January 2025 - Version 4.44
  • 30 Jan 2025
  • 13 Minutes to read
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January 2025 - Version 4.44

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Article summary

Please review the updates below and follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Events application.

Table of Contents

Important Update

For Guest Tickets that don’t collect a name and email, Salesforce sets the Guest’s Last Name to the “Primary Registrant’s Last Name + Guest + [Guest #]” and the Email to the “Primary Registrant’s Email.” If the Event Settings One Unique Attendee Email Per Event is set to “True,” duplicate email errors will occur.

Users can NOT use the One Unique Attendee Email Per Event field in conjunction with Guest Tickets that do not collect guests' names and email addresses.

A flag to turn off this behavior is being created. The flag will allow users to add Guest Tickets without collecting a name and email and will turn off the creation of Contact records.

BT Salesforce Release

Bug Fixes

  • Attendee Object: The Attendee object’s “Blackthorn | Mobile Check In Attendee Details” field set was updated to remove deprecated fields and fields that are not available in all orgs.

  • Table Manager: Event Organizers can successfully perform the following steps in the Table Manager without receiving the “FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Unable to assign a seat: This table is fully occupied.: [] (conference360): []” error. (Known Issue: 000004130)

    • If Table 1 is full and Table 2 has space available, then the user can

      • Move an Attendee from Table 1 to Table 2.

      • Move an unassigned Attendee from the list to Table 1.

      • Click Save.

  • Capacity Management: Improvements were made to the capacity management feature to allow multiple Attendees to register for the same Event in a very short amount of time. Previously, multiple Attendees registering for the same Event in a short amount of time caused some registrations to fail. Attendees could re-register successfully, but the Status field on the Event Registration Submission (ERS) record remained set to “Draft.”

  • Upgrading your Sandbox: Users can now upgrade their Events’ sandbox to the latest version without causing an error related to the Blackthorn | Events (Read Only) permission set and Seat object. (Known Issue: 000004173)

  • BT Events Attendee Registration Component: If an Attendee cancels their registration, an Event Organizer can re-register them via the BT Events Attendee Registration component on the Event record. Previously, when the Event Organizer tried to re-register the Attendee, they got a “Page doesn’t exist” error after clicking the View New Attendee (Primary Attendee) button. (Known Issue: 000004270)

  • Promo Codes: If an Event Item requires a promo-access Code, Attendees can only complete the registration process if they enter the Code during checkout. Previously, Attendees could purchase Event Items that required a promo-access Code without entering the Code. (Known Issue: 000004240)

  • Zoom: Users with the Blackthorn | Events (Organizer) permission set can authorize their Zoom account. Previously, they received the error "Insufficient permissions: secure query included inaccessible field.” (Known Issue: 000004305)

  • Forms: When an Event Organizer previews a Form with more than one “Big List Option” Form Element, they will see only the values (Form Big List Options) associated with each Form Big List Group when answering the question on the Form Element. Previously, the Form Big List Option values related to all Form Elements appeared in each dropdown in the Form preview. (Known Issue: 000003615)

Event Builder

  • In the Event Builder’s Event Item Session section, users can modify custom fields of any type (checkbox, picklist, etc.) that were added to a field set just as they can via an Event Item Session record. Previously, Event Item Session data was not saved when changes were made in the Event Builder. (Known Issue: 000003194)

  • When adding Keywords to an Event via the Event Builder, the Keywords will be displayed correctly regardless of the browser’s zoom percentage. Previously, the Event Builder did not display all the added Keywords unless the browser’s zoom percentage was greater than 75 percent, even though the Keywords were saved on the Event. (Known Issue: 000003776)

  • To ensure Email Templates associated with an Event are cloned when using the Event Builder, go to the Emails tab and make sure the toggle on the Email Templates Related List is active. The Email Templates in the Related List will be cloned after saving the Event. Event Organizers can also successfully clone an Event with Email Templates from an Event record (deep clone method). Previously, when cloning an Event, the Email Templates on the original Event were not cloned with the cloned Event record.

