Virtual Terminal
  • 06 Oct 2023
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Virtual Terminal

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Article summary

Prepopulating Examples

Related To Field: Opportunity.Account -> Transaction.Account

G_01_03 virtual terminal pic 1

Currency ISO Field

  1. Create a custom picklist field called Currency ISO on your Opportunity parent object.
  2. Insert the same values as the Currency ISO field from the Transaction. Only include the Currency ISO values that you need.
  3. Set a default value for this custom field, ie "USD".
  4. Create a new custom metadata type record.
    • Name: Opp_Currency_ISO
    • Label: Opp->Trans Currency
    • Screen: Single Transaction
    • Source Object: Opportunity
    • Source Field: Currency ISO
    • Target Object: Transaction
    • Target Field: Currency ISO
  5. Click Save.

Description Field: Opportunity.Description -> Transaction.Description

G_01_03 virtual terminal pic 2

Custom Field: Lead.Lead Source -> Transaction. Lead Source

G_01_03 virtual terminal pic 3

Additional Use Cases

If you have any suggestions for a use case with Blackthorn Payments please contact Blackthorn Support and provide details on your use case. We always appreciate hearing the solutions our customers create and love sharing that with our other customers!