April 2020 - Version 3.5
  • 13 Jul 2022
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April 2020 - Version 3.5

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Article summary

We are excited to announce the release of Textey version 3.5! This release has several new features that will expand on your ability to manage conversations. Let's take a look at each one.

Conversation Ownership Routing

You now have more control over how your SMS conversations are routed internally. This feature lets you determine new conversation ownership per phone-number. The conversation owner can be set to a specific user or queue, or it can be set to dynamically detect the owner of the related record (i.e. Lead, Contact, Account, etc). Read more about Conversation Ownership Routing here.

Accept and Transfer Conversations

You now have the ability to accept and/or transfer ownership of individual conversations. This is a great feature to use in conjunction with ownership routing, and lets users assign a conversation to themselves or to another user. Read more about Accepting and Transferring Conversations here.

Real-Time Conversation Updates

This includes several new enhancements aimed at keeping your team in sync with each other as they monitor and respond to conversations. Check out the new features like typing indicators, real-time synchronization of outbound messages, ownership changes, and conversation status updates. Read more about Real-Time Conversation Updates here.

Merge Conversations

There may be times when you need to merge a new conversation into an existing one. You can now perform that action from the Textey Conversations inbox or from a record page. Read more about merging Conversations here.

Mass Close Conversations

You may end up with stale conversation records over time, especially if users don't end a conversation in a timely manner. A stale conversation is one with an "Open" status, yet there hasn't been any recent messaging activity. You can now create a list view of these conversations and perform a mass close function. Read more about how to use the Mass Close Conversations feature here.

Saved Conversation Filters

You can now save pre-defined conversation filters and switch back and forth between them for convenience. This allows you to easily navigate between your different views without having to re-select the filter criteria.

Link tracking is a popular feature that lets you know if someone has clicked a trackable URL in your message. However, before now you had to look at the SMS Message record to see if it was clicked. This new feature will let you see if a link has been clicked as you scroll through the message history, saving you time and clicks.

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

We are always working hard to improve the look and feel of Textey, while improving the application's performance and eradicating any bugs that we (or you) might find.