April 2022 - Version 3.34
  • 13 Jul 2022
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April 2022 - Version 3.34

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Article summary

Read on for the latest updates in the April 2022 release!


Upgrade Plan Screen

The Upgrade Plans screen UI has been updated. New Customers will now see the options listed below.
Upgrade Screen_Brand New Customer

Button Alignments

Upgrade Plan Button

The button alignment has been changed along with the text and color under the Messaging Admin.
Button Alignment

Change Credentials

Removed the red color and made sure that the button is in sync with the Upgrade Account.

Contact and Company Information

When the customer is upgrading for the first time, the details will be pre-populated from the org company information. Afterward, the A2P will show the information from the API that the customer has submitted.
Company Information

Contact Information

Bug Fixes

  • Date/Time Issue: Fixed the issue with showing Today/Tomorrow in the RLC component. Filters in code need to apply to the date as well as the time format.

  • Phone Number Lookup: Whenever the “Number Type” field is blank on the Phone Number Lookup record, the users were facing issues when sending the SMS. Now the issue has been handled in the RLC component where we have a warning message on the Phone Number when we hover over.
    Phone Number Lookup

  • Scheduled Batch: We have an Apex Class “ScheduledBatchRLC” which doesn’t run continuously. In the present day, we have to raise a Salesforce case to do it. Now with the new release, the “ScheduledBatchRLC” auto-sync job will be up and running continuously.

  • Attempt to dereference null object error: When the customer was trying to send bulk messages from Opportunity the issue of dereference null object has been identified. This is now fixed and handled in this release by creating the field “Do_Not_SMS__c” on the opportunity which already exists on other objects (Accounts/Contacts/Leads).

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Review all Enhancements and Bug Fixes in this article.
  2. Install updates from the Salesforce AppExchange.