March 2024 - Version 1.21
  • 09 Apr 2024
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March 2024 - Version 1.21

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Article summary

Once you have reviewed the updates below, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Storefront application.

Upgrade Instructions

Go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop to upgrade Storefront to the newest version.

BT Salesforce Release

Bug Fixes

  • On the BT Form Element record, the field label for the Form field was updated to BT Form, and the Form Big List Group field was updated to BT Form Big List Group.
  • Users can now buy two different Store Products when each uses the same BT Form, and the BT Form Elements will be mapped to a custom object. The result is two BT Form Submission records created, one for each Store Product, and two new custom object records. (This update doesn’t impact Account, Contact, and Lead records. Only one set of answers will be mapped to each record.) Previously, when a user added the same Store Product twice, filled out the forms with different information, and completed the checkout process, only one Form Submission record was generated.


  • The Currency field was added to the Store object in preparation for future support of currencies other than the USD.
    • Location: Store
    • Field Label: Currency
    • API Name: btstorefront__Currency__c
    • Data Type: Picklist
    • Description: Select the currency to use for the Store’s Products.
  • The Schedule BT Form Processing Job button was added to the Blackthorn | App Admin tab. This button allows users to delete existing BT Form processing jobs and reschedule them under the current running user. Note: If jobs are running and a new user clicks the Schedule BT Form Processing Job button, the current jobs will be deleted and rescheduled under the new user.

URL Updates

  • All Store URLs will now be automatically generated with the domain "". Previously developer orgs and sandboxes used a different, deprecated URL.
  • When a new Store is created, the Store Page URL will be generated with the Store Name instead of the Salesforce Record ID. If a Store has a duplicate name, the system will add a -2, -3, -4, and so on at the end of the URL to keep it unique.
  • The Store Product URL field was added to the Store Product object. This field contains the automatically generated URL for the Store Product. The Store Product URL can only be generated when the Store's Status = "Active". If two Store Products have the same name, the system will add a -2, -3, -4, and so on.
    • Location: Store Product
    • Field Label: Store Product URL
    • API Name: btstorefront__Store_Product_URL__c
    • Data Type: Text (255)
    • Description: The URL will be automatically generated based on the Product Name.

Webapp Release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several issues on the Store’s webpage related to the Userway Accessibility component.
    • The Bigger Text option will now correctly apply to the “Your Cart” section.
    • When a user choses Line Height, the keyword bar no longer extends vertically on pre-checkout and product pages.
    • When adjusting the line height, the cart and search bar icons will no longer overlap. .

Checkout Updates

  • When checking out on a mobile device, users will see an updated Cart icon on the pre-checkout and checkout pages.
  • Users will no longer see an error after trying to checkout when Allow Adding Multiple Quantities is enabled and BT Form Big List Group questions are used. The data from the first form will be copied to the second form. Previously, users received an error message after clicking Copy info to all responses for a form that included a BT Form Big List Group question.
  • When users click the Continue to Payment button on the pre-checkout page for a Store with a TouchNet payment gateway, they will be taken to the TouchNet checkout page. Previously, users received the following error when they clicked the Continue to Payment button. “{"statusCode":400,"message":"Unhandled error","timestamp":"2024-01-30T15:40:40.773Z","path":"/payment-redirect/t-link-tokenize?sid=65b918737d4f770a74eb9d43","error":"Bad Request"}"


  • The readability of custom links in the footer of devices with smaller screen widths has been improved. Previously, the custom links piled up on the left side even though there was enough space.
  • The Store's header was updated to include the “Products" and "About Us" tabs. Clicking the Products tab will take the user to the Store's home page where the Store Products are listed. The About Us tab will take the user to a new About Us page, displaying information from the Store's Description field.
  • Storefront now includes real-time tracking with caching for quantity-limited items in customers' shopping carts to prevent overselling. The following is an example.
    • A Store Product's inventory is as follows:
      • Available Inventory = "10"
      • Sold Inventory = "8"
      • Remaining Inventory = "2"
    • A customer adds 1 Store Product to their cart. The number of available items is deducted by 1 in the cache, making only 1 Store Product available. This also means that only one other user can add 1 of the same Store Product to their cart.
    • Quantity-tracked Store Products will be released from a user's cart after 30 minutes if the user doesn't complete checkout.
    • If the Quantity Remaining of a Store Product is changed in Salesforce, the Store Product will be removed from a user's cart to prevent overselling.

URL Updates

  • The Store's Salesforce Record ID in the Store Page URL has been replaced with the Store's Name. Here's an example of how the Store Page URL will appear. “{YourOrgId}/Your-Store-Name/...” If two Stores in the same org have the same Store Name, the Store Page URL will include a character (/Your-Store-Name-2”) appended to ensure the URLs are unique.
  • To ensure URLs are unique, the Store Product's Salesforce Record ID in the Store Page URL has been replaced with the Store Product Name. Here's an example of how the Store Page URL will appear. "". If two Store Products with the same name exist in the same Store, a character (Ex. store-product-name-2) will be added to the Store Product Name in the Store Page URL.

Checkout Updates

  • A validation step was added to the Email field on the pre-checkout page to prevent invalid email addresses from being entered. Users will not be able to proceed if the domain suffix is missing. For example, if a user enters “name@university”, they cannot continue until they add “.edu” or the domain suffix.
  • When using a Spreedly gateway, the "Street 2" field will be removed from the checkout process. The State and Country picklists have also been updated to include a more accurate list of states and countries.
  • The name of the mobile pre-checkout “Summary” was updated to “Order Summary”. The section was also updated to create a better user experience, including adjusting the spacing of the First and Last Name fields.

Field/Layout Updates


  • Location: Store
    • Field Label: Currency
    • API Name: btstorefront__Currency__c
    • Data Type: Picklist
    • Description: Select the currency to use for the Store’s Products.
  • Location: Store Product
    • Field Label: Store Product URL
    • API Name: btstorefront__Store_Product_URL__c
    • Data Type: Text (255)
    • Description: The URL will be automatically generated based on the Product Name.

Base Package


  • The Smart Scheduler (Blackthorn Base package) was added to the Blackthorn Candy Shop. Messaging customers can now use Smart Scheduler without downloading the Events or Storefront apps.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.