September 2023 - Version 4.5
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September 2023 - Version 4.5

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Article summary

If you have any questions about the release note, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.

REQUIRED: The Candy Shop link must be used to upgrade the September release for Events.

The Candy Shop is your one-stop shop for installs and upgrades. To visit the Blackthorn Candy Shop page, go here.

Off-Cycle Release

October 10, 2023

  • Attendees can now fill out Forms that include Big List Group Options without the Form freezing or taking too long to load. Previously, an error in the filter used to retrieve Big List Group Option values caused intermittent long load times and freezing.

It’s a New App!

Blackthorn Storefront is the lightest weight and easiest app to use to create a store from inside Salesforce. Add products to sell and let your customers add them to a cart and check out.

Storefront allows for the purchase of products including courses and digital items without an associated Attendee record. You can use your org’s existing Products and Price Books as well as integrate custom Forms into your store to ask custom questions and collect answers in Salesforce.

For more information about adding Storefront, please contact your CSM or Account Executive.

BT Salesforce Release

Bug Fixes

  • Adding or removing values from lookup fields in the Event Builder and Event Wizard will no longer cause new, blank Event records to be created. (Known Issue: 000002946)
  • Users will be notified if a Classic Email Template that is linked to a Blackthorn Email Template has been deleted. The notification will include a link to recreate the deleted template. Previously, deleting a Classic Email Template prevented the related Blackthorn Email Template from working. Also, the user was not notified about the error or given information to fix it. (Known Issue: 000002858)
  • Users can now upgrade Blackthorn Events without creating test records. Previously, test records were created without clicking the Create Test Records button. (Known Issue: 000002384)
  • When configuring the BT Events Listing component in Experience Cloud, users can no longer inadvertently display the default Event Group by setting Event Group = “--None--”. The “--None--” value has been removed, leaving only Event Group names. (Known Issue: 000002822)
  • Event planners using the Salesforce Classic interface can now use the Publish button on the Event page layout. Previously, the button would intermittently fail to unpublish the Event. This update does not impact Event planners using the Lightning Interface with the BT Events Publish Lightning Web Component as the Publish button was unaffected by the bug. (Known Issue: 000002836)
  • When using the BT Events Attendee Builder Lightning Web Component, users can now create new Attendee records by selecting an existing Event with Attendees. Previously, existing Events did not appear when searching with the component. (Known Issue: 000002865)
  • An Event Admin can use the Create Sample Data button more than once. If an Event Admin creates the sample data but then deletes some of it, they can click the Create Sample Data button again to recreate the deleted data. Previously, if any sample data existed, clicking Create Sample Data would cause the automation to fail.
  • A user can now successfully clone an Event when multiple Event page layouts are assigned to their profile. (Known Issue: 000002901)


  • Users can now add Attendees from a Campaign on the Event’s Attendees tab, the Add Attendees button on the Campaign, and via the Event Auto-Sync field on the Campaign. In each scenario, the BT Event Attendee Duplicate Rule will be respected, and no duplicate records will be created. Previously, if One Unique Attendee Email Per Event = "False" and one or more campaign members were already Event Attendees, then duplicate Attendee records were created. (Known Issue: 000002913)
  • Additionally, if One Unique Attendee Email Per Event = "True", then all but the individual duplicate Attendee record will be processed. Previously, one duplicate record in a group caused the addition of the entire group of Attendees to fail. (Known Issue: 000002913)
  • Individual Attendees will now receive an email confirmation when multiple Attendees register within a minute of each other. Previously, the system marked some email addresses as duplicates if it already had an Apex email job scheduled to occur. (Known Issue: 000002949)

Event Builder

  • Users can now only enter numbers and commas in the Donation Amounts field on the Event Item record. Previously, users could include spaces, which caused errors in the Event Builder.
  • When a user clones an Event with an Organizer, the newly cloned Event will include that same Organizer (Account) value. The Organizer field label in the Event Builder was also changed to Organizer (Account). Previously, the Organizer field on the newly cloned Event was blank.
  • When using the Event Builder, users can switch from editing Event A to cloning an Event B, and all displayed field values will use the values from Event B. Previously, some field values from Event A remained if those fields were blank for Event B.
  • When using the Event Builder, users can now click Reuse Webinar Information from Event to copy webinar details from an Event record to a Session record. Previously, this option was present, but it was not functional. NOTE: This feature is a one-time shortcut. It does not set up an ongoing sync between the Event’s and Session’s webinar details.
  • Users entering FAQ questions in the Event Builder will be limited to the maximum number of characters. Previously, users could enter too many characters, triggering an error when trying to save the Event.

Form Elements

  • Users can change the sort order of Form Elements, and the sort order will be saved with the records. Users can also create Form Elements with Conditional Questions without duplicate records being created. Previously, bugs prevented the sort order from being saved and caused duplicate Form Elements to be created. (Known Issue: 000002374)
  • If a user creates a Form Element from a Form, the Form Element interface will be saved correctly, and the Form Elements Related List will be updated. Previously, an intermittent bug prevented Form Elements from being saved and the Related List from being automatically updated.


  • The four instances of “load_dataset” in the Candy Shop’s install path have been changed to “Load Sample Data.”
  • When a user clicks the Clone button to clone an Event and its related records, they will now see a spinner animation while the component loads.
  • Users can now access the Blackthorn Email Template Builder by clicking New on the Email Templates list view. Previously, users could only launch the Email Template Builder from an Event’s Email Templates Related List. (Known Issue: 000002252)

Event Builder

Users can now preview the Venue section of their Event website on the Event Builder Landing Page. Previously, this section was present on the website, but it was not displayed on the Builder Landing Page.
The Event Builder’s FAQ page now includes a Cancel button that will discard any data that was entered so the user can exit the Edit window. Previously, there was only an Add button.

Webapp Release

Bug Fixes

  • A Form Big List Option will now load when registering for an Event that uses the Dynamic UI. Previously, Form Big List Options did not load. The other Event UI options were not affected. (Known Issue: 000002978)
  • Attendees registering for an Event will see Form Big List Groups load faster. The Event website will only retrieve the Form Big List Groups that are relevant to that page, rather than retrieving all the Form Big List Groups.
  • Attendees will now see the checkout process complete successfully even if custom automation causes a runtime of 25+ seconds. Previously, checkout would fail if processing took over 25 seconds. Please note: While the out-of-the-box Event checkout processing is completed in less than 25 seconds, some organizations require customization that increases the processing time.

Admin Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Events to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process.

Since Payments is already installed, the installer will install Base Package and make sure the correct version of Payments is installed before installing Events.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.


From now until 09/26/23, the directions below will teach you how to test the new front-end features, enhancements, and bug fixes until they are automatically pushed to the front end.

To Do

You will need to replace the Event Page and AttendeeLink URLs,' domain, to a test domain.


For example, when you create your Attendee, an AttendeeLink URL is generated with the "" domain like this one:

You'll then click on the AttendeeLink URL so it opens up in a new page. Remove "" and replace it with "" so it looks like this:

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.