Mobile Payments Android Releases
  • 10 Jul 2024
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Mobile Payments Android Releases

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Article summary

Please review the updates below and follow the upgrade instructions for your specific device to upgrade your Mobile Payments app.

Build 2.0.1

Released 10 July 2024

Bug Fixes

  • If “Tap to Pay” is added as a picklist value for the Accepted Payment Methods field on a Payment Gateway, Android Mobile Payments app users will see “Tap to Pay” as an accepted payment option. (Known Issue: 000003417)
  • Android Mobile Payments app users with a Spreedly/Cybersource payment gateway will see an updated error message when an invalid (or missing) value is entered in the postal code field for credit card payments. The new error message is “Please enter a valid Zip/Postal Code and try again.”
  • Android Mobile Payments app users will now be able to process a payment when using an gateway. Previously, the app randomly crashed, and the user was unable to complete the Transaction.

Build 2.0.0

Released 23 January 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Android Mobile Payments app users making a cash payment can now add/edit the description on the final screen. Previously, Android users could not add or edit the description.


  • Users will see a confirmation message stating that an email receipt was sent after manually entering a card payment. Previously, the confirmation message was not visible.
  • Users will see a lock icon next to the Contact and Account fields on an existing Transaction, indicating that they cannot edit those fields. Previously, users could edit the Contact and Account fields on an existing Transaction from the Mobile Payments FSL app, causing duplicate Payment Gateway Customer records to be created.

Offline for Mobile

  • The Field Service mobile app and new offline functionality will ship as a known issue as the deep link does not update as intended. This is because, with its current implementation, there is no way to update the link without connecting to the internet and performing a data sync.
  • If the Mobile Payments app loses its internet connection, a red indicator bar with the message, “No internet connection” will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  • A user will see the Pending changes screen with the list of records waiting to be sent to Salesforce when they save information to local storage. Once the app is online and the records are successfully sent to Salesforce, the record will be removed from the Pending changes list.
  • In the app’s navigation menu, there will be a “Pending changes” option when there are recording waiting to be synced to Salesforce. The label will include the count of pending records.
  • If a user tries to accept a cash payment when the device is offline, they will receive a popup with the following message. “No internet connection. The payment cannot be processed. You can save the payment for later and it will automatically retry when connection restores.” After choosing to save the payment, the following confirmation message will appear. “Payment saved in local storage. It will be processed when the connection restores.”
  • While the Mobile Payments app is online, it will download the list of available Payment Gateways. After the initial download, users can access the Payment Gateways list from the home screen when the app is offline. Note: Any change made to a Payment Gateway in Salesforce won’t be reflected in the Mobile Payments app until the app is loaded again while online.
  • The Mobile Payments app accepts the following payment types.
    • Card (manually entered and swiped)
    • Cash
    • ACH
    • Card Reader

Tap to Pay

Tap to Pay for Android is now a supported Payment Method for Stripe transactions in the Mobile Payments app. As of today, Tap to Pay is only supported on Stripe.

The SDK for Tap to Pay on Android requires Android mobile devices to meet the following criteria:

  • Contains a functioning NFC antenna and chipset
  • Isn’t rooted and the device bootloader is locked and unchanged
  • Runs a current version of Android (Android 10 or above)
  • Uses Google Mobile Services
  • Has a hardware-backed keystore
  • Access to a stable connection to the internet

Tap to Pay requires an active internet connection and will not be supported if the Mobile Payments app is in offline mode.

Tap to Pay supports existing Terminal functionality that saves card details for future online reuse. However, the Save Card functionality applies only to physical cards, not mobile wallets.

Payment details used cannot be stored and re-used if the payment used is a mobile wallet (e.g., GooglePay, ApplePay, etc.) as mobile wallet tokens cannot be reused. For more detailed information, please read this article from Stripe.

The Payments Mobile app does not support pin entry as a fallback for payments that require an additional layer of authentication.

Tap to Pay for Android may require additional verification for transactions over a certain amount. To learn more about regional limits, click here.

Build 1.1.14

Release 10 October 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Some Android devices crashed after the users logged in to the Mobile Payments app. The issue was identified and has now been resolved.
  • After collecting a payment on the Mobile Payments app, the billing email provided by the user will be stored in the email address field on the related Payment Method and Payment Gateway Customer records. If an email is already stored on a related Payment Method and Payment Gateway Customer records, the existing email will not be overwritten by the newly provided billing email. (Known Issue: 000002690)
  • To prevent duplicate Payment Gateway Customer records from being created by FSL users in the field, the following update was made to the Mobile Payments app. The ability to edit/remove Contact and Account records from an existing Transaction was removed. For Transactions created by the app, the Contact and Account records can be edited/removed. (Known Issue: 000002734)
  • Card Reader Payments on the Android Mobile Payments app will now process as expected.
  • When a user captures a card payment with a Spreedly gateway, the Country selected will determine if the State field is required.
  • After completing a Transaction with a Spreedly gateway, the Payment Status will be set to "Captured". Previously, the Payment Status was set to " Authorized".
  • Users can now click the Disconnect button to manually disconnect a card reader.
  • When trying to Tokenize a Payment Method to on the Mobile Payments app, a Transaction with Amount = “0” will no longer be created.


