Setup & Configuration
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Setup & Configuration

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Article summary

For Government Cloud Users

Government Cloud users who want to use PayLink need to reach out to Blackthorn Support to have instanceUrl added to their PayLink license.

  1. Navigate to the Payments Setup Wizard to install PayLink.
  2. Once the install has completed, go to the Blackthorn | PayLink Setup Wizard.

L_02_setup and config

Configuration Video

Initial Configuration

  1. Navigate to the Blackthorn PayLink app.
  2. Click the PayLink Configuration tab.
  3. Click New.
    New PayLink Configuration Record
  4. Enter a Name. (required)
  5. Set Default = “True” (checked) if this record will be the default record.
  6. Move accepted payment method types from the Available column to the Chosen column.
  7. Set Currency Symbol to “Symbol” or “ISO”. (The default setting is “Symbol”.)
    • Example for US dollars
      • Symbol = “$”
      • ISO = “USD”
  8. Add the Acceptance Language, if using.
  9. Add the Terms and Conditions URL, if using.
  10. Use the following fields to configure the PayLink’s appearance.
    • Logo (URL) (The URL must originate outside of Salesforce.)
    • Background Color (#)
    • Card Color Theme
    • Background Image (URL)
    • Button Color (#)
    • Due Date Label (This field overrides the Transaction Due Date field.)
    • Amount Due Label (This overrides the Transaction Amount field.)
    • Requested By Label (This overrides the Transaction Account field.)
  11. Click Save.

PayLink Record.png

Acceptance Language and Terms & Conditions Functionality


The Acceptance Language field must be filled.

If the Acceptance Language field has a value, the following will occur.

  • A checkbox will appear on the PayLink checkout.
  • The text entered in the Acceptance Language field will be the checkbox label.
    Yes Checkbox_2

If the Acceptance Language field has a value AND the Terms and Conditions field contains a URL, then the checkbox label will be hyperlinked with the URL.

BUT if the Acceptance Language field is Blank, the checkbox and the accompanying hyperlinked text WILL NOT be visible.
No Checkbox_1

No Checkbox_21

Image Size Considerations

When adding a background image to PayLink using the Background Image (URL) field, consider how the image will appear in PayLink.

  • We recommend using an image file no larger than 1MB.

Keep in Mind:

  • The image you provide will cover the whole page.
  • All images have a certain ratio (height and width). You may need to adjust your image outside of Salesforce based on the viewport of the devices being used.
  • If your image includes text, make sure it is not cropped on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). You may need to edit your image outside of Salesforce to reorient the text.
Please Read

For those using Government Cloud OR who have disallowed logins from "" in their org, please contact Blackthorn Support with your Salesforce org’s My Domain after installing PayLink. You can find the My Domain at Setup > My Domain.

Now that your PayLink is customized, learn how it works.

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