Recreating Records
  • 06 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Recreating Records

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Article summary

Records that exist in Stripe but not in Salesforce can be recreated in Salesforce from the Stripe IDs.

Here's an example of recreating a charge so the refund can be conducted within Salesforce.

  1. Log into the Stripe dashboard to see the relevant IDs.
    • Gather the following IDs:
      • Card ID
      • Customer ID
      • Transaction ID
  2. Create a new Transaction in Salesforce.
    1. Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Blackthorn Pay - Trigger Settings.
    2. Click Manage and disable relevant triggers to manipulate records.
    3. Fill in the following fields:
      • Record Type = "Charge"
      • Amount = Stripe Dashboard Charge amount
      • Currency ISO
      • Transaction Status = "Completed"
      • Payment Status = "Captured"
      • Set the Payment Method lookup to the correct Payment Method that matches the Card ID from Step 1.
  3. Click Refund in Salesforce.

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