January 2024 - Version 4.17
  • 21 Feb 2024
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January 2024 - Version 4.17

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Article summary

Once the updates listed below have been reviewed, please follow the upgrade instructions to upgrade your Events application.

Form Mapping Known Issue
There is a known issue related to Blackthorn Events’ Form Submissions. If you rely heavily on Forms or mapping Form answers to fields, you should wait until the issue is resolved.

Off-Cycle Release

Events Version 4.14.1 and Base Version 1.23

If the Smart Scheduler is enabled in an org that also has Events, Attendees can successfully register for the Event Items and Sessions related to those Events. Previously, users received the following apex error via email. (Known Issue: 000003115)

  • “Apex script unhandled trigger exception by user/organization: BT_SCH_conference360Session_Trigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.AsyncException: Database.executeBatch cannot be called from a batch start, batch execute, or future method. (bt_base) Trigger.BT_SCH_conference360Session_Trigger: line 5, column 1”

BT Salesforce Release

Bug Fixes

  • Users can successfully add/remove entries to/from a Data Dictionary that is related to more than 1000+ Events. Previously, the addition or removal of an entry was not saved. (Known Issue: 000003007)
  • The Capacity (conference360__Session_Capacity__c) field on the Session object was deprecated. Users should enter a value in the Quantity Available field to indicate the total number of spots available for a Session. The Session's Quantity Remaining field will show the Quantity Available minus the number of Sessions purchased. (Known Issue: 000003088)
  • Standard users with a non-system admin profile and Events and Payments’ Admin permission sets can now use the Event Builder to create an Event. Previously, those users received the following errors when trying to use the Event Builder: “Malformed JSON: Expected ‘” and “Insufficient permissions: secure query included inaccessible field” (Known Issue: 000003109)
  • Users can now clone an Event with FAQs when using the Event Builder. Previously, users received the following error. “Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: conference360__Key__c duplicates value on record with id”. (Known Issue: 000003124)
  • When Form Element responses are longer than the character limit for the mapped field, the responses will be recorded in Form submission records even though the data will not be written to the mapped field. Previously, the data was not written to the mapped field, and the response was not recorded in the Form submission record. (Known Issue: 000003132)
  • Confirmation emails sent using confirmation email templates (SendGrid) will now include the correct information in the Event merge fields. Previously, the confirmation email didn’t pull information from the Event record and populate the merge fields. (Known Issue: 000003072)


  • A new field, called Visibility Rule, was added to the Event, Event Item, and Session objects. The Visibility Rule field is a look-up field to the BT Rule object. (This field is not yet functional. It is related to the foundational development of the Advance Visibility feature.)
    • Location: Event object
      • Field Label: Visibility Rule
      • API Name: conference360__Visibility_Rule__c
      • Description: Dictates whether the Attendee can view this Event.
    • Location: Event Item object
      • Field Label: Visibility Rule
      • API Name: conference360__Visibility_Rule__c
      • Description: Dictates whether the Attendee can view this Event Item.
    • Location: Session object
      • Field Label: Visibility Rule
      • API Name: conference360__Visibility_Rule__c
      • Description: Dictates whether the Attendee can view this Session.
  • In anticipation of updates to BT Forms, the following lookup fields were added to the Event Item and Event objects. These fields are not operational or belong to a permission set yet. The fields will relate to the BT Form object when they are live. Users will receive significant advance notice for major updates to the functionality.
    • Event Item
      • Field Label: Form (Pre-Registration)
      • Field Name: conference360__BT_Form_Pre_Registration__c
      • Data Type: Lookup(BT Form)
    • Event
      • Field Label: Form (Pre-Registration)
        • Field Name: conference360__BT_Form_Pre_Registration__c
        • Data Type: Lookup(BT Form)
      • Field Label: Form (Post-Registration)
        • Field Name: conference360__BT_Form_Post_Registration__c
        • Data Type: Lookup(BT Form)

Webapp Release

Bug Fixes

  • If an Event has a related Data Dictionary Group that includes AttendeeLink labels, then the labels will show the text added in the Data Dictionary Group when an Attendee uses their AttendeeLink. Previously, the labels reverted to the default text when an Attendee used their AttendeeLink. (Known Issue: 000003119)
  • Attendees can use their AttendeeLink to register for an Event with a webinar and to ccess the webinar later. Previously, when registered Attendees clicked their AttendeeLink, they would randomly be taken to the invited page rather than the registered Attendee page. (Known Issue: 000003062)


  • Event organizers from Australia and New Zealand can collect standardized state data from Attendees during registration via a picklist. The related state/territory values will now appear when a country is selected. Previously, Event organizers collected state information via a text field, and the values sometimes prevented Leads or Contacts from being created for organizations that use state picklists. (Known Issue: 000002969)

Field/Layout Updates


Object: Event

  • Field Label: Visibility Rule
    • API Name: conference360__Visibility_Rule__c
    • Description: Dictates whether the Attendee can view this Event.
  • Field Label: Form (Pre-Registration)
    • Field Name: conference360__BT_Form_Pre_Registration__c
    • Data Type: Lookup(BT Form)
  • Field Label: Form (Post-Registration)
    • Field Name: conference360__BT_Form_Post_Registration__c
    • Data Type: Lookup(BT Form)

Object: Event Item

  • Field Label: Visibility Rule
    • API Name: conference360__Visibility_Rule__c
    • Description: Dictates whether the Attendee can view this Event Item.
  • Field Label: Form (Pre-Registration)
    • Field Name: conference360__BT_Form_Pre_Registration__c
    • Data Type: Lookup(BT Form)

Object: Session

  • Field Label: Visibility Rule
    • API Name: conference360__Visibility_Rule__c
    • Description: Dictates whether the Attendee can view this Session.

Old Fields

  • Object: Session
    • Field Label: Capacity
      • API Name: conference360__Session_Capacity__c

Admin Upgrade Instructions

Go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop to upgrade Events to the newest version.

Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process. The installer will confirm that the correct Base Package and Payments versions are installed before upgrading Events.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.