- 06 Aug 2024
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July 2024 - Version 4.29
- Updated on 06 Aug 2024
- 13 Minutes to read
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Please review the updates below and follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Events application.
Table of Contents
- Off-Cycle Release
- BT Salesforce Release
- Webapp Release
- Field/Layout Updates
- Upgrade Instructions
- Important Definitions
Off-Cycle Release
July 29, 2024
- An Attendee can complete the checkout process and, at a later date, return to the same browser and complete the checkout process again. Previously, when an Attendee tried to complete the checkout process a second time, the checkout failed because the system retained the previously cached ERS ID instead of creating a new draft ERS. (Known Issue: 000003901 and 000003905)
July 22, 2024
- Attendees can now use their AttendeeLink to go to published and active Events and register for Events. Previously, when an Attendee used an AttendeeLink from a contactless record or the AttendeeLink was related to a non-sys admin permission set, they received the “Error: 2006 – Something was wrong. Redirecting to home in 3 seconds…” which redirected them to the Event Group webpage. (Known Issue: 000003897)
July 2, 2024
- When using an authenticated iframe with the BT Event Listing Disable Requirement to Add Myself = "True" (checked), registrants must select a Ticket for themselves. Previously, a Ticket was automatically added to the cart for the current user even though Disable Requirement to Add Myself was enabled.
- When a user registers for an Event via the authenticated iframe, the pre-fill functionality only applies to the main Ticket. Guest Tickets will no longer be pre-filled with the logged-in Attendee's information and will not have access to the Add Myself button, regardless of the BT Event Listing’s Disable Requirement to Add Myself setting. Previously, guest Tickets were automatically pre-filled with the same information as the main Ticket contact information, causing duplicate errors on the checkout page. (Known Issue: 000003760)
BT Salesforce Release
Bug Fixes
- ERS: Transaction and Invoice records will not be created if the Event Registration Submission (ERS) fails. Previously, they were created even though the ERS failed.
- Fees: The Events Payment Processing Fee field only accepts a Fee with Type = “Payment Processing.” Previously, users could select any Fee Type when creating a Fee, causing errors. If a user tries to create a Fee record with Type = “Tax” from the Event record, they will see the following error message. “You can only set a value with “Payment Processing” type.” (Known Issue: 000003687)
- Sessions: The help text for the Session Banner (Image URL) field in the Event Wizard has been updated to reflect the correct recommended image size of 810px x 250px (ratio 3:1). Previously, the recommended size was 255px x 150px. (Known Issue: 000003381)
- User Interface: If the Experience Cloud’s BT Event Listing View = “List,” the Event Group webpage will be in the List view. Previously, if the BT Event Listing View = “List” and the Event Group’s UI Experience = “Calendar,” the user interface defaulted to the calendar view. (Known Issue: 000003628)
- Event Builder: Using the Event Builder to add new Sessions after the Salesforce Summer ’24 update will add the new Sessions to the existing tab with the corresponding date. Previously, the new Sessions were added to a new tab with the same date, creating duplicate tabs.
- Recurring Events: When creating Recurring Events, the Count field will default to “12” if custom settings are created. If the Count field is blank or custom settings are not created, the logic defaults to Count = “3.” Previously, leaving the Count field blank caused an error.
- Forms: Form Submission records created from a Form with empty Form Element and/or fields will now be marked as processed. Previously, when a and/or fields were left blank, the related Form Submission record’s checkbox was not checked, causing the record to be picked up repeatedly by the FormSubmissionProcessAnswersBatch batch job.