  • Previously, Blackthorn Mobile FSL app users received the following error message, “invalid ID field: {!btfslmobileext__Open_Charge_Record_Id__c),” without providing additional detail. Users will now see the following message, “Something went wrong. Please return to the Field Service app, refresh the record, then try again.”
  • The label that displays at the bottom of the Android Mobile Payments app has been updated to “Return to Salesforce Field Service” so the label reflects the correct Salesforce name.

Build - 1.1.13

Release June 2023

Bug Fixes

  • An intermittent issue that occurred when processing a mobile card reader payment has been fixed. The app will no longer attempt to update the Payment Intent while the related Transaction is being captured.
  • Card Reader Payments on the Android Mobile Payments app will now process as expected.
  • Improved error handling when using the Android app.
  • Some Android devices crashed after the users logged in to the Mobile Payments app. The issue was identified and has now been resolved.
  • To prevent duplicate Payment Gateway Customer records from being created by FSL users in the field, the following update was made to the Mobile Payments app. The ability to edit/remove Contact and Account records from an existing Transaction was removed. For Transactions created by the app, the Contact and Account records can be edited/removed. (Known Issue: 000002734)

Build - 1.1.12

Release 23 March 2023

Bug Fix

  • The Mobile Payments app will now skip the Intro Screen when the Mobile Skip Intro Screen checkbox is checked on a Transaction.

Build - 1.1.11

Released 14 February 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Android Mobile Payments app users can now log in to the app after an expired session without the app crashing.
  • When entering payment information on the credit card payments screen, users will now first choose a Country and then select a State. This change will prevent the error that occurred when a user entered a country name that contained two words.

Build - 1.1.11

Released 20 December 2022

Bug Fix

  • Updates to timeouts have been made to ensure Android Mobile Payments app users can log in and log out without experiencing periodic app crashes and successfully complete a payment.


  • Users can now create and authorize new Payment Methods using a Spreedly Payment Gateway via the Mobile Payments app.

  • When a Spreedly/Cybersource Payment Gateway is used to enter a Payment Method on the Mobile Payments app, the First name and Last name fields on the credit card screen are now visible and required.

  • To create a new Payment Method with a Spreedly Payment Gateway with Cybersource in the Android Mobile Payments app, users must complete the following billing address fields. These fields will automatically appear on the Payment Method entry screen when using a Cybersource gateway via Spreedly and map to the Billing Information fields located on the Payment Method object.

    • Street (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_Street__c)
    • City (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_City__c)
    • State (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_State__c)
    • Postal Code (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_Postal_Code__c)
    • Country (Field API Name: bt_stripe__Billing_Country__c)
  • A customer’s billing address information will be captured correctly in the Mobile Payments app and populated properly in the Cybersource dashboard.

  • Users can now enable a setting that will take the user directly to the Payment Method entry screen after tapping a deeplink to the Android Mobile Payments app. To set up this feature, create a new Transaction with the following settings.

    • Record Type = “Charge”
    • Mobile Skip Intro Screen = “Yes”
    • In the Accepted Payments Methods multi-select picklist on the Transaction (bt_stripe__Accepted_Payment_Methods__c), move “Card (Typed)” to the Chosen column.
  • After doing this, the following deeplinks will now navigate directly to the Payment Method entry screen:

    • “Mobile Pay” (btfslmobileext__Mobile_Pay__c) on the Transaction
    • “Mobile Pay” (btfslmobileext__Mobile_Pay__c) and “Mobile Authorize” (btfslmobileext__Mobile_Auth__c) on the Work Order related to the Transaction (Transaction lookup field “btfslmobileext__WorkOrder2__c”)
  • When using the Android Mobile Payments app, users can now turn off the send receipt screen after authorizing or capturing a Transaction by enabling the new Custom Setting “Skip Receipt Screen”. This can be found under Setup > Custom Settings > Blackthorn Payments | Mobile Settings > Manage.

    • If Skip Receipt Screen = "True", then the last screen will not show the option to send a receipt.
    • If Skip Receipt Screen = "False", then the last screen will show the option to send a receipt.
    • Field Information
      • Field Label: Skip Receipt Screen
      • API Name: bt_stripe_Skip_Receipt_Screen__c
      • Data Type: Checkbox

Build 1.1.10

Released 06 April 2022


  • The “Require Existing Transaction for Mobile” feature is now supported in Blackthorn Mobile Payments for Android devices. This setting will block users from processing a payment in the Mobile Payments app if there isn’t an existing Transaction in Salesforce before the app is launched.

