Zoom, GoToWebinar, and Webex Integrations
  • 19 Sep 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Zoom, GoToWebinar, and Webex Integrations

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Article summary

Events / Zoom Integration Update

The following changes have been made to prevent an Attendee from being added to a Zoom meeting or webinar as a cohost.

If the integration between Events and Zoom fails to automatically register an Attendee with Zoom, the AttendeeLink will revert to a generic “join” link instead of the link used by the host. Zoom may also require the Attendee to enter their name/register when joining the meeting.

We officially support Zoom, GoToWebinar, and Webex natively within our app!

To use this feature...

You will need a paid version of Zoom, GoToWebinar, or Webex.

GoToMeetingGoToWebinarZoom MeetingsZoom WebinarWebex MeetingWebex Events
Webinar AccountUnsupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedUnsupported
Meeting AccountUnsupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedUnsupported
Via Meeting URL fieldSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedUnsupported

Users need at least the Marketplace permissions in Zoom; otherwise, an Admin will need to provide approval.

Create a Webinar Account

  1. Open the App Launcher and navigate to Webinar Accounts.

  2. Click New in the top right corner to create a new account.
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  3. Create a new Webinar Account record with Provider = "Zoom", "GoToWebinar", or "Webex".
    Note: Webinar Name and Provider are the only two fields needed to be filled out. First Name, Last Name, Email, Organizer Key, and Account Key will be populated once you connect the account to your provider
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  4. Click Save.

  5. From the Webinar Account record, click the Authorize button.

Authentication Error

If you receive the following error message when authorizing a Zoom Webinar Account, please follow the steps below.

"It looks like you are already authenticated to use the Zoom Integration. If you are receiving other errors, please contact Blackthorn Support."

  1. Navigate to: https://marketplace.zoom.us/.
  2. Click Manage on the top right.
  3. Click on Added Apps.
  4. Find "Blackthorn Events" and click Remove on the right-hand side.

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  1. Complete the OAuth by clicking Connect and enter your webinar account credentials.
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  2. Your Webinar Account should be automatically updated with the First Name, Last Name, Email, Organizer Key, and Account Key.
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Zoom Configurations

Zoom Registration Approval

The Zoom Registration Approval Type field was added to the Event object to enforce the approval type as a required value. 

  • Field Label: Zoom Registration Approval Type
  • API Name: Zoom_Registration_Approval_Type__c
  • Data Type: Picklist
  • Description: Use this field to define the type of approval a meeting registration requires. The three types of approval are “No registration required” (default setting), “Manually approve registration,” or “Automatically approve registration.” The default setting is “No registration required.”

Each approval type uses the following workflow.

  • 0 - Automatically approve registration
    • Attendees can join with their join URL 
    • Users must register for the Meeting/Webinar in advance and will be given the option to join directly after. The host can deny attendees after they have registered.
  • 1 - Manually approve registration
    • Attendees must complete a form before they can join the meeting/webinar.
    • Users must register for the webinar in advance and will only be given options to join after the host approves their registration within the Zoom platform.
    • Note: The Zoom join link is unavailable to Attendees until they are manually approved in the Zoom dashboard. Upon approval, Attendees will receive a Zoom email. Event Organizers can also manually add the Zoom join link to the Attendee's Webinar/Meeting Join URL field once the link is available. 
  • 2 - No registration required
    • Attendees are NOT required to complete a form before joining the meeting/webinar.

The Zoom Registration Approval Type field is not automatically added to the Event page layout. To add it, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Gear icon.
  2. Click Setup.
  3. Click Object Manager.
  4. In the Quick Find box, enter and click “Event (conference360__Event__c).”
  5. Click the Page Layouts tab.
  6. Click "Event Layout."
  7. Drag and drop the Zoom Registration Approval Type field on the page layout.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Go to an Event record.
  10. Click the Pencil icon next to Zoom Registration Approval Type.
  11. Select a value.
    • "0 - Automatically approve registration"
    • "1 - Manually approve registration"
    • "2 - No registration required"
  12. Click Save
  13. Confirm that the Event record is linked to the Event Settings record.

