a card reader, the following changes were made. (Known Issue: 000002785)
    • If a payment is submitted and a Contact or Account is selected, the Contact/Account will be related so future payments are matched to the existing PGC, preventing duplicate PGC records from being generated.
    • If a PGC record can't be matched to an id, we will attempt to match the PGC record against the parent Contact/Account and use the parent’s PGC record instead of creating a new record. If we find an exact match, we will reuse the existing PGC record.
  • To prevent duplicate Payment Gateway Customer (PGC) records from being created when manually entering credit card details into the Mobile Payments app, the following will occur. If a PGC record that matches both the related Account and Contact records on the Transaction doesn’t exist, a new PGC record will be created. The new record will include the Transaction's related Account and Contact records. (Known Issue: 000002785)
  • After accepting a payment with the Salesforce Field Service Lighting and Mobile Payments app, the Payment Gateway Customer record will be correctly associated with the Account or Contact details selected during the payment process. (Known Issue: 000002681)
  • To ensure that only valid email addresses are accepted in the Payment Gateway Customer’s (PGC) Email field, the following validation rule was added to the custom settings. (Known Issue: 000002133)
    • Name: Disable Customer Email Validation
    • Location: Blackthorn Pay - Trigger Settings
    • Functionality
      • If Disable Customer Email Validation = “False” and a user enters an invalid email address in the PGC record’s Email field, the user will receive the following message. “We hit a snag. Review the errors on this page. Email entered must be a valid email address format.”
      • If Disable Customer Email Validation = “True” and a user enters an invalid email address in the PGC record’s Email field, the user will NOT receive an error message and the PGC record will be created.

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.