Blackthorn | Payments Admin
  • 03 Apr 2024
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Blackthorn | Payments Admin

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Article summary

The Blackthorn | Payments Admin tab helps you manage the Payments app's settings. Each section below matches the corresponding tab.

Batch Jobs

Most of the batch jobs are scheduled to run nightly, but you can start any of the following Payments batch jobs immediatly by clicking the relevant button.

Rollup Transaction to Parent Button

  • Batch Job Name: Blackthorn | Payments Transaction Rollup To Parent
  • Runs every 30 minutes..
  • Updates a Transaction’s parent records with the (child) Transaction's summary. This includes Payouts, Captures, Transfers, Refunds, and the Total fields on the parent record.

Process Scheduled Charge Transactions Now Button

Clicking this button starts two different batch processes.

  • The Blackthorn | Payments Daily Captures batch job processes all Authorized Charges (Payment Status = “Authorized”) with Transaction Status = “Open”, Auto-Process = “True”, Date To Process = “Today”, and Transaction Type = “Normal”.
  • The Blackthorn | Payments Daily Captures (Authorized) batch job processes all Charges with Transaction Status = “Open”, Auto-Process = “True”, Date To Process = “Today”, and Transaction Type = “Normal”.

See Process Charge Scheduled Transactions and Reattempt Logic for more information.

Process Scheduled Refund Transactions Now Button

  • Batch Job Name: Blackthorn | Payments Daily Refunds
  • Clicking this button starts a batch job that processes all Charges with the following: a Payment Method, Transaction Status = “Open”, Auto-Process = “True”, Date To Process = “Today”, and Transaction Type = “Refund”.

Process Payout Balance History Button

  • Batch Job Name: Blackthorn | Payments Set Payout
  • Connects all Payout records with related Charge and Transfer (Stripe Connect) records.

Update Balances Button

  • Batch Job Name: Blackthorn | Payments Balance Update
  • Update the Stripe balances for all Payment Gateways and Connect accounts.

Assign Default Payment Methods Button

  • Assign the Account/Contact's default Payment Method to all related Transactions with Transaction Status = "Open".

Update Transaction Net Amount Button

  • Updates the New Amount field on a Transaction record when Record Type = “Stripe”.

Update Invoices Button

  • Batch Job Name: Blackthorn | Payments Past Due Invoices Stripe Billing
  • Runs daily at 5:00 am.
  • Updates the Invoice's Payment Status = "Past Due" when the Due Date < Today and Payment Status = "Unpaid".

Scheduled Jobs

Schedule Recommended Payment Jobs Button

Clicking this button will schedule all of our recommended Payment batch jobs, including those that were manually unscheduled. You can see a list of our scheduled jobs at Setup > Jobs > Scheduled Jobs. All of our job names start with Blackthorn | Payments.

How do I change the scheduled job/apex job user?

Before making any changes, please ensure that the person scheduling the jobs has Admin (Blackthorn | Payments (Admin)) access to Payments. The steps below will delete the current scheduled jobs and user and reschedule the jobs to run under the user who clicks the button. 

  1. Go to the Blackthorn | Payments Admin tab. 
  2. Click the Scheduled Jobs tab.
  3. Click Schedule Recommended Payment Jobs

Schedule Transaction Rollup To Parent Job Button

  • Scheduled Job Name: Blackthorn | Payments Transaction Rollup To Parent
  • Runs every 30 minutes.
  • Updates a Transaction’s parent records with the (child) Transaction's summary. This includes Payouts, Captures, Transfers, Refunds, and the Total fields on the parent record.

Schedule Billing Jobs Button

Clicking this button will automatically schedule all billing-related jobs if they are not already scheduled. You can see a list of our scheduled jobs at Setup > Jobs > Scheduled Jobs. All of our job names start with Blackthorn | Payments.

Scheduled Jobs

  • Blackthorn | Payments Send Stripe Invoices
    • Runs daily at 6:00 am.
    • Sends an Invoice to a customer when Send Invoice On Date = "TODAY".
  • Blackthorn | Payments Past Due Invoices
    • Runs daily at 5:00 am.
    • Updates the Invoice's Payment Status = "Past Due" when the Due Date < Today and Payment Status = "Unpaid".
    • The Update Invoices button is located on the Blackthorn | Payments Admin’s Batch Jobs tab

Batch Jobs

  • Re-calculate Account Revenue
    • Recalculates the Historic Account Values (from Transaction) and MRR/QRR/ARR (from Subscription).
  • Rollup Transactions to Sales Document (Invoice)
    • Rolls up Transactions to their related Invoice (Sales Document).

Schedule High Volume Transaction Job Button

Clicking the Schedule High Volume Transaction Job button will trigger the “Blackthorn | Payments Daily Captures – High Volume” scheduled job and schedule Transaction auto-charge batches using the batch size of 75.

  • The Schedule High Volume Transaction Job button is available when the auto charge batch size exceeds 1.
  • The Schedule Billing Jobs button is visible when Stripe Billing is enabled through a future date.
  • The Schedule High Volume Transaction Job button is hidden when the batch size resets to 1.
  • When the Schedule High Volume Transaction Job button is clicked, the Blackthorn | Payments Daily Captures - High Volume scheduled job will replace the Blackthorn | Payments Daily Captures job and will run at midnight.


We sometimes add metadata changes that are not updated when you upgrade to the latest Payments package. You can deploy the latest metadata with the click of a button.

Enable All Record Types Button

  • Clicking this button updates all Profiles so they have visibility and all Payments' objects so they have the correct default Record Type.

Add Virtual Terminal Buttons Button

  • Use this button to add the Virtual Terminal button to all parent objects that were configured in the Setup Wizard.

Deploy Roll-up Fields Button

  • Clicking this button deploys summary fields onto your Transaction parent objects. For example, if you defined the Opportunity object as your Transaction parent, a group of summary fields will be created on the Opportunity object.

Enable Order to Invoice Button

  • This button will deploy an Order lookup on the Invoice object so you can easily create Invoices from Order records.
Sales Document Field Name Change

The label for the Sales Document lookup field (conference360_Sales_Document__c) on the Opportunity object has been changed to Invoice. This change will ensure the Events package has the correct label updates for Invoice (previously Sales Document

Add Payment Fields to Page Layouts Button

  • Use this button to make sure the recommended Payments fields are visible on all our page layouts. (Salesforce doesn't add new fields to page layouts when upgrading a package.)

Add Picklist Values Button

  • Click this button to ensure the recommended picklist values are visible for the following fields.
    • Provider on Payment Gateway
    • Payment Status on Transaction
    • Transaction Status on Transaction
    • Source  on Transaction
    • Status on Invoice
    • Payment Status on Invoice
    • Status on Checkout Submission
    • Payment Method Status on Payment Method
    • Proration Behavior on Subscription
    • Status on Subscription

Stripe Billing

The following jobs are only scheduled for customers who previously had Stripe Billing enabled for their org. (We do not support Stripe Billing for new customers.) To schedule each job individually, click the following buttons on the Blackthorn | Payments Admin Stripe Billing tab.

Deploy Stripe Billing Button

  • Use this button to deploy the necessary fields to use Stripe Billing in a Salesforce org.

Re-Calculate Account Revenue Button

  • Clicking this button will recalculate the Historic Account Values (from Transactions) and MRR/QRR/ARR (from Subscriptions).

Rollup Transaction to Invoice Button

  • Use this button to roll up Transactions to their related Invoice (Sales Document).

View our Stripe Billing documentation here.

If you have any questions regarding the configurations/settings, please contact Blackthorn Support, and we'll help you out!