December 2022 - Version 3.84
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December 2022 - Version 3.84

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Article summary

If you have any questions about the release note, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.

REQUIRED: The Candy Shop link must be used to upgrade the December release for Events.

The Candy Shop is open! This is your one-stop shop for installs and upgrades. To visit the Blackthorn Candy Shop page, go here.

Breaking Changes and/or Critical Updates

Breaking Change

To use a custom Event Item, users need to create a new, unique custom picklist value in the Ticket Type field on the Event Item. A custom Event Item (ticket) behaves like an Event Item with Ticket Type = "Main event ticket". This will resolve the “ticket type is not supported for registration” error.

The Event Item Ticket Type = "Other" should only be used for Products.

Do Not Delete

Blackthorn | Events Subscriber Dock, a new, internal Scheduled Job, was added to the Events app. Please do NOT delete this Scheduled Job from your org.

Off-Cycle Release

Version 3.84

December 21, 2022

  • Attendees will be able to successfully complete the checkout process for a paid Event when using a TouchNet Payment Gateway. The related Transaction and Attendee records will also be created.

Version 3.78

October 11, 2022

  • Discount Codes will now be applied correctly to Events/Event Items during checkout.


Front End

  • The Translation Form Element Default Value will be applied to an Event’s Form Elements when the Translation object exists for a specific language.
  • The Send Email button will be added automatically to the Event page layout for new customer installations. Existing customers need to update their Event page layout manually.
  • The query for big list groups will no longer fetch all big list groups within an org in a single query. Each big list group will be updated independently, improving the user experience.

Back End

  • The help text for the Event Settings’ Font field has been updated to “Changes the font throughout the Event overview and checkout. Select the name of the font that will be used. Use the list of fonts at How To Google Fonts or any list of supported web fonts.”

Bug Fixes

Front End

  • Forms on an Event Item will render correctly whether or not an Attendee is registered for an Event or is waitlisted.
  • Attendees can now complete the registration process for an iframed Event with Sessions on a Visualforce page.
  • After upgrading the Events package to a new version, an Attendee’s payment will be processed correctly and the Event checkout process will be completed.
  • The Blackthorn Base package publisher name on the installed package in Salesforce Setup has been changed from Blackthorn to
  • Improvements to response times have been made to ensure an Attendee can access the Virtual Event via Attendeelink.
  • If an Attendee places an Event Item into their cart while registering for an Event and a Salesforce user updates the Price of the Event Item, the Event Item’s price in the Attendee’s cart will update automatically.
  • When an Event offers a single Event Item with the Visibility Control field set and a guest user views the Event on a mobile device, the GET TICKETS button will not be visible.
  • An Event that is part of an Event Group will no longer be visible on the Event Group page after the Event is unpublished.


  • Static Translations will work correctly on all fields in an Event’s FAQ section.
  • The Event Session Display Name on the Translation record will now be translated into the chosen language when viewing the Event and during the checkout process.
  • When using Translations, the Track Name associated with a Session’s Track will be translated correctly after selecting the option in the “Filter by” picklist.

Back End

  • The following Events’ fields are now available in the Events’ Deep Clone Layout fieldset.
    • Automated Email From Address (API Name: conference360_Automated_Email_From_Address__c)
    • Confirmation Email (API Name: conference360_Confirmation_Email__c)
  • Updated Blackthorn_Events_Wizard_Session_Fields field set to remove duplicate date/time fields.
  • If a new domain is added under the Allowlist Domains tab and the “Third Party Domain” option is a checkbox, the field will remain a checkbox even when updated.
  • The Webinar/Meeting URL field on the Event record and the Webinar/Meeting URL field on the Session record will populate correctly after an Event with Session(s) is added via the Event Wizard.
  • Accessing an Attendee’s Event Page URL link will not produce a 2006 error for published and authorized Events.
  • The amount in the Registered field in an Event’s Attendance Summaries will be updated to reflect the number of registered Attendees after a new Attendee registers for an Event.

