January 2023 - Version 3.88
  • 11 Apr 2023
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January 2023 - Version 3.88

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Article summary

If you have any questions about the release note, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.

REQUIRED: The Candy Shop link must be used to upgrade the January release for Events.

The Candy Shop is open! This is your one-stop shop for installs and upgrades. To visit the Blackthorn Candy Shop page, go here.

Breaking Change

AWS Migration

Blackthorn customers with IP login restrictions in Salesforce need to update their IP to allowlist our new service IP from AWS before the Fixie service can be disabled in Heroku.

  • Existing Fixie IPs: &
  • New proxy IP:

Please reach out to Blackthorn Support if you have any questions.

Off-Cycle Release

Events Version 3.89

January 31, 2023

Updates were made to the backend Attendee registration process to prevent duplicate charges and duplicate ERS records. To resolve this issue, customers MUST upgrade both packages to the latest Events (3.89) and Payments (5.92) versions.

Payments Version 5.92

January 31, 2023

The following updates were made to prevent a Coupon on the first (prorated) Invoice from being applied to the entire Invoice as well as individual prorated Line Items when Proration Behavior = “Create Prorations” on a Subscription using a percentage off Coupon.

  • New Field
    • Location: Line Item object
    • Field Label: Is Not Discountable
    • API Name: IsNotDiscountable__c
    • Added to Stripe Billing permission set
  • Functionality
    • The default setting for this field is “False”.
    • Users must set Is Not Discountable = "True" on any Line Item records that should not be discounted.

Events Version 3.84

December 21, 2022

  • Attendees will be able to successfully complete the checkout process for a paid Event when using a TouchNet Payment Gateway. The related Transaction and Attendee records will also be created.


Back End

  • The Post Session Questions URL field is now available on the out-of-the-box Session Attendee object page layout.
  • The following sections and fields are now on the out-of-the-box Session object page layout.
    • Details Section
      • Post Session Questions
    • Webinar Information Section (new)
      • Webinar/Meeting Account
      • Webinar/Meeting ID
      • Webinar/Meeting Password
      • Webinar/Meeting URL
  • The following formatting has been updated to help with the translation of abbreviated months on the Event Page URL and Event Group URL pages.
    • Abbreviated months (except for Event Group listings)
      • Old: JAN
      • New: 1
    • Event Group listings
      • Old: Jan 2, 2022
      • New: January 2, 2022
  • The General section and accompanying fields are now located above the Branding & Language section on the out-of-the-box Event Settings object page layout for new installs.
    • One Unique Attendee Email Per Event
    • Require At Least One Ticket To Publish
    • Waitlisting: Automate
    • Hide QR from AttendeeLink
    • Waitlist Message
    • Allow Attendee Edit AttendeeLink fields

Bug Fixes

Front End

  • The checkout promo code field will only be visible after a user adds tickets to their cart.
  • An Attendee with an assigned Visibility Control who is sent an AttendeeLink to an Event Group can register for an Event that has the same Visibility Control setting without receiving the 2004 error.
  • A conditional Form Element that is related to the Default Value of a Form Element will be visible when opening the Form without having to select the non-default value first.
  • The text next to the back arrow at the top left side of the page will be in Finnish when Finnish is selected as the language.
  • When using Translations, the Track Name associated with a Session’s Track will be translated correctly during the Session checkout process.
  • When an Event Content record has a Translation record, the related Event page will render correctly after selecting the language used in the Translation record.

Back End

  • The Webinar/Meeting Join URL field will be populated with a GoTo Webinar account URL after an Attendee registers for an Event connected to a GoTo Webinar account.
  • An org’s admin no longer needs to reauthorize the Events app to allow Attendees to successfully complete the registration process for an Event.
  • A Session’s Currency will automatically be updated to reflect an Event’s Currency when an Event with Sessions has prices set on both Event Items.
  • Canceling a registration on the Attendee Registration component for one Attendee that is part of a group registration will result in a negative Transaction in the amount of a single registration.
  • A user with the correct permissions (Blackthorn Events Admin permission set) can now use the Event Wizard to clone an Event with related Event Items owned by an inactive user.
  • A user can use the Event Wizard to update an Event’s dates and its related Session’s dates without receiving an error when attempting to save and exit the Event Wizard.
  • Opening an Event record will no longer result in an “invalid ID field: null” error.

Admin Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Events to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process.

Since Payments is already installed, the installer will install Base Package and make sure the correct version of Payments is installed before installing Events.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.


From now until 01/17/23, the directions below will teach you how to test the new front-end features, enhancements, and bug fixes until they are automatically pushed to the front end.

To Do

You will need to replace the Event Page and AttendeeLink URLs, events.blackthorn.io' domain, to a test domain.

TEST DOMAIN: https://preview.events.blackthorn.io/

For example, when you create your attendee, an AttendeeLink URL is generated with the "events.blackthorn.io" domain like this one:


You'll then click on the attendee URL so it opens up in a new page. Remove "events.blackthorn.io" and replace it with "preview.events.blackthorn.io" so it looks like this:


If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.