BT Rule Fields
  • 18 Sep 2024
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BT Rule Fields

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Article summary

The BT Rule (bt_base__Rule__c) object was added to the Base package and can be added as a tab. The BT Rule object is also a container for the BT Rule Conditions and dictates the logic used to combine them.

Field LabelAPI NameData TypeDescription
Activebt_base__Active__cCheckboxOnly active rules can be added to other records. Inactive rules will not be evaluated by Blackthorn automation.
Condition Typebt_base__Condition_Type__cPicklistSelect “AND,” “OR,” or “Custom.”
Created ByCreatedByIdLookup(User)The user who created this record.
Custom Filter Logicbt_base__Custom_Filter_Logic__cText(255)If a user designates custom logic to combine conditions (instead of AND or OR for all conditions), this field will store the custom logic. For example, “Condition A OR (Condition B and Condition C)”
Descriptionbt_base__Description__cLong Text Area(32768)Helps event organizers understand the intent and context of the rule.
Extend Eligibility to Accountbt_base__Extend_Eligibility_To_Account__cCheckboxIndicates whether the contact is eligible to register for the item based on eligibility within the bucket account of this contact. If one of the contacts is evaluated as eligible, all contacts within the account are eligible. The default value is false (unchecked).
Extend Visibility to Accountbt_base__Extend_Visibility_To_Account__cCheckboxWhen checked, visibility will be extended from one contact who meets the rule criteria to all contacts within the account. When a contact meets the criteria, all contacts in the account gain access.
Last Modified ByLastModifiedByIdLookup(User)The user who last modified this record.
Last Update Datebt_base__Last_Updatet_Date__cDate/TimeThe date and time this record was last updated.
OwnerOwnerIdLookup(User)The user to which a record is assigned.
Processbt_base__Process__cCheckboxWhen this box is checked, the record will be processed using the Advanced Visibility logic. The box will be automatically unchecked after being checked.
Rule NameNameText(80)A name that helps users understand the intent and context of the rule.

NOTE: The Extend Contact Visibility to Account (bt_base__Extend_Contact_Visibility_To_Account__c) and Visibility Options (Deprecated) (bt_base__Visibility_Options__c) fields were deprecated.