January 2023 - Version 5.91
  • 01 Feb 2024
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January 2023 - Version 5.91

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Payments application.

Salesforce Release Update Known Issue

Enable Secure Static Resources for Lightning Components is a Salesforce Release Update that has been postponed indefinitely. Test Run on this Release Update should remain disabled in order to use our Virtual Terminal components. This is due to a Salesforce Known Issue.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Payments to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Off-Cycle Releases

Events Version 3.89

January 31, 2023

Updates were made to the backend Attendee registration process to prevent duplicate charges and duplicate ERS records. To resolve this issue, customers MUST upgrade both packages to the latest Events (3.89) and Payments (5.92) versions.

Payments Version 5.92

January 31, 2023

The following updates were made to prevent a Coupon on the first (prorated) Invoice from being applied to the entire Invoice as well as individual prorated Line Items when Proration Behavior = “Create Prorations” on a Subscription using a percentage off Coupon.

  • New Field
    • Location: Line Item object
    • Field Label: Is Not Discountable
    • API Name: IsNotDiscountable__c
    • Added to Stripe Billing permission set
  • Functionality
    • The default setting for this field is “False”.
    • Users must set Is Not Discountable = "True" on any Line Item records that should not be discounted.

Bug Fix

  • Users can now create a new Payment Method and successfully complete a Transaction when using Blackthorn APIs with web forms and an Authorize.net Payment Gateway.


Version Updates
  • PayLink: Version 1.23
  • FSL Extension: Version 1.64
  • The current Payments package will be installed when a user installs PayLink from the Blackthorn | Payments Setup Wizard tab.
  • There is a new custom setting in Blackthorn Pay – Trigger Setting: Enable Auth Trans Rollup on WorkOrder.
    • With this setting enabled, if a Transaction is authorized for an amount less than the Balance Due on the Work Order, a new Transaction is automatically created with an amount equal to the difference between the first Transaction and the original amount due.
    • The Balance Due and Balance Paid fields on a Work Order will update automatically when a Transaction with an amount less than the Balance Due on the Work Order is authorized. This change allows these fields to be used with authorized charges.

Field Service Lightning (FSL) Extension Package

NOTE: If you are interested in the Blackthorn FSL Extension Package, please contact your account manager.
  • A new lookup field, Payment Method, was added to the Work Order object. The new field allows users to associate a Payment Method with a Work Order in the Field Service Mobile extension package.
    NOTE: Users must have the Blackthorn | Payments FSL and Blackthorn | Payments (User) permission set to access the field.

    • Field Label: Payment Method
      • API Name: btfslmobiletext__Payment_Method__c
      • Data Type: Lookup
  • An FSL user can add and authorize a payment or add a new Payment Method while connected to a Spreedly Payment Gateway. The authorized Transaction will be associated with an FSL Work Order to be used later.
    To perform these tasks, two new fields -- Mobile Add Card and Mobile Authorize -- have been added to the Work Order object. The fields store links that launch the Mobile Payments app and take the user directly to the correct screen to complete the selected action. Both fields include the Blackthorn | Payments FSL permission set with Read Access = “True”.

    • Field Label: Mobile Add Card
      • API Name: btfslmobiletext__Mobile_AddCard__c
      • Purpose: Contains the URL that will launch the Mobile Payments app directly to the add card screen.
    • Field Label: Mobile Authorize
      • API Name: btfslmobiletext__Mobile_Auth__c
      • Purpose: Contains the URL that will launch the Mobile Payments app directly to the authorize screen.

Spreedly with Cybersource

  • When using a Cybersource gateway connected via Spreedly to make a purchase or authorization, information in the Spreedly/Cybersource fields will be mapped to the following new fields on the Transaction object.

    • Field Label: Authorization Code
      • API Name: bt_stripe_Authorization_Code__c
      • Data Type: Text(255)
    • Field Label: Reconciliation Id
      • API Name: bt_stripe_Reconciliation_Id__c
      • Data Type: Text(255)
  • Transaction authorizations are now supported when using a Cybersource gateway via Spreedly.

