March 2023 - Version 3.95
  • 03 Apr 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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March 2023 - Version 3.95

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Article summary

If you have any questions about the release note, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.

REQUIRED: The Candy Shop link must be used to upgrade the March release for Events.

The Candy Shop is your one-stop shop for installs and upgrades. To visit the Blackthorn Candy Shop page, go here.

Breaking Changes / Critical Update

The following updates apply when the UI Experience = “Calendar”.

  • The month labels will now use the month's full name (ex. January) by default.
  • The text will expand the length of the calendar component causing the accompanying image to be auto-resized based on the text length of the month.
  • The text for each month is defined in the data dictionary.

This update can impact those using custom CSS. To reverse this update back to abbreviated months, users must create data dictionary entries for each month and apply that data dictionary to all published Events.


Front End

  • The focus order has been updated on the Attendee Form so the user goes to the Country Code first in the Phone Number field.
  • The labels on the Contact Us form are now located above each text box.
  • The Promo Code label has been added to the registration process when Promo Code is clicked.


  • When using the Tab key to move through an Event’s overview page, tabbing will now stop at the website’s URL in the location card.
  • Users can press the Escape key to close the Accessibility Settings menu when it is open.
  • A user will be able to tab through the main site only once the Accessibility Settings menu is closed.
  • The accessibility button is now the first item in the tab order. It is announced as “accessibility settings.”

Back End

  • The component used to update an Event now includes additional information that identifies the last date/time the Update button was clicked.
  • The Registration Language field on the Attendee record will populate with the language that the Attendee chooses during the registration process.

Bug Fixes

Front End

  • Event Items with Type = “Custom Ticket” that are purchased via the Simple or Full-Width UI will no longer receive the following error: "Warning Ticket type is not supported for registration."
  • When registering via an Attendeelink, Sessions appear as expected, and the Add Session and Add All Sessions buttons work.
  • When using Translation data to show a Sponsor on the Event page, the Display Name and Description from the Sponsor object will be displayed.
  • For Attendees with Registration Status = “To Invite”, the Redeem label will only appear next to the Event Item related to the Attendee. The Attendee will also be able to select additional Event Items.
  • When logged into a community as a guest user, the user will be able to see the Event overview. They will no longer receive the pop-up message “Could not find event id/invalid event id.”
  • Static Translations will work as expected on Events with Sessions and Tracks regardless of the order that the Static Translations are applied.

Back End

  • An image uploaded in the Event Wizard will display successfully when enhanced domains are enabled.
  • Forms/custom questions that create a Lead or Contact record on checkout will update correctly.
  • When prompted from the Events Admin Tab, test Event records and Email Templates are added.
  • When a user adds a Form with a Form Element Type = “Checkbox”, the checkbox will be visible in the Attendee Registration Component.

Mobile Check-in App


The Mobile Check-in app has been updated to filter/display Events based on the following:

  • Upcoming Tab: captures Events with a future Event Start Date and/or without a set Event End Date.
  • Past Tab: captures Events with a past Event End Date.
  • No Date Tab: captures Events without any specific dates.

Admin Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Events to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process.

Since Payments is already installed, the installer will install Base Package and make sure the correct version of Payments is installed before installing Events.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.


From now until 03/14/23, the directions below will teach you how to test the new front-end features, enhancements, and bug fixes until they are automatically pushed to the front end.

To Do

You will need to replace the Event Page and AttendeeLink URLs,' domain, to a test domain.


For example, when you create your attendee, an AttendeeLink URL is generated with the "" domain like this one:

You'll then click on the attendee URL so it opens up in a new page. Remove "" and replace it with "" so it looks like this:

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.