Session Registration
  • 10 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Session Registration

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Article summary

Updated Functionality

The following updates will occur when adding Sessions during the checkout process.

  • If there are no Track values available, the Track filter will not be visible.
  • If there are no Topic values, the Topic filter will not be visible.
  • The Search Bar will be visible only if there are 20 or more Sessions to choose from.
  • The "Clear Filter" option will only be available when a value is selected for that filter.

Select a Session

Once an Attendee has successfully registered for an Event (or the Attendee has Registration Status = "Registered"), they can register for individual Sessions by accessing the AttendeeLink, assuming there are Sessions on the Event. The Session registration screen looks as follows:

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The Attendee can register for Sessions by clicking the Register or + button. If successful, the Attendee will see a success message and the Register button will turn grey.
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If the Attendee wants to unregister from a Session, they need to click the Unregister button.

Sorting Sessions

Turn On Sorting Sessions By Date
By default, Sessions are sorted alphabetically. If you would like your Attendees to be able to sort by date, please contact Blackthorn Support to have the Feature Flag turned on.
The default sort order for Sessions is alphabetical. Sessions can also be sorted by Start Date and Start Time in ascending order. The list below describes how the Session’s sorting rule works in various scenarios.

  • If there are multiple Sessions on a single day and each Session has a different Start Time, then the Sessions will be listed from the earliest Start Time to the last.
  • If there are multiple Sessions with the same Start Time, BUT each Session has a different Start Date, then the Session with the earliest Start Date will be listed first.
  • If multiple Sessions have the same Start Date and Start Time, the Sessions will be sorted alphabetically by Session Name.
  • If there are multiple Sessions without a Start Date, the Sessions will be sorted alphabetically by Session Name.

Session Attendee

Session Attendee Object Update

The Post Session Questions URL field is now available on the out-of-the-box Session Attendee object page layout.

In Salesforce, a junction object record (Session Attendee) is created between the Attendee and the Session records. The Session Attendee record connects the Attendee to the Session, as well as connecting to the Lead or Contact for global visibility.
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Registered Session Content

Use the Content field on the Session Attendee object to provide your registered Attendees with additional information about the Session they signed up for!

Can't find the Content field on Session Attendee?

Navigate to the Blackthorn | Events Admin tab, click "Upgrade" in the left navigation pane, and click the Upgrade Events Layouts button. Wait about two minutes for it to upgrade, and then refresh your Session Attendee record.

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Once the Content is set for that Session, it will be displayed below the Session Name, as shown below:
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Locked Session Registration

If you don't want an Attendee to unregister for a Session, update the Session Attendee's Lock Registration Status to "Yes".

Can't find the Lock Registration Status field on the Session Attendee?

Navigate to the Blackthorn | Events Admin tab, click "Upgrade" in the left navigation pane, and click the Upgrade Events Layouts button. Wait about two minutes for it to upgrade, and then refresh your Session Attendee record.

Sold Out Sessions

If a Session has zero Quantity Remaining, the Session will be considered "Sold Out," and no additional participants can be registered for the Session.

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Q: Why don’t I see my Sessions during checkout?

A: If you’ve added Sessions to your Event and they don’t appear during checkout, go to the related Event Settings record. In the Visibility section, set Sessions = “Always”.

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