BT Form Element Fields
  • 09 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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BT Form Element Fields

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Article summary

Field LabelField NameData TypeDescription
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(User)
Default Checkbox Valuebt_base__Default_Checkbox_Value__cCheckbox
Default Valuebt_base__Default_Value__cText(255)
BT Formbt_base__Form__cLookup(BT Form)
BT Form Big List Groupbt_base__Form_Big_List_Group__cLookup(BT Form Big List Group)
Form Element NameNameAuto Number
Hintbt_base__Hint__cLong Text Area(32768)A hint for this question (Form Element).
Keybt_base__Key__cText(50) (External ID) (Unique Case Sensitive)Indexed key field that is used by Blackthorn APIs and URLs. Generated with before insert and update triggers if is ever blank.
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)
Last Publish To Platform Completed Atbt_base__Last_Publish_To_Platform_Completed_At__cDate/TimeThe date/time the changes to this record were made visible.
Last Publish To Platform Requested Atbt_base__Last_Publish_To_Platform_Requested_At__cDate/TimeThe date/time the changes to this record were sent to update this record.
Maps To (Field)bt_base__Maps_To_Field__cText(255)
Maps To (Object)bt_base__Maps_To_Object__cText(255)
OwnerOwnerIdLookup(User, Group)
Picklist Valuesbt_base__Picklist_Values__cLong Text Area(32768)
Questionbt_base__Question__cLong Text Area(32768)
Sort Orderbt_base__Sort_Order__cNumber(18, 0)
Supplemental Question Informationbt_base__Question_RT__cRich Text Area(131072)