Custom Aura Component (Advanced)
  • 20 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Custom Aura Component (Advanced)

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Article summary

Some customers have expressed the need for more flexibility with the BT Payments Virtual Terminal. To address this need, users can create their own Aura component and add it where they see fit. Inside the Aura component, users can pass in the following variables.

  • Record Id: This is the Id for the record that will load the component.
  • sObjectName: This is the object type of the record that will load the component.
  • parentObjectName: This is the name of the object used in the Parent Object field.
  • parentId: This is the Id associated with the record populated in the Parent Object field.
  • customRedirect: Accepts values of “True” or “False”. Must be set to “True” to stop the default success popup.
  • disableCard: Accepts values of “True” or “False”. When set to “True”, the credit card form will NOT be displayed on the New Payment Method screen. Users will not see the credit card form on the + Add New option when clicking the Payment Method field. Additionally, the stored Payment Methods with the Record Type = “Card” will not display as a Payment Method that can be used for capturing Transactions.
  • disableACH: Accepts values of “True” or “False”. When set to “True” the ACH form will NOT be displayed on the New Payment Method screen. Users will not see the ACH form on the + Add New option when clicking the Payment Method field. Additionally, the stored Payment Methods with the Record Type = “ACH” will not display as a Payment Method that can be used for capturing Transactions.
  • Make CVC Field Optional: If enabled, the CVC field will be optional when adding a Payment Method.

To map the related Object, Id, or Amount fields use VT Mapping.