Event Registrations

  • If an Event Settings record with One Unique Attendee Email Per Event = “TRUE” and two Attendees are registered for the related Event, updating one Attendee’s Email to match a different Attendee’s Email will cause a validation error, and the new email address will not be saved. Previously, the system did not show an error and allowed the new email address to be saved, creating duplicate Attendees for the same Event.

  • The Block Duplicate Registrations field was added to the Event Settings object. When enabled, duplicate registrations will be blocked, preventing duplicate Invoices from being created when an Attendee registers twice in a row while the first registration is still being processed.

    • Object: Event Settings

    • Field Label: Block Duplicate Registrations

    • API Name: conference360__Block_Duplicate_Registrations__c

    • Data Type: checkbox

    • Help Text/Description: When this flag is enabled, duplicate registrations will be blocked. This setting will prevent duplicate invoices from being created for scenarios where users register twice in a row while the first registration is still being processed.


  • Checkout Process: The new Event Settings Remove Info Page for Free Events field allows users to add or remove the contact information/payment details page for free Events.

    • Object: Event Settings

      • Field Label: Remove Info Page for Free Events

      • API Name: Remove_Info_Page_for_Free_Events__c

      • Data Type: Picklist

        • Picklist Values

          • Yes

          • No

        • Default: Yes (but only applicable to free events)

      • Description/Help Text: When this flag is enabled, the last page during checkout is hidden. This page is usually used for additional contact information/collecting payment information. This feature can only be enabled for free events.

    • Note: Current users may need to manually add the Remove Info Page for Free Events field to the Event Settings page layout.

  • Mobile Check-In App: Event Organizers can now use the following field sets to customize the information Event staff will see on the Attendee details page during Attendee and Session Attendee check-ins, improving the relevancy and efficiency of the check-in process. Click here for more information about using this feature.

    • Use one or both of the following field sets to add standard or custom fields and related objects such as Events, Tables, Accounts, Contacts, Leads, etc.

      • Object: Attendee

        • Field Set Label: “Blackthorn | Mobile Check In Attendee Details”

        • API Name: conference360__BT_Mobile_Check_in_Attendee_Details__c

        • Description: This field set controls which Attendee fields are visible on the Attendee detail screen in the Blackthorn Mobile Check-In app.

      • Object: Seat

        • Field Set Label: “Blackthorn | Mobile Check In Attendee Details”

        • API Name: conference360__BT_Mobile_Check_in_Attendee_Details__c

        • Description: This field set controls which Table and Seat fields are visible on the Attendee detail screen in the Blackthorn Mobile Check-in app.

    • Mobile Check-in app users can query Attendee data, including data in custom fields defined in field sets. Queries will return data from the Attendee, Seat, Table, and related Contact/Account objects and the dynamic fields defined in the Attendee, Seat, and Table field sets.

Scheduled Jobs

  • A verification process will occur to confirm that the Salesforce environment has an Active Schedule created with a date/time configuration, ensuring Blackthorn Schedule Jobs run as expected for features like Smart Scheduler.

  • Blackthorn | Events Attendee Parent Rollup (AttendeeRollupToParentBatch) scheduled job will only change the Events Attended field on the Contact and Lead records if the number of related Attendee records has changed since the last job ran. The scheduled job will not update the corresponding records if an Attendee record is not changed. Previously, the scheduled job updated records every night, even if they didn’t need to be updated. (Known Issue: 000004031)

  • The EventRevenueRollupBatch batch job will only run once an Event ends, or the Event’s Status Formula is set to “Event Ended.” Previously, the batch job ran even though the Event wasn’t over, causing the revenue details to not update because of a "Too many SOQL queries: 201" error.

Webapp Release

Bug Fixes

  • AttendeeLink: If an Attendee with the Registration Status set to “Pending” uses their AttendeeLink to access an Event’s webpage, they can click the Redeem Item button to add Tickets to the cart. Previously, the Redeem Item button was not visible.