- Emails: If a scheduled email is created with the Smart Scheduler and is scheduled to be sent upon Attendee creation, the email will be sent to the Attendee promptly after the Attendee record is created. Previously, scheduled emails created with the Smart Scheduler weren’t sent at the designated time to Attendees when Attendees registered via the Event Page URL. (Known Issue: 000003774)
- Users will no longer see errors in the Attendee section of an Event record and the Event Wizard when viewing Events with a large number of Attendees. Now, the system will load as many Attendees as possible without hitting limits and will show a message indicating that not all Attendees have been loaded yet. Previously, users saw error messages when an Event had more than 50,000 Attendees. (Known Issue: 000003564)
- Users can successfully search for and retrieve records using record IDs for Person Accounts, Contacts, and Leads from the BT Events Attendee Registration component. Previously, searching for records by record ID was unavailable, hindering users’ ability to register Attendees efficiently. (Known Issue: 000003389)
- Attendees will now see an accurate number of remaining Tickets when registering for an Event. Previously, the Capacity Threshold Limit did not include Attendees with an Event Registration Submission (ERS) Status = “Draft,” causing the number of remaining Tickets (Remaining Capacity) to be incorrect. To ensure an accurate calculation in the Remaining Capacity field, the Pending Capacityfield was added to the Event object and is now included in the calculation.
- The new formula for the Event’s Pending Capacity field is Remaining Capacity = Total Capacity - Attendee Limit Buffer - Registered - Pending Capacity.
- Field Label: Pending Capacity
- API Name: conference360__Pending_Capacity__c
- Data Type: Number
- Description: This field stores the pending capacity of Event Items. This is automatically calculated. Do not update the field manually.
- The new formula for the Event’s Pending Capacity field is Remaining Capacity = Total Capacity - Attendee Limit Buffer - Registered - Pending Capacity.
- Attendees will now see an accurate number of remaining Session spots when registering for an Event. Previously, the Session's Quantity Remaining formula did not include the Pending Capacity value, causing the number of remaining Session spots (Quantity Remaining) to be incorrect. To ensure an accurate calculation in the Quantity Remaining field, the Pending Capacityfield was added to the Session object and is now included in the calculation.
- The new formula for the Session's Quantity Remaining field is Quantity Remaining = Quantity Available - (Registered + Pending Capacity).
- Field Label: Pending Capacity
- API Name: conference360__Pending_Capacity__c
- Data Type: Number
- Description: This field is used to store the pending capacity of Sessions. This is automatically calculated. Do not update this field manually.
- The new formula for the Session's Quantity Remaining field is Quantity Remaining = Quantity Available - (Registered + Pending Capacity).
- If a Zoom meeting is set on the Session level, the meeting will respect the value in the Session’s Zoom Registration Approval Type field, ensuring Attendees can join meetings with the appropriate registration settings. Previously, Attendees joined the meeting as the host instead of under their name. (Known Issue: 000003783)
- When an Event or Session’s Zoom Registration Approval Type field is set to "Manually Approve Registration" or "Automatically Approve Registration,” Attendees/Session Attendees can click their AttendeeLink to join as participants. If the Session Attendee’s Webinar/Meeting Join URL field is blank, the webapp will use the Session’s Webinar/Meeting URL, ensuring Session Attendees have the correct access. Previously, Attendees were incorrectly added to Zoom meetings as hosts.
- Recurring Events: When using the Recurring Events feature, a new Event will be generated when there are no more Events with Status = “Active” in the Recurring Event series. Previously, when Recurrence Method = “Keep One Open,” multiple Events were generated according to the Countfield instead of creating one more active Event based on the schedule.
- To use this feature, the Blackthorn | Events Settings custom setting Recurring Event Active Event Validation must be set to “True” (checked).
- When Recurring Event Active Event Validation = “False” (unchecked), the Recurring Events feature works like before this enhancement.
- Recurring Events will also respect the Event Status instead of the Event End Date. This ensures the “Keep One Open” recurring method functions as intended.
- See Recurring Events for more information.
- Event Builder: Event Builder users can now configure and manage emails from within the Event Builder when editing existing Events. The “Emails” section was added to the left-side navigation under Attendees. Note: When the Event Builder is used to create a new Event, the “Emails” tab will be hidden. The “Emails” page includes the following components and functionality.
- Email Templates Related List
- Create new Email Templates
- See Email Templates related to the current record.
- Email Configuration
- Includes the same functionality as the Event record page component (Send Emails From, Confirmation Email, Waitlisted Email, and Waitlisted Pending Email)
- Send Email
- Send emails instantly.