  • A user can predefine up to 20 fields to be passed as Merchant Defined Data from Salesforce to Spreedly/Cybersource so the data will be visible in Cybersource. While this will sync the Merchant Defined Data fields from Salesforce to Cybersource, it is not a bi-directional sync. Updates made to these fields in Cybersource will not be reflected in Salesforce.


  • Users can now send an authorization link (AuthLink) to customers to authorize the amount of a Transaction that was charged to the customer's Payment Method. This functions similarly to how PayLink already functions, with authorizations instead of charges.

    • The AuthLink will be created and stored in the Transaction record after the Transaction is created.
    • If an existing AuthLink is deleted and the record is saved, a new AuthLink will be generated.
    • The AuthLink will be generated at the same time as the PayLink.
    • Access to the AuthLink field requires the Blackthorn | Payments (User) permission set.
    • Field Information
      • Field Label: AuthLink
      • API Name: AuthLink__c
      • Type: URL(255)
  • When a user authorizes a payment via AuthLink, the Transaction’s Payment Status = “Authorized”.

  • Blackthorn supports AuthLink for Stripe, Authorize.net, and our supported Spreedly Payment Gateways.

Mobile Payments App - Android Release

Build - 1.1.11

Released 20 December 2022

Bug Fix

  • Updates to timeouts have been made to ensure Android Mobile Payments app users can log in and log out without experiencing periodic app crashes and successfully complete a payment.


  • Users can now create and authorize new Payment Methods using a Spreedly Payment Gateway via the Android Mobile Payments app.

  • When a Spreedly/Cybersource Payment Gateway is used to enter a Payment Method on the Android Mobile Payments app, the First name and Last name fields on the credit card screen are now visible and required.

  • To create a new Payment Method with a Spreedly Payment Gateway with Cybersource in the Android Mobile Payments app, users must complete the following billing address fields. These fields will automatically appear on the Payment Method entry screen when using a Cybersource gateway via Spreedly and map to the Billing Information fields located on the Payment Method object.

    • Street (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_Street__c)
    • City (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_City__c)
    • State (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_State__c)
    • Postal Code (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_Postal_Code__c)
    • Country (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_Country__c)
  • A customer’s billing address information will be captured correctly in the Android Mobile Payments app and populated properly in the Cybersource dashboard.

  • Users can now enable a setting that will take the user directly to the Payment Method entry screen after tapping a deeplink to the Android Mobile Payments app. To set up this feature, create a new Transaction with the following settings.

    • Record Type = “Charge”
    • Mobile Skip Intro Screen = “Yes”
    • In the Accepted Payments Methods multi-select picklist on the Transaction (bt_stripe__Accepted_Payment_Methods__c), move “Card (Typed)” to the Chosen column.
  • After doing this, the following deeplinks will now navigate directly to the Payment Method entry screen:

    • “Mobile Pay” (btfslmobileext__Mobile_Pay__c) on the Transaction
    • “Mobile Pay” (btfslmobileext__Mobile_Pay__c) and “Mobile Authorize” (btfslmobileext__Mobile_Auth__c) on the Work Order related to the Transaction (Transaction lookup field “btfslmobileext__WorkOrder2__c”)
  • When using the Android Mobile Payments app, users can now turn off the send receipt screen after authorizing or capturing a Transaction by enabling the new Custom Setting “Skip Receipt Screen”. This can be found under Setup > Custom Settings > Blackthorn Payments | Mobile Settings > Manage.

    • If Skip Receipt Screen = "True", then the last screen will not show the option to send a receipt.
    • If Skip Receipt Screen = "False", then the last screen will show the option to send a receipt.
    • Field Information
      • Field Label: Skip Receipt Screen
      • API Name: bt_stripe_Skip_Receipt_Screen__c
      • Data Type: Checkbox

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.