  • Favicons: When a user with the Blackthorn | Events (Admin) permission set adds a Favicon URL via the Settings tab on the Blackthorn | Events Admin tab, the Favicon will be visible on both the Event and Event Group webpages. If a different URL is added to the Event Settings Favicon Url field, that Favicon will override the one on the Event Admin’s Settings tab. Previously, the Favicon URL added on the Event Admin’s Settings tab would not display on the Event Group webpage. The Favicon would also not display on the Event Group webpage when adding a new URL to the Event Settings Favicon Url field. (Known Issue: 000003006)

  • Translations: Event webpages that include the "&" and "'" symbols will now be correctly auto-translated into French. Previously, “‘“ was auto-translated to “'” and “&“ was translated to “&” (Ex. Dolce & Gabbana was “Dolce & Gabbana” and “l’Appartement was “l'Apartment”) (Known Issue: 000004177)

  • Accessibility: When using a screen reader on an Event webpage with the UI Experience set to “Dynamic,” the Attendee can successfully check or uncheck the checkbox and navigate to the next item. Previously, a calendar popup with a date picker opened unexpectedly when checking/unchecking a checkbox located just above a date field.

  • Events: If an Event Organizer changes the style (font, font size, color, etc.) of the text in the Event’s Description field, the changes will be reflected on the Event’s webpage. Previously, the style changes weren’t applied to the Event’s webpage. (Known Issue: 000004207)

  • Duplicate Registrations: Registering two Attendees with different names but the same email will trigger the “Warning: Duplicate email registration not allowed” error. The user registering the Attendees will then be able to edit the Attendee data and register the Attendees. Previously, duplicate email registrations caused an infinite loop, and the user registering the Attendees could not continue registering them for the Event.

  • Sponsors: When an Event’s UI Experience is set to “Dynamic,” a Sponsor’s Display Name will remain in one line. Previously, if the Display Name was too long, it wrapped to the next row, covering part of the Sponsor logo (Image URL). (Known Issue: 000004165)

Checkout Process

  • If an Event with a Dynamic or Tabbed UI has an Event Item with the Address field set to “Required,” the postal code field on the Attendee checkout form will appear based on the value in the Event Item’s Account Postal Code field (Required, Optional, or Hidden). Previously, the postal code on the Attendee checkout form was not required when the Event Item’s Address field was set to “Required” and the Country field was set to “Hide.” (Known Issue: 000002586)

  • If an Attendee clicks the Copy related info to all the responses button after filling in their information and answering some or all the conditional questions, the Form will copy as expected. Previously, the Form was not copied between Attendees unless all conditional questions were answered. (Known Issue: 000004251)

  • Attendees can complete the registration process when Stripe Checkout is enabled, and the Stripe Payment Gateway has Accepted Checkout Payment Methods set to “Ideal.” Previously, Attendees could not finish the paid checkout process and received the following error message. 'You must provide a return_url when creating an embedded Checkout Session with the payment method type ideal' (Known Issue: 000004431)

Event Groups

  • To ensure an Attendee is redirected to an Event Group’s webpage or a different Event after registering for an Event in an iframe, specify the relative path instead of the whole URL in the original Event’s Redirect URL field. For example, use “/5a195eDuv5V” instead of “{see URL below}” in the Redirect URL field. Previously, when an Event was configured to redirect the Attendee back to the Event Group webpage after completing the registration process, the registration process failed, and the Attendee got a “refused to connect” error. (Known Issue: 000004259)

    • “https://events.blackthorn.io/5e53zvb7/5a195eDuv5V”

  • When Attendees view an Event with an Event Start Date in the future on an Event Group webpage with the UI Experience set to “Aspen” or “Maple,” they will see an Event Item’s future Sales Start Date when no other Event Items are actively on sale (pre-sale tickets). Previously, Attendees saw the Event Item’s Sales End Date with a “Sale ended” note next to the Event, causing confusion about Ticket availability.


