July 2024
  • 17 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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July 2024

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Article summary

Please review the updates below and follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Catalog application.

Table of Contents

Webapp Release

Bug Fix

  • If a user is ready to checkout but returns to their cart to update information, the newly added information will appear on the checkout page as expected. Previously, the newly added information disappeared when the user went to checkout.

Upgrade Instructions

Go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop to upgrade Catalog to the newest version.

Important Definitions

Breaking Change

A breaking change is a significant change that requires a package upgrade to see the update.

Off-Cycle or Hotfix Release

A hotfix is a release that corrects a problem that impacted extensive functionality.

BT Salesforce Release

The following applies to a Salesforce release.

  • Salesforce fixes REQUIRE a package upgrade to see and utilize the fixes/enhancements.
  • Only users with a System Administrator profile or the ModifyAllData system permission can install packages.

Webapp Release

The following applies to a Webapp Release (previously referred to as a platform release).

  • Webapp fixes/changes usually do not require updates to the Salesforce package.
  • These updates automatically apply to all customers; you cannot opt-out.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Blackthorn Support.