Build 1.1.9

Released 22 March 2022

Bug Fixes

  • After successfully completing a payment on the Mobile Payments app and attempting to complete a second transaction, the currency symbol will now appear before the charge amount on the Reader screen instead of the word “null”.
  • When a Mobile Payments app user clicks Support on the main navigation screen, they will now see the correct Support content.
  • The “Pair a reader” page in the Mobile Payments app loads correctly when the user navigates there from the side navigation.
  • If a user selects an Account or Contact with an associated email address, the email address will now appear on the receipt screen.
  • The Return To Field Service Lightning button has been added to the Mobile Payment app’s receipt screen.
  • We resolved a breaking change caused by the Android 12 update. When using an Android device to make a payment via the Mobile Payments app, users are now able to click Next and complete the Transaction rather than being taken back to the Field Service App.
  • When a user performs a Transaction in the Mobile Payment app on an Android device, they will be presented with the following Payment Methods: Card, Cash, Check, and ACH. The Money Order option is not available on Android devices.


  • When connecting a Stripe card reader, a modal screen will appear on the Mobile Payments app to ask for Bluetooth permissions for the following new permissions in Android 12 or higher.
    • BLUETOOTH_CONNECT: required to connect to paired Bluetooth devices.
    • BLUETOOTH_SCAN: required to scan and pair nearby Bluetooth devices.
    • BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE: required to advertise to nearby Bluetooth devices.

Build 1.1.8

Released 14 December 2021

Breaking Change

Stripe users need to add locations to their Stripe dashboard before upgrading their Android mobile devices to the latest version. If the locations are not added first, users will be unable to connect to a Stripe card reader.


  • The Android Mobile Payment app release includes updates to meet the new Stripe Terminal mobile SDKs version 2.0.0 requirements. To assist users and meet the locations requirement of the new SDK, Blackthorn has added the ability to add a device location to a reader. Users will see a new field on the reader screen and can now select a location that was previously created in their Stripe dashboard. These changes do not impact the payment functionality of the app.
  • When a user selects a UK Payment Gateway while using the Android Mobile Payments, the GBP currency is automatically selected. The accepted Payment Methods are "Cash" and "Card".

Build 1.1.6

Released 10 May 2021


  • Added: A Payment Gateway selector on the Tokenize Card screen now that multiple provider options are available.
  • Added: A validation to inform users when the Payment Gateway selected is not configured properly.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved: Clicking OK after entering card details on the tokenize screen always resulted in navigation to the home screen. We've updated the click action for this button to return the user to the tokenize screen when a card results in errors. This will allow the user to easily make updates to the card details.
  • Resolved: When adding an card using the tokenize screen there was a error being displayed and also a related Transaction record was created. The logic has been updated to prevent both of these items from occurring.

Build 1.1.5

Released 13 Apr 2021

Bug Fixes

  • Restored the ability to send email receipts for ACH Transactions.
  • Resolved: When capturing cash Transactions the Mobile Payments app was crashing. Users will now be able to complete a cash Transaction in the Mobile Payments app.

Build 1.1.3

Released 24 Mar 2021


  • Added the ability to capture credit card payments using manual card entry.
  • Added the ability to capture ACH payments.
  • Removed the ability to send email receipts for ACH transactions since they result in a "Pending" Payment Status This should be a more intuitive user experience. Note

The ability to add related Accounts and Contacts to an Transaction will be in an upcoming release.

January 2021 Update

Released 27 Jan 2021


  • We didn't update the functionality of the app so that's why you do not see a new version number, but we did update the Play Store app listing to include a more detailed description and screenshots of the app.

Build 1.1.2

Released 23 Dec 2020


  • Added: The ability to programmatically check the battery level prior to a firmware update.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved: If users were on a Payments package that didn't include all of the new field references there was an error displaying. Logic has been put in place to determine what Payments package the Mobile Payments user has installed.

Build 1.1.1

Released 30 Nov 2020


  • Added: bt prefix for the key value used as header detail for card reader Transactions.
  • Added: An About page so users can view the Mobile Payments app version from the app rather than the Play Store.
  • Added: Mobile App Version labels for use inside of Salesforce. You can now add a field Mobile App Version to your Transaction to see what Mobile App version was used to create the record.
  • Added: The ability to update the card reader firmware from the Mobile Payments app. Read more here.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug to correct issue of not being able to send an email receipt for cash payments.

Build 1.1.0

Released 15 Oct 2020


  • Added a disconnect button when a card reader is connected to the Mobile Payments app.
  • Included the Tokenize Card feature from iOS Mobile Payments in our Android application.
  • The Mobile Payments app now includes better error handling during token expiration.
  • Enhanced the Contact lookup for a more intuitive user experience.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug to correct issue of not being able to connect to a card reader.