Attendee Checkout

  • The Remaining Capacity and Registered fields on an Event and the Event’s Event Item will update accordingly after Attendees are registered for the Event.
  • The Company field on a Lead record will be populated with the company name that is entered in the Company field on the Attendee Checkout Form during the registration process.
  • After an Attendee completes the checkout process for an Event with a Donation, a new Opportunity record will be created with Stage = “Closed Won”.
  • Error messages that are triggered during the registration process will be displayed in the same location whether or not the Event is being viewed in an iFrame.
  • When using a trial org, the roll-up fields in a Session will be updated after registering an Attendee for an Event with at least one Session.
  • If an Attendee completes the checkout process without entering information in the Company field, the related Account record will use the Attendee’s First Name and Last Name as the Account’s Account Name.
  • If a Post Event Question record is removed from an Event, the Post Event Questions Key and Post Event Questions URL fields on the Attendee record will be blank when the Attendee registers for the Event.

Attendee Registration Component

  • Events that are in progress will be displayed when using the Attendee Lightning Registration Component on a Contact record to search for them.
  • The following navigation has been updated on the Attendee Registration component. If a user selects the wrong Event, they will now be able to navigate back a step by using one of the two following methods.
    • clicking the “X” button at the right side of the Event name to remove the selected Event from the search bar
    • using the navigation or “step bars” at the top of the component to go back a step
  • When a user registers an Attendee via the Attendee Registration Component, they will now be able to select multiple values from the multi-select picklist and click the Summary button to move to the next step in the registration process.


  • If a user has access to the Blackthorn Events app, they can use the Clone button on an Event record to clone that Event instead of seeing a white screen after clicking the Clone button.
  • Cloning an Event with the Event Start Time and the Event End Time fields set to “12:00 AM” will now result in a cloned Event with the start and end times populated correctly.
  • Session records will be created when an Event is created from a Recurring Event.

Custom Settings / Rules

  • Duplicate Attendee records created via the Event Wizard cannot be blocked at the package level via the BT Event Attendee Duplicate Rule. To stop duplicate Attendee records from being automatically created, users need to perform one of the following tasks.
    • To prevent duplicate Attendee records from being inserted, users can set One Unique Attendee Email Per Event = “True” on the Event Settings. Users will receive an error message indicating the problem.
    • Update the BT Event Attendee Duplicate Rule to block duplicate Attendee records from being created via the Event Wizard. This logic will ONLY be applied to the Event Wizard logic in their org.
  • To prevent multiple cache requests from being sent in a short amount of time after an Event has been modified, a new custom setting was created.
    • Apex Job Name: NotifyPlatformToRefreshCacheBatch
    • To enable the new cache batch updates, perform the following steps.
    • Go to the Scheduled Jobs section on the Blackthorn Events | Admin page.
    • Click the Schedule Event Cache Refresh Job button.
    • Set the frequency for the job to occur. The default frequency is 15 minutes.
    • To disable the job, go to the Scheduled Jobs section on the Blackthorn Events | Admin page.

Event Wizard

  • Decimals can no longer be used when creating Donations in the Event Wizard.
  • Logic connecting the Event Wizard and Enhanced Domains has been updated to ensure that an Event’s banner/image uploaded via the Event Wizard will display correctly.
    LIMITATION: Users working in a scratch org with Enhanced Domains turned on may experience issues.
  • When using the Event Wizard, the list of Sessions associated with the Event Item is now visible.


  • On an Event Item’s Form Element, if Type = “Hidden” and Default Value = “True”, the hidden field will map correctly to the selected Map To (field) on the selected Map To (Object).
  • The following fields were added to the Form object to allow users to add a pixel that pulls in external search results.
    • Form Pixel Content (conference360_Form_Pixel_Content_c)
    • Form Pixel URL (conference360_Form_Pixel_URL_c)
  • When an Attendee registers for an Event with a Form with Type = “Post-Registration” and a Form Element with Type = “Date”, the date will be displayed correctly on the Form Submission Answer.
  • Related fields on an Attendee record will be populated automatically when a Form is mapped to fields on an Attendee record and the Form contains Form Element Conditions.


