February 2024 - Version 3.43.16
  • 20 Feb 2024
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February 2024 - Version 3.43.16

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Article summary

Important Update

The Smart Scheduler (Blackthorn Base package) was added to the Blackthorn Candy Shop. Messaging customers can now use Smart Scheduler without downloading the Events or Storefront apps.

Bug Fixes

Issue Using a Site License


A user with a Site License received the following warning message on the Contact record after upgrading the production org. “The component is part of the AppExchange Package Blackthorn Messaging, and requires a license to use."



Previously, the Messaging app did not acknowledge the license assignment record, causing problems when trying to send SMS messages. Users with a Site License must upgrade the Messaging app to version 3.43.16 or higher to resolve the issue.

SOQL Limit Error


After activating and configuring the Messaging app for an org with a large number of active users, the following error was triggered upon opening a Contact record with the RLC component. “Error: Simplesms: too many query rows: 50001”



Updates were made to manage orgs with a large number of active users who have avatars.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Blackthorn Support.