Pre-checkout and Checkout Details
  • 13 Jul 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Pre-checkout and Checkout Details

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Article summary


There are two rich-text type fields which will allow you to show additional information on the pre-checkout and checkout page of your Event.

Use Case Examples

  1. You can provide elaborate instructions to follow through the precheckout and checkout pages.
  2. Insert table diagrams and other images to show visual aids for the registration process.

Use Case 1

Use Case 2


  1. Add the Precheckout Details and Checkout Details fields to the Event page layout.

If you are using custom permission sets, please make sure these fields are granted access where necessary.

  1. Fill in the the Precheckout Details and Checkout Details fields.

  2. Click Save.
    Instructions 1

  3. View the new information on the pre-checkout and checkout pages during registration.
    Precheckout Page
    Instructions 2

Checkout Page
Instructions 3

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