December 2023 - Version 1.16
  • 12 Dec 2023
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December 2023 - Version 1.16

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Storefront application.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Storefront to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

BT Salesforce Release

Bug Fixes

  • The Store Product’s quantity remaining will update correctly on the Store’s webpage after a different user purchases the same Store Product. Previously, the quantity remaining didn’t update even though the Store Product’s Remaining Inventory was updated correctly.


  • The “New Store Product” window was divided into four collapsible sections: Product Info, Paragraph Info 1, Paragraph Info 2, and Paragraph Info 3.
  • Users can now add and update discount Codes in the Store Builder. A Code can be a Store-wide or a Code for a specific Store Product. Users will see existing codes associated with a particular Store (or Store Products on that Store).
  • The Form Builder will automatically refresh the Related Lists on the page after saving a new Form Element.
  • Users can map to and create custom object records that hold custom question responses from the Form Builder. Errors caused by invalid data or validation rules will be captured as Blackthorn Log records. The custom object record will include the following.
    • Predetermined values set in the Form Builder (i.e. “Hidden Fields”).
    • Values entered via Storefront checkout that are mapped to specific fields on the record.

Webapp Release


  • The Buy Now button was added to the Store Product’s page. When a user clicks the Buy Now button, a single Store Product is added to the cart automatically, and the user is automatically directed to the pre-checkout page.
  • The search functionality on the Store’s webpage will retain a user's search text when performing a search.
  • The following UI improvements were made to the Store Product details page.
    • The Keywords navigation bar was removed from the top of the Store Product detail page.
    • Keywords associated with a Store Product are now listed under the description.

Field/Layout Updates


  • The Default field (bt_base_Default_c) on the Brand Settings object has been deprecated.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.