  • If an Event using the Dynamic UI has an Event Item with the Waitlist Enabled field checked (enabled) and Waitlist Capacity = “0,” then Attendees will see that the Event Item is sold out. Previously, it wasn’t clear if the Event was sold out.

  • During checkout, Attendees will see the “Have a promo code?” phrase when an Event Item’s Waitlist Enabled field is enabled (checked), and Tickets are available. If Waitlist Enabled is enabled but no Tickets are available, then “Have a promo code?” is not visible. Previously, users were prevented from registering for an Event with a promo Code when waitlists were enabled. (Known Issue: 000004225)


  • Event Groups: The BT Language Selector was added to Event Groups with the UI Experience set to “Calendar.” (Known Issue: 000004292)


  • Screen readers can now identify the Language Selector on Event Group webpages as a dropdown instead of a button, increasing accessibility.

  • Attendees using a screen reader can now use the up and down keys to navigate the date filter on an Event Group webpage when the UI Experience is set to “List.”

  • When an Attendee views an Event Group with the Aspen or Maple UI on a mobile browser, small viewport, or high zoom level, the screen reader’s focus will only be on the hamburger menu elements (i.e., date filters), improving accessibility.

  • When an Attendee uses assistive technology to filter Events in an Event Group, the technology will let the Attendee know the status (active or selected vs not) and role of the filter buttons, improving accessibility.

  • Event cards in an Event List in an Event Group now share concise and descriptive link text, improving accessibility for Attendees reviewing an Event Group webpage.

Field/Layout Updates


Event Settings

  • Field Label: Remove Info Page for Free Events

    • API Name: Remove_Info_Page_for_Free_Events__c

    • Data Type: Picklist

    • Description/Help Text: When this flag is enabled, the last page during checkout is hidden. This page is usually used for additional contact information/collecting payment information. This feature can only be enabled for free events.

  • Field Label: Block Duplicate Registrations

    • API Name: conference360__Block_Duplicate_Registrations__c

    • Data Type: checkbox

    • Help Text/Description: When this flag is enabled, duplicate registrations will be blocked. This setting will prevent duplicate invoices from being created for scenarios where users register twice in a row while the first registration is still being processed.

Mobile Check-in App - Version 1.2.3

Please review the updates below and follow the upgrade instructions for your specific device to upgrade your Mobile Check-in app.

Bug Fixes

  • If a Mobile Check-in app user manually creates an Attendee, checks in/out an Attendee, or scans a QR code when the app is offline or the device has lost its internet connection, then the app and Salesforce will correctly sync when the connection is restored. Previously, when an update was made while the app was offline, the app and Salesforce would not sync correctly when back online.

  • Mobile Check-in app users will be asked to log in to the app again when their access token, which was granted at their initial login, expires. The new token will allow the app to sync with Salesforce. Previously, when the current session expired, the app didn’t ask the user to log in again, preventing the app from syncing with Salesforce.


  • The following UX/performance improvements were made.

    • Users will see Improved load times for large Attendee and Session Attendee lists.

    • A loading indicator will let users know when new information is on the Event Listing, Event Details, and Session Attendees screens.

Upgrade Instructions

Go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop to upgrade Events to the newest version.

Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process. The installer will confirm that the correct Base Package and Payments versions are installed before upgrading Events.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.

Important Definitions

Breaking Change

A breaking change is a significant change that requires a package upgrade to see the update.

Off-Cycle or Hotfix Release

A hotfix is a release that corrects a problem that impacted extensive functionality.

BT Salesforce Release

The following applies to a Salesforce release.

  • Salesforce fixes REQUIRE a package upgrade to see and utilize the fixes/enhancements.

  • Only users with a System Administrator profile or the ModifyAllData system permission can install packages.

Webapp Release

The following applies to a Webapp Release (previously referred to as a platform release).

  • Webapp fixes/changes usually do not require updates to the Salesforce package.

  • These updates automatically apply to all customers; you cannot opt-out.

If you have any questions or need help with testing, please contact Blackthorn Support.