Upgrade the Blackthorn Base, Payments, and Events Apps
  • 30 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Upgrade the Blackthorn Base, Payments, and Events Apps

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Article summary

Are you creating a new sandbox?

A new API Key and Account Number are required each time a new sandbox is created, and Smart Scheduler is being used. If new credentials are not obtained, the original API Key and Account Number will be copied from Production, breaking the Production org. 

Refreshed sandboxes with configured credentials from Support will work as expected. 

Known Limitation: If a new sandbox is created, BUT Smart Scheduler isn’t being used, a new API Key and Account Number are still needed. If new credentials are not obtained, production emails won’t be sent because two orgs have the same API Key and Account Number.

The Smart Scheduler, which is now located in the Blackthorn Base Package, was added to the Blackthorn Candy Shop. Messaging customers can now use Smart Scheduler without downloading the Events or Catalog apps.

Which Blackthorn Apps Do You Use?

The Smart Scheduler component can be used with our Events app, Messaging app, or both! If you only use Events, ignore the steps about updating Messaging and its permissions.

If you want to learn more about our Messaging app, please get in touch with your account manager!

Before installing and setting up the Smart Scheduler component, the Blackthorn Base Package, Payments, and Events apps must be upgraded to their most recent versions. Since upgrading the Events app triggers the Payments app and Base Package to upgrade, you do not need to upgrade each one separately.

  1. Go to the Candy Shop.  
  2. Click Blackthorn Events
  3. Click Product Upgrade.
  4. Click Login to Install.
  5. Select “Production or Developer Org” or “Sandbox or Scratch Org.”
  6. Complete the login process.
  7. Click Install.
  8. Review the Product Terms of Use and Licenses.
  9. Check the “I confirm I have read and agree to these product terms of use and licenses” checkbox.
  10. Click Confirm.

After completing the upgrade, you will receive three emails confirming that Blackthorn Base Package, Events, and Payments have been installed.