Event Items
  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Event Items

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Article summary

Breaking Change

To use a custom Event Item, users need to create a new, unique custom picklist value in the Type field on the Event Item. A custom Event Item behaves like an Event Item with Type = "Main event ticket". This will resolve the “ticket type is not supported for registration” error.

The Event Item Type = "Other" should only be used for Products.

The Event Items section of the Event Wizard allows users to add different types of Event Items to an Event. There are three primary types of Event Items that can be added to an Event:

  • Tickets: "Main event ticket" and "Guest" ticket
  • Donations
  • Products

Event Wizard Event Item home page


How many Tickets can an Attendee purchase at one time?
The Maximum Quantity or number of Tickets purchased at one time cannot be larger than 10. Please contact Blackthorn Support if you would like to increase the number to 25.

The Tickets page is where you can define any tickets to be added to your Event. This is where an Attendee can choose the ticket they want to register for. Complete the steps below to add one or more tickets to your Event.

  1. Click New next to Tickets.

Event Wizard Event Item home page new ticket

  1. In the New Ticket window, add the following information.

Event Wizard Event Item New Ticket

  • Enter a Public Item Name (required).
  • Enter a Description.
  • Is the ticket free or paid? If the ticket is paid, enter the amount in the Price field. If the ticket is free, check Free.
  • Select a Type. Each Event must have at least one "Main event ticket".
  • Select a previously created Form or create a new one. Click here for more information about creating Forms and Form Elements.
  • Enter the Quantity Available. If the field is left blank, the Quantity Available will say “999,999”.
  • To set a minimum or a maximum number of Event Items allowed per order, enter the amounts in the Maximum Quantity and/or Minimum Quantity fields. More information is available here.
  • Check the Waitlist Enabled checkbox to enable waitlisting and enter an amount in the Waitlist Capacity field, if using. For more information about waitlisting, click here.
  • Add Session(s) to a ticket. One or more free or paid Session can be added to a ticket via the Event Wizard. Select an existing Session to add to the ticket from the Add Sessions lookup field OR click Add All Sessions to add all existing Sessions to the ticket in bulk. Once the Session is related to the Event Item, it will be known as the Event Item Session.

Add Sessions

NOTE: Each Session can only be added to each ticket once. However, once a Session has been added, you can duplicate that Session from the “Sessions Table”.

Sessions Table

  1. Click Save & Close.

Important Notes

Quantity Remaining Visibility
An Event Item’s Quantity Remaining will appear on the registration page only when there are 10 or fewer Event Items available.
  • The default sort order for the added Sessions is alphabetical. Session can also be sorted by Start Date.
  • Session fields can be modified in-line or on the "Sessions Table."

  • Add or remove Session fields by completing the following steps.

    1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Object Manager.
    2. Search for and click on the Event Item Session object.
    3. Click "Field Sets."
    4. Click on "Blackthorn | Events Wizard Event Item Session Fields."
    5. Drag and drop fields into the list. To make a field required, hover over the field listed "In the Field Set" and click the wrench.
    6. Click Save.
  • Sessions will not be displayed during registration when the Event’s UI Experience = "Full-Width", and there is only one free Event Item with Sessions.

  • Add Custom Fields to the "Ticket" page layout by completing the following steps:

    • Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Object Manager.
    • Search for and click on the Event Item object.
    • Click "Field Sets."
    • Click on "Blackthorn | Events Wizard Ticket Fields."
    • Drag and drop a field into the list. To make the field required, hover over the field listed "In the Field Set" and click the wrench.
    • Click Save.
  • Add the Sort Order field to the Event Item page layout to be able to re-organize the order of the Event Items on the registration page. Then, select the order for each Event Item.  
  • If you only want Attendees to see Sessions on their AttendeeLink and not on the Event registration page, complete the following steps. 
    • Relate a Session to an Event Item, creating an Event Item Session.  
    • Update the Event Settings tab visibility setting for Sessions to “Post Registration.”


Users can now add a Donation, a new type of Event Item, to an Event via the Event Wizard.

If an Event includes a free Event Item (Ticket) and a Donation Event Item, a Payment Gateway is required in order to publish the Event.

As with Guest tickets, a Type = "Main event ticket" must be included in the Event Item in order to publish an Event with a Donation Event Item.

  1. Click New next to Donations.

Event Wizard Event Item home page new donation

  1. In the New Donation window, add the following information.

Event Wizard New Event Item Donations

  • Title (required)
  • Description
  • Add Image
  • Custom Questions
  • Set Amounts
  1. Click Save.


Users can now add Product, a new type of Event Item, to an Event via the Event Wizard.

As with Guest tickets, a Type = "Main event ticket" must be included in the Event Item in order to publish an Event with a Product Event Item.

  1. Click New next to Products.

Event Wizard Event Item home page new product

  1. In the New Product window, add the following information.

Event Wizard Event Item New Product

  • Product Name (required)
  • Description
  • Add Image
  • Set Price
  1. Click Save.

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