If a user selects “Manually approve registration,” the Event Organizer must log in to Zoom and manually approve the new registrants to complete the registration process.

Click here to go to Zoom’s documentation to learn more. 

Zoom Email Notifications

The Zoom Email Notifications (conference360__Zoom_Email_Notifications__c) field controls whether Zoom email notifications are sent to registrants for the associated Event or Session. Located on both the Event and Session objects, the field allows users to toggle email notifications using the Zoom Meeting API, ensuring flexibility in communication settings. This field is only available for Zoom meetings/webinars. 

Both fields use the following picklist values.

  • Use Zoom Account Settings (default): When selected, do not send a value to the Zoom API (the same as the current functionality).
  • Send Zoom Emails: When selected, send “True” for both the registrants_confirmation_email and registrants_email_notification settings. 
  • Do not send Zoom Emails: When selected, send “False” for both the registrants_confirmation_email and registrants_email_notification settings. 
  • If the value is null (blank), do not send a value to the Zoom API (the same as the current functionality)

Create a Webinar

Zoom Personal Meeting ID

The Zoom Personal Meeting ID Enabled checkbox field was added to the Event and Session objects. If Zoom Personal Meeting ID Enabled = "True" (checked), and a Zoom account has Personal Meeting ID enabled, the Meeting IDs on the Blackthorn record and the AttendeeLink will match. 

LIMITATION: There is a known limitation when using Blackthorn Events with Personal Meeting IDs. The Attendees must enter a name before joining the meeting.

  1. Add the Webinar/Meeting Account and Webinar/Meeting ID fields to your Event OR Session page layout.

    • This will hold the Webinar/Meeting Account and Webinar/Meeting ID for the specific webinar. You can set different accounts on multiple Events, depending on who is hosting the Event!
    • Optional: Add Webinar/Meeting Password if you will be enabling passwords. This field is automatically populated if passwords are required on your Zoom account.
    • Optional: Add Zoom Type if you will be using Zoom to determine between a Webinar and Meeting URL.
    • Here is a video that walks through the steps for adding webinars to Sessions.
  2. Add the Create Webinar/Meeting button to your Event OR Session page layout. This button will generate the meeting inside of Zoom, GoToWebinar, or Webex and populate the Webinar/Meeting ID field.

  3. Add the Add to Webinar/Meeting button on the Attendee page layout. This button will add an Attendee to the webinar, if the Attendee is created manually.

  4. Add the Webinar/Meeting Join URL field on the Attendee page layout. This field sends the Attendee the direct URL to join the meeting.

  5. Create a new Event and update the Webinar/Meeting Account field with the Webinar Account you just created.
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  6. Click Save.

  7. Click the Create Webinar/Meeting button.
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  8. The Webinar ID will be populated automatically on the Event's Webinar/Meeting ID field. This value should not be edited as changing this value will result in Attendees not being able to join your webinar.
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What happens if there is an issue?
The user who authorized the Blackthorn Events app will receive email notifications for critical failures related to webinar URL generation.

Register Attendees

Automatically Register Attendees with your Webinar Provider
Attendee records will sync automatically in real-time if the Event's Webinar/Meeting ID field is populated. Attendees will then receive a personalized URL to join the webinar without any additional action required on their part.

NOTE: Automatic registration will only occur if there is a Webinar/Meeting ID on the Event and the Attendee's Registration Status is set to "Registered."

After Attendees complete the checkout process, they will receive an email from the Webinar Account owner with the webinar details.

Note: These emails will only be sent if using a Webinar Account. For Zoom meetings, these emails will not be sent, but an Attendee will receive their AttendeeLink.

For example, GoToWebinar will look similar to this email:
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If an Attendee registers for a Webex Event, their invite will look similar to this:
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This email will be sent automatically once the Attendee's Registration Status = "Registered".
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Update an Event’s Webinar/Meeting Account

If you need to change an Event’s Webinar/Meeting Account, please make the following changes to the Event’ record and update your Attendee(s) records. This will ensure registered Attendees have the new Webinar/Meeting Join URL.

