FSL Extension Package Setup
  • 26 Feb 2024
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FSL Extension Package Setup

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Article summary

Setup FSL and Blackthorn Payments Mobile FSL Extension Package

  1. Navigate to Setup > Field Service Settings.
  2. Click Enable.
    P_02_Package Setup pic 1

Install the Field Service Managed Package

If you haven't installed the Field Service Managed Packaged yet, install it now.(You can install the managed package on a production or sandbox org.)

If you have, click https://fsl.secure.force.com/install and follow the prompts to install the managed package in your org.

Install the Blackthorn FSL Extension Package

Install the latest Blackthorn Payments Mobile FSL Extension Package.

Payments Version Dependency

In order to install the latest FSL Extension package you will also need to have version 5.31 or greater of Payments installed.

Configure the Transaction Object 

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Click Setup.
  3. Click the Object Manager tab.
  4. In the Quick Find box, enter and click "Transaction."
  5. Click the Page Layout tab.
  6. Click the FSL Charge Transaction Layout.
  7. Drag and drop the Work Order field on the page layout. 
  8. Click Save.P_02_Package Setup pic 2

Configure the Work Order Object 

  1. Click the Gear icon. 
  2. Click Setup.
  3. Click the Object Manager tab.
  4. In the Quick Find box, enter and click "Work Order."
  5. Click the Page Layout tab.
  6. Click FSL Work Order Layout.
  7. Click Related Lists.
  8. Drag and drop the Transactions Related List to the page layout. P_02_Package Setup pic 3
  9. Click Fields.
  10. Drag and drop the Mobile Pay, Balance Paid, and Balance Due fields on the page layout. 
  11. Click Save.P_02_Package Setup pic 4

Assign Permission Sets

  1. Identify the users that will be using the Blackthorn FSL Extension Package.
  2. Assign the Blackthorn | Payments FSL permission set to those users. P_02_Package Setup pic 5

Add Field Service Permissions

  1. From the App Launcher, type "Field Service Settings" and navigate to the app.
  2. From the Getting Started step, click the Permission Sets tab.
  3. Click Create Permissions for all the Roles.
  4. Click SaveP_02_Package Setup pic 6

Add Field Service Territory, Work Type, and Service Resource

  1. Click the Getting Started tab.
  2. Click Go to Guided Setup.
  3. Create a Service Territory, Work Type, and Service Resource. P_02_Package Setup pic 7
  4. Click the Create Dispatchers and Agents step and click Add.
  5. Choose users from Assign Service Territories to Select User.
  6. Select the Service Territory.
  7. Click Assign Service TerritoryP_02_Package Setup pic 8