  • The Related List label “Sales Document” has been updated to “Invoice” on the following objects.
    • Event
    • Lead
  • After submitting a payment through DocumentLink, the Payment Status and the Customer fields on the Invoice will be successfully updated.
  • Users can now remove the information in the Account (Bill To) look-up field from the Invoice record without causing the information in the Contact (Bill To) field to be removed too.

Permission Sets

  • To ensure users with the Blackthorn | Events (Read Only) permission set can see Event components, the following Attendee fields were added to the Blackthorn | Events (Read Only) permission set.
    • Field Label: Donated (Field Name: conference360_Donated__c)
    • Field Label: Purchased Products (Field Name: conference360_Purchased_Products__c)

Schedule Jobs

  • To prevent the “Attempt to de-reference a null object” error after running the Apex Job: AttendeeAddToWebinarBatch, users need to reschedule the Scheduled Job after the newest package is installed.
  • The Event Registration Submission job will not be scheduled automatically in a sandbox after production is refreshed. Event Registration Submission (ERS) records will not process until this is resolved. To solve this, click the Schedule Batch Event Registration Submission Job button.


  • A new field, Events Event Content Name (conference360__Events_Event_Content_Name__c), has been added to the Translation object. The new field has been added to the permission sets as follows:
    • Admin: Read/Write
    • Organizer: Read/Write
    • Limited: Read Only
    • Read Only: Read Only
  • The translation of an Event with a Custom Content record will now work correctly on the Event page.

Field/Layout Updates


  • The following fields were added to the Form object to allow users to add a pixel that pulls in external search results.
    • Form Pixel Content (conference360_Form_Pixel_Content_c)
    • Form Pixel URL (conference360_Form_Pixel_URL_c)
  • The Send Email button will be added automatically to the Event page layout for new customer installations. Existing customers need to update their Event page layout manually.
  • The following Events’ fields are now available in the Events’ Deep Clone Layout fieldset.
    • Automated Email From Address (API Name: conference360_Automated_Email_From_Address__c)
    • Confirmation Email (API Name: conference360_Confirmation_Email__c)
  • A new field, Events Event Content Name (conference360__Events_Event_Content_Name__c), has been added to the Translation object. The new field has been added to the permission sets as follows:
    • Admin: Read/Write
    • Organizer: Read/Write
    • Limited: Read Only
    • Read Only: Read Only

Mobile Check-in App


  • The Mobile Check-In app does not limit the number of visible Attendees and/or Session Attendees.
  • The Mobile Check-in app has a new Settings page with the new Offline Mode setting.
    • If the Offline Mode setting is set to “ON”, the check-in and check-out requests are stored in a queue until the Offline Mode setting is changed to “OFF” when all queued requests are processed.
    • If the Offline Mode setting is set to “OFF”, the check-in/check-out requests process immediately, and each Attendee’s Attendance Status is changed to "Attended". Additional requests are added to the queue until no new requests have come in for one minute when the processing starts again.
    • The default setting for this feature is “OFF”.

Admin Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade Events to the newest version, go to the Blackthorn Candy Shop.

Blackthorn has adopted Salesforce’s managed package installer to simplify the installation process.

Since Payments is already installed, the installer will install Base Package and make sure the correct version of Payments is installed before installing Events.

For step-by-step instructions, click here.


From now until 12/13/22, the directions below will teach you how to test the new front-end features, enhancements, and bug fixes until they are automatically pushed to the front end.

To Do

You will need to replace the Event Page and AttendeeLink URLs,' domain, to a test domain.


For example, when you create your attendee, an AttendeeLink URL is generated with the "" domain like this one:

You'll then click on the attendee URL so it opens up in a new page. Remove "" and replace it with "" so it looks like this:

If you have any questions about this or need help with testing, please don't hesitate to reach out to Blackthorn Support.