  1. Go to the Event’ record.
  2. Click the Pencil icon next to Webinar/Meeting Account.
  3. Select a new Webinar Account.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Go to the Webinar Account record that you added to the Event.
  6. Click Authorize.
  7. Go back to the Event record and click Create Webinar/Meeting.
  8. Click Update.

One Attendee

Complete the following steps to update the Webinar/Meeting Join URL field for one registered Attendee.

  1. Go to the Attendee’s record.
  2. Click the Pencil icon next to Webinar/Meeting Join URL.
  3. Delete the existing value.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Add to Webinar/Meeting.

A Group of Attendees

Complete the following steps to update theWebinar/Meeting Join URL field for a group of registered Attendees. 

  1. Go to the Blackthorn | Events Admin tab.
  2. Click the Batch Jobs tab.
  3. Click Register Attendees for Webinars. NOTE: This batch job will only run when there is a Webinar/Meeting ID on the Event, and the Attendee's Registration Status = "Registered."


Q: How do I create webinars through the Blackthorn | Events Admin tab?

A: If you have many Events and do not want to navigate to each and manually create a webinar for each, this section is for you! This will create a webinar for every Event where Webinar/Meeting ID = " ".

  1. In Webinar Accounts, authorize the platform of your choice.
  2. Add the Webinar/Meeting ID field to each Event you want to add a webinar to.
  3. Click on Blackthorn | Events Admin tab.
  4. Click on Batch Jobs in the left-hand column.
  5. Click Create Webinars for Events.
    Note: You can also use the Create Webinars for Sessions button for Sessions to have the same effect, but for all Sessions.

Webinars will be auto-generated without using the create webinar button.

Q: Required Parameters Missing or Wrong

A: This error occurs for GoToMeeting and Webex-based accounts that need to be reauthorized. There are two ways to resolve this:

  1. Navigate to the Webinar Account record receiving the error.
  2. Click Authorize.
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  1. Navigate to the Blackthorn | Events Admin tab.
  2. Click Schedule Recommended Event Jobs.
  3. This will refresh the tokens for GTM and Webex every 29 days and will ensure the error doesn't appear again.
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Q: What happens if the webinar account refresh token expires?

A: To make sure the webinar account refresh token doesn’t expire, schedule the Blackthorn | Event Webinar Account Refresh (WebinarAccountAuthRefresh) apex class job. If the job is not included in the list of Apex Classes, follow the steps below to add it. 

  1. Click the Gear icon
  2. Click Setup
  3. In the Quick Find box, enter and click “Apex Classes.”
  4. Click Schedule Apex.
  5. Complete the following fields.
    1. Job Name
    2. Apex Class = “WebinarAccountAuthRefresh” (If you don’t know the exact name, click the magnifying glass and search for the name in the pop-up window.)
    3. Set the Frequency to run daily. ("Weekly" + "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", and "Sunday")
    4. Start date
    5. End date
    6. Preferred Start Time
  6. Click Save.

Q: How do I change the Webinar/Meeting URL for an existing Event if the Event already has a Webinar/Meeting URL?

A: To change the Webinar/Meeting URL link for an Event or Session that has an existing Webinar/Meeting URL, complete the steps below.

  1. Go to the Event or Session record.
  2. Delete the URL in the Webinar/Meeting URL field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click the Create a Webinar/Meeting button.
  5. Confirm the Zoom Type.
  6. Click Create.

A new URL be added to the Webinar/Meeting URL field.


  • Existing Attendees will only be able to access the original Webinar/Meeting URL via their AttendeeLink.
  • If an existing Attendee clicks the Add To Calendar button, the original Webinar/Meeting URL will be added to the Attendee's calendar.
  • Only Attendees that are registered after the Webinar/Meeting URL was updated and will have access to the new Webinar/Meeting URL.

Q: How do I remove Zoom?

A: To remove your Zoom authorization from your Salesforce org, please do the following:

  1. Navigate to https://marketplace.zoom.us/ and log in.
  2. Click Manage in the top right corner.
  3. Click Installed Apps under My Dashboard.
  4. Click Uninstall on Blackthorn Events.

Done! Zoom and Blackthorn Events will no longer be linked.