Release Notes
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Package v1.26

Released February 2024


Users can now translate button labels and other static text on PayLinks. The Data Dictionary provides multilingual support, allowing Admins to establish a default language that serves as the primary language for all users. Admins can also override the default language and customize users' language experiences when specific predefined criteria are met.

The Transaction object now includes two new fields; the Data Dictionary Group field and the PayLink Display Language field.

  • Field Name: Data Dictionary Group
    • API Name: bt_stripe__Data_Dictionary_Group__c
    • Data Type: Lookup(Data Dictionary Group)
    • Description: Select the Data Dictionary Group that contains the translated override values (Data Dictionary Entries) for the chosen Display Language.
  • Field Name: PayLink Display Language
    • API Name: PayLink_Display_Language__c
    • Data Type: picklist
    • Description: List of supported display languages for PayLink. This field is set to English by default.

The following logic describes how the Data Dictionary Group/Data Dictionary Entry records interact with the PayLink Display Language field.

  • PayLink labels are displayed in English, the default language, when either of the following is true.
    • The Transaction’s PayLink Display Language and Data Dictionary Group fields are blank.
    • The Transaction’s PayLink Display Language field is blank, and the Data Dictionary Group does not have a Data Dictionary Entry for English.
  • PayLink labels use a Data Dictionary Entry’s values if the attached Transaction’s Data Dictionary Group has a Data Dictionary Entry record that uses the same language as the Transaction’s PayLink Display Language.
  • PayLink labels are displayed in the selected Transaction PayLink Display Language if a Data Dictionary Group does not include a Data Dictionary Entry record for the selected PayLink Display Language.
  • PayLink labels are displayed in English if a Data Dictionary Group has a Data Dictionary Entry record with Language / Locale = “English,” and the Transaction’s PayLink Display Language field is blank.
  • PayLink labels are displayed in the selected Transaction’s PayLink Display Language when the Transaction’s Data Dictionary Group field does not have a value.

Click here for more information about translating PayLinks.

Package v1.25

Released 12 December 2023


  • PayLink now includes a more efficient method to reduce the number of API calls required to confirm the user license status.

Bug Fix

  • PayLink will display the currency based on the value in the Currency Display field on the Paylink Configuration record. Previously, the Currency Display field value did not impact how the currency was displayed.

Package v1.23

Released 22 August 2023


  • Plaid users can now add a customer’s name and email to the Bank section of the PayLink form.

Bug Fixes

  • An error was resolved that occurred when using and PayLink which caused the Bank Account Type selector to appear inactive when a user tried to make an ACH payment.
  • After completing an ACH Transaction using a Stripe Payment Gateway via PayLink, the micro-deposit prompt will no longer be visible since Stripe waives micro-deposits.
  • Additional updates have been made to prevent the micro-deposit message from appearing when Stripe has waived the micro-deposit requirement, the Skip ACH Validation custom setting is enabled, and a Transaction with an ACH Payment Method is being processed via PayLink.
  • When a Stripe Payment Gateway that was set up with Plaid is used to complete a Transaction via PayLink, the Customer Name & Email will be captured correctly, populated on the Payment Gateway Customer record, and sent to Stripe.

Package v1.21

Released 26 May 2021

  • Added the value "Stripe Checkout" to the field Accepted Payment Methods on the Paylink Configuration object.

Package v1.20

Released 9 Feb 2021

  • Updated verbiage and spacing in the PayLink Setup Wizard.

Package v1.19

Released 11 Nov 2020

  • Added error handling to triggers.
  • Updated redirect URLs.
  • Added dependency on Payments v5.6.

Package v1.17

Released 3 Sep 2020

  • No code change, just modified the dependency on Payments to support version 4.170 and above.

Package v1.16

Released 7 Nov 2019

  • Deprecated and deleted the Transaction__c.PayLink_Payment_Methods__c field.

Package v1.15

Released 4 Oct 2019

  • Fixed a broken link to our documentation in the PayLink setup wizard.

Package v1.14

Released 17 Sep 2019

  • Added the ability to override the Amount DueDue Date, and Requested By labels.

Package v1.13

Released 4 Jun 2019

  • Added Support for

Package v1.12

Released 21 May 2019

  • Added a new field to the PayLink Configuration called Terms and Conditions which can be used to render hyperlinked legal verbiage on the ACH checkout.

Package v1.11

Released 17 Apr 2019

  • Added a Next PayLink URL to the Payment Schedule object and rollup logic.

Package v1.10

Released 11 Feb 2019

  • Added support for Custom Settings.

Package v1.9

Released 25 Oct 2018

  • Added Paylink Payment Method on the Transaction object.
  • Added a link to documentation in the Payments Setup Wizard.
  • Improved PayLink security.