- Includes the same functionality as the Event record page component (Send Emails From, Email Template, Attendee Filter, Preview Email, and Send)
- Email Templates Related List
- Sessions: The Prevent Session Overlappingcheckbox was added to the Event object to allow Admins to prevent Attendees from registering for overlapping Sessions, ensuring a better Event experience and avoiding scheduling conflicts. This update is related to the foundational development and is not functional.
- Object: Event
- Field Label: Prevent Session Overlapping
- API Name: conference360__Prevent_Session_Overlapping__c
- Data Type: Checkbox
- Help Text: If this is checked, registration for overlapping sessions is not available to an attendee.
- Default Value: False (unchecked) When checked, Attendees cannot register for overlapping Sessions.
- Caching 2.0: The Update Group Listing Cache button is located on the Event Group object. Clicking it allows users to refresh the Event Group summaries, especially when adding or deleting an Event from the Event Group. Use the Update Group Listing Cache button when adding or deleting an Event from an Event Group. The update will happen on its own over a period of up to one hour, but clicking this button forces the update immediately.
- Schedule Jobs: To simplify the setup process, the Candy Shop will now schedule the Blackthorn | Events Registration Processing (EventRegistrationBatchProcess) scheduled job by default. (This job is required for capacity management to work.)
- The Schedule Batch Event Registration Submission Job button's name and description have been updated to clarify its purpose.
- New Button Label: Schedule Batch Job for Event Registrations
- New Text: “Schedules the batch job that processes all new event registrations in the queue (Event Registration Submission records in “To Process” status). This job is scheduled every minute and processes new registrations in bulk.”
- The Schedule Batch Event Registration Submission Job button's name and description have been updated to clarify its purpose.
- Deprecated Field: The Process Event Registration in Batches field on the Blackthorn | Events Settings custom setting has been deprecated and removed from any default page layouts.
Webapp Release
Bug Fixes
- iframes: To improve accessibility for users relying on screen readers, the iframe element for the embedded calendar now includes a title attribute such as title = "Events Calendar" or aria-label = "Events Calendar." Previously, the iframe element was missing a title attribute. (Known Issue: 000003551)
- Attendees: Attendees with an assigned Event Group can now access a Post Event Questions URL after the Event is completed and unpublished. Previously, the Post Event Questions URL did not work correctly, causing Error: 2006 and Error: 2004. (Known Issue: 000003508)
- Zoom/Webinars:When Attendees join a Session’s Zoom meeting, Zoom will add them as participants instead of hosts, providing the correct access level and preventing unauthorized host permissions. Previously, Zoom added Attendees as hosts instead of participants when they joined via their AttendeeLink. The updated logic works as follows.
- When an Attendee clicks JOIN VIDEO STREAM, and the Session Attendee’s Webinar/Meeting Join URL (conference360__Webinar_Join_URL__c) field contains a URL, the Attendee will be taken to that link.
- When an Attendee clicks JOIN VIDEO STREAM, and the Session Attendee’s Webinar/Meeting Join URL field is empty, the Attendee will be redirected to the link in the Session’s Webinar/Meeting URL (conference360__Webinar_URL__c) field. This ensures Attendees receive the correct participant access when joining the meeting.
- Caching 2.0: When using Cache 2.0, Attendees can access their AttendeeLink when an Event's Status is set to any status. Previously, AttendeeLinks could only be accessed when an Event’s Status was “Active” or “Draft,” resulting in errors when an Attendee tried to access their AttendeeLink and the Event’s Status = “Completed.”
- Sessions:Each register and unregister action related to an Event results in an API call, causing API spikes. The following actions will now be processed in bulk to decrease API usage.
- Attendees can register and unregister for multiple Sessions at one time.
- Attendees cannot register for sold-out Sessions, including waitlisted Sessions.
- Session Attendees with Lock Registration Status = “Yes” (enabled) cannot register for the same Session.
- Attendees will see a “Waitlist Only” banner next to a Session if the Session is waitlisted.
- If a Session Attendee’s Registration Status is “Rejected” or “Waitlisted – Rejected,” they will see a “Not Available” banner next to the Session.
- If a Session Attendee’s Registration Status is “Awaiting Approval,” they will see a “Pending” banner next to the Session.
- If an Attendee sees a Session that happened in the past in their AttendeeLink, they will see a “Sales Ended” banner next to the Session.
