January 2024 - Version 1.19
  • 23 Jan 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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January 2024 - Version 1.19

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Storefront application.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Storefront to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

BT Salesforce Release

Bug Fix

  • When selecting an existing Product in the Store Builder’s New Store Product window, the Product’s information will be correctly mapped to the respective fields, and the UI will reflect the new information.


  • Help text was added to the following fields on the Store object.
    • Store Page URL: "The Store URL will be automatically generated once the Store's status is changed from Draft to Active."
    • Price Book: "The Price Book associated with this Store. For a particular product to be available for sale in the Store, the Price Book needs to be entered here. A Store Product record must also be created and associated to a Product that has a Price Book Entry in this Price Book."
    • Payment Gateway: "Select the Payment Gateway that will process the payments from your Store. If you don't have a Payment Gateway created yet, please complete the Blackthorn Payments Setup Wizard in the Blackthorn | Payments (Admin) app first."
    • Hero Image: "The banner image that is displayed at the top of the Store. The recommended size is 1536x300 pixels with an aspect ratio of 5:1."
  • LWC Experience Cloud Component for Storefront
    • Users can now drag-and-drop an LWC containing all current Storefront functionality to an Experience Cloud Community. This feature includes the following functionality.
      • Allows for framing of one Store at a time.
      • All active Stores in an org are selectable within the component.
      • Checkout will open in a new tab.
      • The site loads for authenticated and guest users.
      • Records are created or matched per the Relationship Settings.
    • The new permission set, Blackthorn | Storefront (Experience Cloud/Guest User), was created. Assign this permission set to users who will access the community.
  • The Custom HTML field was added to the Product (Product2) object.
    • Field Name: Custom HTML
    • API Name: btstorefront__Custom_HTML__c
    • Data Type: Long Text Area(32768)
    • Description: Use the Custom HTML field to add formatted HTML that will be displayed above the Paragraph section on the Store’s Product page.
  • The following address fields were added to Blackthorn Checkout for Stores with Cybersource / Spreedly gateways. (This update does not apply to other Spreedly gateways.)
    • Address
    • Address 2
    • City
    • State
    • Country
    • Postal code

Webapp Release


  • The UserWay accessibility component has replaced the Blackthorn legacy accessibility component on Store web pages.
  • HTML contained in the Product’s Custom HTML field will be displayed on the Store Product’s page just below the top section. Embedded/iframed videos can also be displayed here.
  • The following updates have been made to the Storefront user interface.
    • A hero image will be displayed on the Store’s homepage. If the Store’s Hero Image field is blank, the BT Keywords will be shown below the header.
    • Store Product cards have a new layout.
    • The header contains the Store Name, a Search box, the Cart, and the Language Selector (if used).
    • The cart icon has been updated.
  • The footer will be hidden when the Storefront app is placed in an iframe or embedded in an Experience Cloud site.
  • The Language Selector is located in the top right corner of the Store homepage. When a user selects a language, all the text in the Store and the checkout process will be translated into the selected language.
    • The Store and its Product details are translated according to both the Source Language and the Target Language.
      • If the Target Language is set to a language, the Store will automatically load in that language.
      • If the Source Language and Target Language are not set, the Store will load in English.
      • If the Source Language is set, but the Target Language is not set, the Store will load in the Source Language.
      • If the Target Language is set, but the Source Language is not set, the Store will load in the Target Language.

Bug Fix

  • Users can now complete the checkout process when a cart contains a combination of products that includes products with cents in their price. (ex. $13.47). Previously, users received the following error. “Http failure response for https://storefront.blackthorncloud.com/api/checkout: 400 OK”

Field/Layout Updates


  • Object: Store Product
    • Field Label: Custom HTML
    • Field Name: btstorefront__Custom_HTML__c
    • Data Type: Long Text Area

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.