BT Rule Condition Fields
  • 18 Sep 2024
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BT Rule Condition Fields

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Article summary

The BT Rule Condition (bt_base__Rule_Condition__c) object is located in the Base package and is an individual condition within a larger parent rule (BT Rule object) that may combine multiple conditions. BT Rule Conditions only reference Contact data.

Field LabelAPI NameData TypeDecription
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(User)The user who created this record.
Fieldbt_base__Field__cText(255)The field referenced in the condition. Includes functions such as greater than, less than, equal to, contains, does not contain, etc.
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)The user who last modified this record.
Operatorbt_base__Operator__cpicklistThe function that connects the field to the value. Functions may include “Equals” or “Contains”.
Orderbt_base__Order__cNumber(18,0)Number that specifies the sequence in which rule conditions are evaluated.
OwnerOwnerIdLookup(User,Group)The user to which a record is assigned.
Rulebt_base__Rule_Lookup__cLookupRule conditions belong to a single parent rule, which dictates the website visitor’s visibility of and access to events, event items, sessions, products, and more.
Rule Lookupbt_base__Rule_Lookup__cLookup(BT Rule)The parent record (BT Rule) may be related to multiple BT Rule Conditions. Rules dictate a visitor’s visibility of and access to Events, Event Items, Sessions, Products, and more.
Rule Condition NameNameAuto NumberThe number that is automatically assigned to the BT Rule Condition record.
Valuebt_base__Value__cText(255)The data value will be compared to the Contact data. In the example above, the value would be “Student”.