- If a Session is paid, Attendees will see a “Contact Us” banner next to the Session with the message “This session is paid. Please contact the organizer if you wish to attend” if space is available.
- Attendees can click the Cancel Registration button on their AttendeeLink to cancel multiple Session registrations simultaneously.
- The standalone Session registration page will be rendered or iframed correctly.
Event Registration Submission
- A draft Event Registration Submission (ERS) record will not be created when an Attendee tries to check out with only waitlisted Event Item(s), allowing waitlisted Attendees to register successfully for an Event once space becomes available. Previously, Attendees received the following error when trying to register for the Event. “Warning: Registration failed; please try again later.” (Known Issue: 000003771)
- When an Attendee uses Stripe Checkout to check out, one completed Event Registration System (ERS) record and one Attendee record will be created. Previously, duplicate draft ERS records were intermittently created, and Attendee records connected to paid registrations weren’t always created. Both issues caused duplicate and missing data. (Known Issue: 000003509)
User Interface
- Users who view an Event Group in the Calendar UI will see all an Event’s keywords. Previously, the keywords in the Event tiles were cut off when viewing an Event Group in List view and then switching to Calendar view. (Known Issue: 000003496)
- If an Event has UI Experience = “Dynamic,” the Event Item’s Public Item Name will now appear on the Guest Details page in the capitalization format set in Salesforce. Previously, the capitalization of the Public Item Name was incorrectly changed on the Guest Details page. (Known Issue: 000003521 and 000003378)
- The following updates were made to improve accessibility when using the Dynamic UI.
- Users can access all header links via the keyboard and focus on the corresponding section when selected.
- The header and footer elements were moved out of the main section.
- Screen readers will no longer read aria-labels attributes if the date and time are not specified.
- Screen readers will correctly identify headers like Speakers, Tickets, and Sessions as headers instead of simple text.
Field/Layout Updates
New Fields
- Object: Event
- Field Label: Pending Capacity
- API Name: conference360__Pending_Capacity__c
- Data Type: Number
- Description: This field stores the pending capacity of Event Items. This is automatically calculated. Do not update the field manually.
- Field Label: Prevent Session Overlapping
- API Name: conference360__Prevent_Session_Overlapping__c
- Data Type: Checkbox
- Help Text: If this is checked, registration for overlapping sessions is not available to an attendee.
- Default Value: False (unchecked) When checked, Attendees cannot register for overlapping Sessions.
- Field Label: Pending Capacity
- Object: Session
- Field Label: Pending Capacity
- API Name: conference360__Pending_Capacity__c
- Data Type: Number
- Description: This field is used to store the pending capacity of Sessions. This is automatically calculated. Do not update this field manually.
- Field Label: Pending Capacity
Old Field
- The Process Event Registration in Batches field on the Blackthorn | Events Settings custom setting has been deprecated and removed from any default page layouts.
Layout Update
- The Schedule Batch Event Registration Submission Jobbutton's name and description have been updated to clarify its purpose.
- New Button Label: Schedule Batch Job for Event Registrations
- New Text: “Schedules the batch job that processes all new event registrations in the queue (Event Registration Submission records in “To Process” status). This job is scheduled every minute and processes new registrations in bulk.”
Upgrade Instructions
Go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop to upgrade Events to the newest version.
Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process. The installer will confirm that the correct Base Package and Payments versions are installed before upgrading Events.
For step-by-step instructions, click here.
Important Definitions
Breaking Change
A breaking change is a significant change that requires a package upgrade to see the update.
Off-Cycle or Hotfix Release
A hotfix is a release that corrects a problem that impacted extensive functionality.
BT Salesforce Release
The following applies to a Salesforce release.
- Salesforce fixes REQUIRE a package upgrade to see and utilize the fixes/enhancements.
- Only users with a System Administrator profile or the ModifyAllData system permission can install packages.
Webapp Release
The following applies to a Webapp Release (previously referred to as a platform release).
- Webapp fixes/changes usually do not require updates to the Salesforce package.
- These updates automatically apply to all customers; you cannot opt-out.
If you have any questions or need help with testing, please contact Blackthorn Support.