Installation Instructions
  • 26 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Installation Instructions

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Article summary

If you are using the Candy Shop for the first time, please review the instructions below. This example follows a user installing Events, but the steps are the same for Payments, Compliance, and Messaging.

Are you a Government Cloud user?

If you are a Government Cloud user setting up Events or PayLink for the first time or creating a new Sandbox, please contact Blackthorn Support before starting the process.

If you are installing Events for the first time, the installer will automatically install the Base Package first, then Payments, and lastly Events. If either Base Package or Payments are already installed, the installer will ensure the correct versions are installed or upgraded before installing Events.

1. Go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

2. Click Blackthorn Events.

Events Install new icons

3. Click Install Blackthorn Events - Click Here for Details.

Events Click here for Details New image

4. Click Log In to Install

5. Select Sandbox or Production or Developer Org (we recommend starting with Sandbox, but you can start directly in Production).

6. Log into your Salesforce org.

7. Click Allow.

Allow Access

8. Click Install.

9. Agree to the Product Terms of Use and Licenses.

10. As each step is completed, a green checkmark will appear in the Install column. You’ll also receive an email to confirm the successful installation. 

Successful Install new image

11. Click View Org to go to your Salesforce Org.