May 2023 - Version 3.99
    • 21 Jun 2023
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    May 2023 - Version 3.99

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    Article summary

    If you have any questions about the release note, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.

    REQUIRED: The Candy Shop link must be used to upgrade the May release for Events.

    The Candy Shop is your one-stop shop for installs and upgrades. To visit the Blackthorn Candy Shop page, go here.

    New Feature!

    Smart Scheduler is now available! Do you want to be able to schedule emails or SMS messages (Messaging users only) to send to your customers? Blackthorn’s new Smart Scheduler will help you do that. Click here to read about Smart Scheduler or check out this short video to see how it works. For more information or to set up Smart Scheduler, contact Blackthorn Support.

    Smart Scheduler is feature flagged.

    To start using Smart Scheduler, please contact Blackthorn Support.

    Off-Cycle Release

    May 17, 2023

    • Inactive and deleted Events that were part of an Event Group will no longer appear in their Event Group. Previously, a hard refresh to the Event Group page was required to remove inactive and deleted Events. (Known Issue: 000002683)
    • Big List Groups will now load correctly without needing to perform a hard refresh. A bug introduced by the May 3, 2023 release caused an intermittent issue where a hard refresh was required to load a Big List Group.
    • An Attendee, who was previously on the waitlist but now has Registration Status = “Pending”, will no longer see the “Sold Out” banner on the Event landing page after clicking their AttendeeLink. Previously, the pending Attendee could see the banner, which incorrectly indicated that they could not redeem their ticket.


    New Installations Only

    The Event UI picklist now includes a new setting called "Dynamic." This option corresponds with our new Dynamic UI which will be released in June. Currently, selecting this value will default to the Tabbed UI. Once Dynamic UI is released, any existing Events using this UI will automatically update to the new look and feel. (This does not affect upgrades.)

    Front End

    • The backlink in the top banner on the Event pages will remain in the same location when users move between pages.

    Bug Fixes

    Front End

    • An Event Attendee, who is viewing an Event in a language other than English, can now see that the Events Speaker Account Name field is translated properly. This update applies to translations where an Event Admin has created a Translation record for the Speaker record’s fields. (Known Issue: 000002600)
    • Infinite scrolling has been fixed for the Maple UI Event Group page. (Known Issue: 000002666)
    • The Register button on the Event page will be hidden for Events that are only accepting waitlist registrations. Previously, both the Register button and the Join Waitlist button were visible. (Known Issue: 000002634)
    • The phone country code is now visible within the phone field during registration even if the Event Item’s Country field = “Hide”. Previously, setting Country to “Hide” would also hide the country calling code. (Known Issue: 000002702)
    • Attendees registering for an Event will now see Sessions sorted chronologically, by date and time, then alphabetically. Previously, Sessions were not logically sorted. (Known Issue: 000002177)
    • Attendees can now see changes to Big List Group values without performing a hard refresh. (Known Issue: 000002703)

    Back End

    • When an Attendee uses their AttendeeLink to complete registration for an Event and the Event Settings’ Allow Attendee Edit AttendeeLink fields field = "True", the Attendee record will be updated with the Attendee's contact information. (Known Issue: 000002515)
    • When an Attendee, who doesn’t have a corresponding Contact record, registers for a Virtual Event, the Webinar/Meeting Join URL field on their Attendee record will now populate correctly. Previously, the URL did not populate. (Known Issue: 000002684)
    • Event organizers are now restricted from overbooking Events. Previously, Attendees were prevented from registering for sold out Events while Event organizers could overbook Events using the Attendee Registration Lightning Component. (Known Issue: 000002700)

    Admin Upgrade Instructions

    To upgrade Events to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

    Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process. Since Payments is already installed, the installer will install Base Package and make sure the correct version of Payments is installed before installing Events.

    For step-by-step instructions, click here.


    From now until 05/09/23, the directions below will teach you how to test the new front-end features, enhancements, and bug fixes until they are automatically pushed to the front end.

    1. Replace the Event Page and AttendeeLink URLs,' domain, to a test domain.


      For example, when you create your Attendee, an AttendeeLink URL is generated with the "" domain like this one:

    2. Click the attendee URL so it opens in a new page. Then replace "" with "". It will look like this:

    If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.